Avoid boredom

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to stop being bored and start being bold
Video: How to stop being bored and start being bold


Have you ever sat anywhere and wondered what to do next? There is everything you may not have thought of. Whether you want to relax at home or have an exciting weekend out with friends, there are hundreds of ways to keep from getting bored.

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Method 1 of 5: Avoid boredom

  1. Know that you yourself are at the wheel of your boredom. Boredom, unlike most other emotions, is a choice. When you see boredom as a choice, you suddenly realize you have the ability to enjoy yourself. At the very least, you have access to a human brain, an incredible organ that can invent, invent, and think about the world around you. Don't be bored because there is no one telling you what to do - arrange it yourself.
    • Wonder why you are bored. Is it because of your environment? Or have you just not yet chosen something that piques your interest?
    • Some people are interested in the history of volcanoes, while others fall asleep just thinking about it. Anything can be interesting - it's up to you to show interest.
  2. Use your imagination. No matter how little you have to do, your brain is always around to keep you entertained. Try to imagine an imaginary world or a new animal. This can seem like a silly project like an afternoon, but it can also be the start of a new story or a series of works of art.
  3. Be curious. A curious mind finds everything interesting and thus never gets bored. Be amazed at the architecture in your hometown. How was that building designed? Who made that graffiti on that street? What techniques were used to make those curtains for that window? Curiosity stimulates the brain and leads to ideas for new activities, such as finding out who is the producer of your favorite album or taking a cooking class.
  4. Be spontaneous. Thinking too much is the biggest obstacle if you want to get rid of boredom. If you are looking for the "perfect" activity, you know for sure that you are not going to do anything, so stop thinking and do something. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in a long time or go to the cafe you've always wanted to go to. Being spontaneous gives your life sjeu and makes it exciting, so that everything becomes less annoying.
  5. Take a pen and paper with you everywhere. A small writing pad and pen cost a little over a dollar, but can provide endless relaxation. Just put them in your bag or jacket and pull them out when you feel restless so you can write or draw something. Simple things to think about are:
    • Write a book
    • Doodle or draw
    • Write songs, poetry or short stories
    • Writing down funny conversations of strangers
    • Make shopping lists, study for school or keep your diary
  6. Start a writing project. If you enjoy writing but can't think of anything you want to write about, try writing freely or writing out a stream of thoughts. This can give you an idea for a more structured story, poem, or play. It can also help to challenge yourself to write a story with an imposed restriction, such as using only monosyllabic words.
  7. Talk to a stranger. Depending on where you are, meeting a new person can be the best way to avoid boredom. Compliment or say something about the environment (the weather, the train, a busker, it doesn't matter what), or just introduce yourself. You never know what you'll learn from a stranger, but at least it's not boring.
    • Always be careful when talking to strangers in dark, secluded, or unsafe places.
  8. Volunteer. This is a great way to meet new people and get out of home, and it's completely free.
  9. Prevent repetitive periods of boredom with mindfulness training. If you get bored or agitated while waiting in line, waiting for a friend, or during other short periods of time when you are idle, finding distraction with a book or cell phone may not help. Meditation is the art of focusing on your thoughts and mind while enjoying the little things around you instead of feeling restless or bored.
    • The tradition of mindfulness in Buddhism emphasizes living in the moment, thinking about the life you live rather than the life you would like to live.

Method 2 of 5: Fight boredom at home

  1. Learn a new game with friends. Even if you don't have board games or multiplayer video games, there are still many options:
    • Play a deck, if you have a deck of cards, go fishing or play other games.
    • Short, funny games, for which you don't need anything, are for example Rock-Paper-Scissors or Hints.
  2. Make a blanket fort. Make a fort out of chairs, sofas or beds with pillows and blankets. Invite a friend to help build and play.
  3. Try on clothes and costumes. Try on your entire wardrobe and look for new combinations or old favorites. If your current collection is boring to you, organize a clothes swap with friends or go shopping.
    • Children often enjoy dressing up.
  4. Create your own cartoon, decoration or anything else artsy. Look for art attributes, pieces of fabric, or other small objects that can improvise something artfully together. This can be a fun way to pass the time and may give you a nice new decoration.
    • Make a "zoetrope" with a marble, paper and some other basic supplies.
    • If you have pipe cleaners and a few more things you can make fun dolls.
  5. Learn a new hobby or skill. By learning something new, you stimulate your brain to make new neural connections that can lead to new possibilities and entertainment. It also gives you something to learn or do when you are depressed. For example, if you want to learn to play the guitar, you can listen to new guitarists and study their technique.
  6. Listen to new music. Most people listen to music passively, they hear it in the background, while doing something else. This works well with songs you already know, but it can be annoying if you're just listening to music. Fight boredom by finding new music, which makes listening more active and less of something happening in the background.
    • Searching for new music on Pandora, Spotify, Songza or in music apps is a great way to hear new music that matches what you already love.
    • Try podcasts, free radio shows you can download from iTunes. They are about comedy, the news, music, entertainment and much more.
  7. Stock up on supplies for when you're bored. If you are often bored and are looking for something to do at home, take the time to gather some art and craft supplies. You do not have to devote yourself completely to a new hobby, although there is nothing against it. Just try a few new things, like making pottery or making a bead necklace, until you find something that will help you pass the time in a pleasant way.
    • If you are more interested in home DIY or DIY, you can teach yourself new skills such as carpentry or roof repair.
  8. Make a boredom jar. You can create an boredom jar to make sure you're never bored again. Grab a jar and some paper and write down things that are fun or that you would like to do. When you are done, put them in the jar. When you are bored, you take one out, do what it says and you are not bored anymore.

