Find lost items

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
lost item retrieval - Subliminal Affirmations
Video: lost item retrieval - Subliminal Affirmations


Losing your things can cause a lot of frustration, discomfort or even despair. Whether you've lost your debit card or your grandmother's necklace, there are some tricks that can help you locate the lost item quickly and easily. If you want to know how to find your lost items again, follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Think about the loss

  1. Try to remember the last time you held the item. Before you start your search, think about the last time you had the item, be it your cell phone, your glasses, or one of your precious earrings. Close your eyes and think about the last time you saw the object, or what you were doing while you still had the object. Here are some tricks to help you remember this:
    • Think logically. When it comes to a practical item such as a cell phone or glasses, think about the last time you called someone or the last time you wore your glasses.
    • Ask your friends. If you lost one of your jewelry or your favorite scarf and you were with your friends earlier that day, ask them if they remember you wearing those items.
    • If you are lucky enough to have lost something while taking pictures somewhere, look at all your pictures to find out when you lost the item.
    • If you really can't remember when you last held the item that day or even that month, it will be a lot harder to find. However, it will not be impossible to find your belongings in such a case.
  2. Think about the places you went to after you lost the item. When you have a rough idea of ​​when you lost the item, you can make a list of all the places you've been since. It is of course easy if you were just at home. If you did your shopping and have been to several places, it is a lot more difficult. Wherever you have been, make a list of all locations.
  3. Make sure you have the right mental attitude. Before you start searching, it is important that you have the right mental attitude to find the object. There are two main things you can do mentally to increase the chances of finding the object.
    • Try to get into the same mood you had when you lost your stuff. Maybe you lost your graphing calculator right after an important test. Try to remember what went through your mind during the test. Perhaps this way of associating will help you remember that you put your calculator in your locker or lent it to a friend.
    • Stay calm and optimistic. If you drive yourself crazy because you cannot find the object, then you cannot concentrate and take the time to search.

Method 2 of 3: Search for the object

  1. Search your clothes and your personal items. The most obvious places are often overlooked. You may think that the item you lost cannot be that close. Nevertheless, it is important that you first search your clothes, your pockets and your wallet so that you are sure that the item is not in there. When you've done that, search your backpack, your purse, your purse, or any other purse or bag you might have with you.
    • Don't just search your bag - throw the contents on the floor and search your stuff.
    • Your car is also an excellent place to get rid of things. Search your car and especially look under the seats.
    • If you are still at school, check your locker.
    • If you have lost a small piece of jewelry, find a toilet, bathroom or other private space and get undressed. Maybe your earring or ring is still attached to your clothing somewhere. If you have long hair, keep your head down and shake your hair out.
  2. Go through all your steps. Think back to all the things you did after losing the item. If you lost the item the night before, return to all the cafes and restaurants you went to at the time. You can of course call them to ask if they have found your things, but it is important that you also go there to see for yourself if you can find the item.
    • Walk down every street and path you were on before you lost the item. This will take a long time, but it will be worth it.
  3. Ask for help. Your quest will be much easier if you don't have to go it alone. Not only will your friends' help make the quest more fun, but your friends may also have new ideas where you could have lost your things. You can ask for help in the following ways:
    • Call a good friend and ask them to help you with your search. To save time, your friend may want to check some other parts of your steps when it is roughly clear where to go.
    • Send your friends and colleagues an email and ask if they saw the lost item. Also ask them when they last saw you with the object.
    • If it is a precious item, post a note in various places with a photo of the item and offer a reward.
  4. Search everywhere. When you've traced your steps and haven't found anything, it's time to start searching every place you can think of. Turn your car, your room and your wardrobe upside down if you need to. Start by looking in the most obvious places, such as under your bed, under your couch and in your coat pockets. If this doesn't work, look for places that are less obvious.
    • Check under the cushions of your sofa to see if the object is there.
    • Check important folders or papers you use every day.
    • Check if the object has fallen behind your bed, desk or closet.
    • Also search your friends' cars and houses if you think you've lost your belongings there. Just make sure you get their permission in advance.
  5. Clean everywhere. If you are sure that the object is somewhere in your house, but you have searched everywhere in vain, stop searching and clean your own place. Dispose of all trash, clean the surfaces of all furniture and put all items back in their own place. You can also clean up your locker or your car if you think the item might be there.
    • You will be amazed how often you can find something just by cleaning.
  6. Take a break. If you get frustrated and can almost pull out your own hair because you haven't found the object after a long search, take a break. Stop searching for a few hours or a day and maybe you suddenly realize where the object is or you suddenly come across it when you don't expect it.
    • If you really need the item and a few days have passed, it might be time to just buy a new one.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent losing your stuff

  1. Work in an orderly manner. The easiest way to avoid losing your things is to be an organized and tidy person instead of one who always has to rush to get everything done at the last minute. Someone who is orderly always knows where he has left his things. Here's how you can become more orderly:
    • Organize every aspect of your life, whether it's where you store your documents on your computer or how you store your clothes in your wardrobe.
    • At the end of each day, take five minutes to put your things back in place. The time you spend on this pays for itself and ensures that you become more orderly.
    • Get rid of any junk and junk you don't need. Make sure you are left with only the things you can clean up and need.
  2. Check regularly if you still have all your belongings. Whether you're spending time with friends or heading to the airport, make a list of the top five things you have with you and check your stuff a few times a day to see if you've got everything on the list. Also, do this at important times, such as before boarding a plane or train, or before going to school.
    • Don't do this in an obsessive way. By simply checking your belongings a few times a day you can avoid losing anything.
  3. Do not hurry. You are less likely to lose your belongings if you are not always late, you have to hurry and struggle to find a piece of clothing to wear that day. Give yourself plenty of time to go somewhere so that you get there on time. Before you leave, check that you have all your things with you, instead of doing this when you are in a hurry or busy.
    • When you're not in a rush, you feel more relaxed and you have more control over yourself and your stuff. The chance that you will lose something is much smaller.
  4. If you are sitting somewhere and you are getting up to leave, look back and make sure you didn't accidentally leave anything. This is very useful if you have a lot of stuff with you and put it down when you had the chance.


  • Use a flashlight to search for your belongings in a targeted manner. Your eyes naturally scan the environment for patterns, making it very easy to overlook anything that's just right in front of you. Search your room in a methodical way from top to bottom and use the beam of the flashlight to do a targeted search. Only look at the things that are in the beam of the flashlight.
    Note: detectives do not use a flashlight to better see, but to better focus on all details.
  • Always check spots several times to make sure you haven't overlooked anything.
  • Don't get angry or frustrated. This will only make you lose your concentration and it certainly won't help you find what you are looking for.
  • Try not to give up right away if you can't find an item in the first five minutes. Hang on, keep looking and you might find a lost item you weren't even looking for!
  • Sometimes you can't find lost items in the most obvious places. So also look for places that are less logical: in a kitchen cupboard, in the freezer or under packaging.
  • Review your steps and always take breaks in between so you don't get too stressed!
  • Ask your friends, family, and even colleagues if they saw the item you lost.
  • Check the places where you think you lost the item several times.