Friends stay after a kiss

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Friends - Ross reacts to Rachel and Joey Kiss. | Friends Rewind |
Video: Friends - Ross reacts to Rachel and Joey Kiss. | Friends Rewind |


Sometimes things happen between friends that go beyond the boundaries of mere friendship. A common occurrence between friends is a kiss. Kisses are normal when people have intimate feelings for each other or are simply excited and in the mood for physical contact. Sometimes kissing can happen because for some reason we are emotional and just respond to our feelings without thinking. Regardless of the reason, many people just want to stay friends after a kiss. Fortunately, with clear communication and some effort, you and your boyfriend will be able to remain friends after a kiss.

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Part 1 of 3: Interacting after the kiss

  1. Take a break if you think you need it. For many people, it can be helpful to distance themselves a little from the friend they kissed. A little distance between you and the other can give you the strength and perspective to continue the friendship.
    • Take a break for a month or so if you think you need a period of time to "cool down".
    • If you want to take a break, make sure to let your friend know. Don't just get out of the picture, because that could hurt your friendship. Say something like, "I feel quite confused after we kiss, and I need some time. I still want to be your friend, but it would be good for me if we take a break this month. "
    • If you want to keep seeing the friend, don't be alone.
    • Consider avoiding certain activities with your friend for a while, such as drinks or other activities that may have eased your inhibitions.
  2. Talk about it. The first thing to do after the kiss is to talk about it. Talking about what happened is the first step to keeping your friendship going. Ultimately, you will have to agree in the conversation on how to deal with it and how to proceed.
    • Share your feelings about what happened. Say something like, "I think we should really talk about what happened."
    • Discuss your concerns about what it means for your friendship. Say something like, "I'm afraid the kiss will hurt our friendship."
    • Let each other know if you have deep and genuine feelings that go beyond friendship. If that is true for one of you, it is better to know how the other is feeling. In this way, you can remain friends with knowledge of how the other person is feeling.
  3. Come to an agreement. After you talk about the kiss, you both need to agree on how you want to deal with it and how you want to move on. By agreements, you both know how to behave.
    • You should try to agree on how you want to proceed as friends.
    • Try to agree on how you two handle the kiss, as far as talking about it with other friends.
    • Try to agree on how you want to keep the relationship going.
    • Try to establish boundaries, such as no kissing more or less physical contact.
  4. Keep communicating. While your initial conversation may have resolved many issues and set the tone for a lasting friendship, one or both of you may still be confused about your relationship. At the same time, there may still be feelings for the other person. Therefore, it is essential to keep communicating to avoid confusion.
  5. Stay open and honest about your feelings. Say something like, "I think we should be completely open about how we feel about the kiss and about each other."
    • If the friend wants to talk to you, encourage him or her to do so.
    • If it works for your relationship, talk about your feelings regularly. This can be weekly or more often.

Part 2 of 3: Behave after the kiss

  1. Stick to what you have agreed. After talking about it, agreeing and resolving any confusion, everyone must stick to the agreements made. This will avoid uncomfortable situations.
    • Try to stick to what your friend has said in previous conversations. If you have both agreed to just be "friends," then both of you should behave like friends would.
    • If you still have feelings for the other person, resist the temptation to act accordingly. Remember that you both have an agreement to remain regular friends. If you both wanted to get into a relationship, you would have agreed.
    • Remember the kiss was a one-time thing. Your goal is to be friends.
  2. Act around the person as normally as possible. Acting normally is key to maintaining your friendship. Acting uncomfortably or treating your friend differently can endanger your friendship relationship.
    • There is no reason to act nervous or avoid the other person afterwards. It just happened, so just behave.
    • If you are nervous or uncomfortable around your boyfriend, talk to him or her about it.
    • Being nervous or uncomfortable after a kiss is normal. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that the nervousness or discomfort will fade over time.
  3. Stay friends. Perhaps the most important thing you need to do to stay friends is to do just that - stay friends. If you stay friends and try to act accordingly, such as before the kiss, the chances are relatively high that the friendship will last.
    • Keep talking to your friend as this includes trusting and sharing your feelings and thoughts, as you have done before.
    • Continue to do things together. You should try to keep doing the activities you did together before the kiss.
    • Keep seeing each other as friends. If you no longer see the person as a friend, there is no way to stay friends.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with others

  1. Don't talk about it with others. An important thing to remember is to avoid sharing information about the kiss with other people. Sharing details about the kiss, or telling others about conversations you've had about it, will only endanger the friendly relationship. Remember that the kiss and the conversations after the kiss were conducted in confidence.
    • By not sharing, you avoid gossip that could hurt or offend both of you.
    • Don't involve others in the conversations after the kiss. It's best to deal with the situation on your own.
    • The only way you can tell others about the kiss or the post-kiss conversation is if you both agree to do so.
  2. Resist the urge to be jealous. Ultimately, one or both of you may end up in a relationship shortly after your kiss. While it's natural to be a little jealous of the other person's new sweetheart, keep those feelings in check and resist jealousy as much as possible. Ultimately, jealousy or resentment will only undermine your friendship.
    • Do not act passively aggressive towards the other person when they are in a new relationship.
    • Tell yourself you want your friend to be happy. If the new partner makes your friend happy, it should make you happy too.
    • Treat the other's new love interest as a friend as well. Being mean will only endanger the friendship.
    • If you are concerned about or have issues with your friend's new love interest, it is better to keep the thoughts to yourself or discuss it with the friend.
  3. Also do things with mutual friends. An important part of staying friends is that the relationship should continue in the context of your social circle. This means that you do things together and with your other friends.
    • Keep doing the same things together, as always. If this includes going to the movies together (with other friends), do so.
    • Don't try to steal a friend to get someone by your side if you think the friendship is going in the wrong direction.
    • If you were the one who previously invited friends to certain activities, keep inviting everyone and don't exclude the person you kissed.