Method 3 of 5: Fight boredom outdoors

  1. Exercise. Exercise may not be easy to start, but if you are in the rhythm, you can just start to like it or at least be happy that you are doing something and are not bored looking ahead. If push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises bore you, try other physical activities such as dancing, yoga, or running.
    • People who exercise with someone else of the same level are more likely to have fun and exercise regularly.
  2. Do a team sport or a physical game. If you can get a group of friends together, you can try an outdoor game like Frisbee or live Stratego.
    • If you enjoy socializing and are often bored or lonely on the weekends, organize a weekly sports club.
    • Contact your local wellness department and ask about local sports options for children and adults. They are usually not too flashy and take you out of your house.
  3. Go for a walk or have a picnic. Moving out of the house usually helps you get rid of boredom. Make some sandwiches and go for a walk or bike ride. This gives air to your head and stops the feeling that you are going crazy.
    • If you are going for long walks, bring a book to support yourself when you get bored or tired from all the physical activity. It is recommended to leave electronic equipment at home as they are quite distracting from the natural environment.
  4. Start gardening. Caring for plants is very relaxing and connects you to the earth, and they need care almost every day. Go to your local DIY store and stock up on seed and potting compost for your garden or buy potted plants that you can care for.
    • Water your plants every two days.
    • If you plant fruit plants or vegetables, you have a great way to enrich your diet with new foods.

Method 4 of 5: Fight boredom at night

  1. Do something new in your social life every now and then. A boring nightlife usually comes from a boring social life. Seeing the same people in the same bar, restaurant or cinema every weekend can get pretty stuffy. Go to a different pub, go out dancing, go to the theater or go camping to try something new and fight the boredom in your nighttime routine.
  2. Camp in your own garden. Simply sleeping outside under the stars is new and entertaining enough to eradicate boredom in one fell swoop. Look at the stars, listen to the sounds of nocturnal animals and enjoy the fresh air in the moonlight.
    • Check the weather forecast before you go to sleep outside and don't let it rain.
    • If it stays dry, a normal sleeping bag and a pillow for a night under the stars is enough.
  3. Plan something. Even though your friends can't all do, you can still organize something. Deciding what to do, sending out invitations, and eating and decorating, is already busy and entertaining.
    • Organize a chocolate tasting and ask your friends to rate the different flavors. You can organize a themed evening for any type of food or drink with different tastes.
    • Schedule a tea party. Tea parties can mean that a group of adults is chatting over a cup of tea and some cookies, but also that a group of children are running around in dressing-up clothes. Do whatever fits.
  4. Try a new dinner recipe. If you're into cooking, but also if you've never done it before, find a new recipe to try. Browse a cookbook or search online or try a recipe. For example, look for these recipes:
    • Humus for bread or toast.
    • lasagna for a healthy meal.
    • Risotto. Rice, but different.
    • Pizza. Build your own pizza.
    • Macaroni with ketchup and cheese. For when you really want to keep it simple.
  5. Bake cookies or cake for dessert. Many people bake cookies when they are bored or stressed. You can find hundreds of cookie recipes online or in cookbooks, but there are other easy ways to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep yourself busy. Here are a few examples you can probably make with items you already have in your kitchen:
    • Do something with figs.
    • Make a chocolate parfait.
    • Use dried noodles in dessert.
    • Make something with caramel.
    • Make your own chocolate.
    • Make sweet ravioli cookies

Method 5 of 5: Fight boredom online

  1. Check out websites other than the one you always go to. While most websites are refreshed regularly, they can still feel a bit jaded after looking at them for five years. Try something new by searching online for what interests you. By simply shaking up your online habits a bit, you may keep boredom at bay.
    • Ask friends what they watch online.
    • Look at website portals so that you have more websites at your fingertips.
    • Watch the "recommended videos" on YouTube to find new channels or producers similar to your favorites.
  2. Play online games. The internet is full of free online games. Check out websites that are reliable and have a large collection such as Kongregate, Armor Games, or MoFunZone.
  3. Read webcomics. Thousands of cartoonists put free comics online, and many of them also maintain an archive that dates back many years.
  4. Watch videos. YouTube has put together huge playlists for you to browse, from music to sports to miscellaneous recommended videos. Hulu.com and Netflix.com have large collections of full-length movies and series and sometimes you can even watch them for free (depending on where you live) or you can take a free trial subscription.
  5. Use time-wasting websites when you really don't have anything better to do. If you have a lot of time on hand and have no idea what to do, check out sites with special lists of ideas and entertainment. Go to Urban75, or take the internet tour on The Useless Web or StumbleUpon.


  • If you have any animal you can take outside with you, do so, go to the park and leave the boredom behind.
  • Write and direct a movie! That can be stop-motion or comedy, it doesn't matter as long as you have fun and pass the time. Most phones nowadays can film very well.
  • Try to think of new characters for your favorite series or just meditate.
  • Look up some old toys you played with when you were a kid. You can just have a lot of fun with it.
  • Look for fantasy books such as "Harry Potter". You can lose yourself in this and kill time in a pleasant way.
  • Look in your closet and look for old photos or postcards.
  • Create a monthly or annual planner.
  • Make a scrapbook, preferably with pictures