Ways to Build Confidence

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed
Video: 3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed


Confidence is an indispensable part of every human being. Someone who has self-confidence is a narcissist, is willing to take risks in order to achieve a personal or professional goal, and thinks positively about the future. On the contrary, a person without self-confidence can often find it difficult to feel that they can achieve their goals and have a negative view of themselves and of what they wish to have in life. And it's great to be able to tell you that confidence is something we can completely build on ourselves! Building confidence requires you to foster a positive attitude toward yourself and social interactions, and learn to deal with negative emotions and take better care of yourself. You should also set goals and take risks, as facing challenges can help you further boost your confidence.


Part 1 of 4: Cultivating a positive attitude

  1. Identify your negative thoughts. Negative thoughts can manifest as: "I can't do it", "I definitely won't be successful", "Nobody wants to hear what I need to say". Such inner voice is negative and unhelpful, and it also pushes you further away from developing your confidence.

  2. Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts. When you notice negative thoughts, try to make them positive. To do this, you can use positive validation like “I'll try”, “I can be successful if I do this”, or “People will hear what I say”. Start by thinking positively every single day.

  3. Don't let negative thoughts appear at a higher rate than the positive ones. Over time, the positive thoughts will overcome the negative ones and take over in your brain. A positive thought will come naturally if you constantly strive to switch from negative to positive in your thoughts.
  4. Maintain positive relationships. Keep in touch with loved ones, be it family members or friends, to always raise your perspective. Also, avoid people that make you feel uncomfortable.
    • Someone you consider can make you feel bad when they constantly bring out your flaws or criticize you constantly.
    • You should even consider the opinions of family members about who you should be, as they can damage your confidence.
    • As you cultivate a positive attitude of yourself and move closer to your goals, the more likely you will spot such conservative pessimists. So try to avoid them as much as possible while you are building your confidence.
    • Take time to think about the people who make you feel great and make meeting your supporters a goal.
  5. Get rid of reminders of your weaknesses. Don't spend time on things that make you feel bad again. These could be things that reminded of the past, clothes that no longer fit, or places that don't fit your self-confidence goal. While you can't avoid all of that, you can definitely think about letting it go. This will be good for you in the confidence building process.
    • Take time to sit and think about things that make you feel unhappy like selfish friends, a career that you don't like, or a situation you can't stand.
  6. Identify your talents. Everyone has a unique strength, so learn and determine what your strengths are, and focus on that. Let yourself be proud of the things you do well. Express yourself through painting, music, writing, or dancing. Find out what you like and cultivate your talent as a hobby.
    • Not only will adding lots of interests to your life make you feel confident, but also increase your chances of interacting with like-minded friends.
    • When you follow your passion, that passion not only works as a therapy, but thanks to which you also feel successful and unique, all of which can help you a lot in the process. confidence builder.
  7. Proud of myself. In addition to your talents and skills, also think about what makes you great who you are. This can be humor, affection, listening, or ability to endure pressure. You may not think that you yourself have anything to be proud of, but if you take a closer look, you will find that you also have admirable values. Writing down those things will help you focus on the good things about yourself.
  8. Get compliments. Many people with low self-esteem often find it difficult to receive compliments; they think that the compliments they received without being mistaken were also a lie. If you find yourself responding reluctantly to compliments like rolling your eyes, saying "Yes," or shrugging your shoulders, you should reconsider your reaction.
    • Please accept it with all your heart and react positively. Saying thank you and smiling is always the right way. Make the person who compliments you feel that you are truly grateful, and practice to reach a point where you can truly accept the praise from your heart.
    • You can include compliments on your list of positive things about you and serve as the motivator to gain confidence in yourself.
  9. Look in the mirror and smile. Studies around the "facial feedback theory" suggest that facial expressions can positively impact your brain to express or highlight certain expressions. somehow. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you can feel happier about yourself, and in the long run you will be more confident. This will also make you happy to accept your appearance.
    • Others will give you positive feedback when you smile at them, so in addition to making you happier, you can also boost your confidence thanks to the positive feedback from others.

Part 2 of 4: Handling emotions

  1. Feel free to face your fear. You may think that confident people never feel fear. This is simply not true. Fear means you are on the verge of change. Your fears may be public speaking, introducing yourself to strangers or asking for a raise.
    • When you can face your fear, your confidence will increase and you will feel it in no time!
    • Imagine when a baby learns to walk.When there is a lot of possibilities, the baby may be scared because it is not known if he or she will fall when taking the first steps. When the baby can conquer that fear and start walking, you will see a very bright smile on her face! That will also be your smile when you overcome your fear.
  2. Be patient with yourself. Sometimes you need to step back to move forward. Gaining confidence doesn't come overnight. You may try a new way and not reach your goals. If possible, learn from them. Failure to meet your goal the first time around is your chance to learn more about yourself. Confidence needs to be nurtured and grown little by little.
    • For example, let's say you ask your boss for a raise and are rejected. What lesson can you learn from that? Compare the way you ask your boss to see if there is something else you could do then?
  3. Let's move towards balance. As with any matter in life, building confidence is about keeping balance. Lack of confidence can prevent you from achieving your goals or feel like you are not well. On the other hand, you also need to be realistic - you don't want to underestimate the time and effort it takes to achieve your goals.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others. If you want to become confident, focus on improving your life in the positive direction, not making your life look like that of your best friend, brother or any celebrity. do you see on television. If you want to build your confidence, you need to understand that there will always be people who are more beautiful, smarter, and richer than you, and there are also people who are less attractive, less intelligent, and less affluent like you; all of them are not relevant, what is appropriate is to care about your goals and dreams.
    • You may lack confidence because you are convinced that everyone else is better than you. Ultimately, however, it matters whether you are happy with your standards or not. If you don't know what your own standards are, then it's time to see your soul before you go any further.
    • Additionally, studies have shown that spending time on social media on a regular basis makes people more inclined to compare themselves to others. Because people usually just post their achievements on social media and not what actually happened to life, and that can make you find their lives better than yours. This is not true! Everyone has ups and downs in life.
  5. Identify your own insecurities. What's wrong with your mind? What makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed? It can be anything from a pimple, regrets, friends at school, a trauma in the past or a bad experience. Find anything that makes you feel worthless, shameful or inferior, give them a name and list them. You can tear or burn those pieces of paper and will feel more positive about them.
    • This is not intended to make you feel sad. What this means is that you will become more aware of the problems you face and give you more power to put them in the past.
  6. Stand up from mistakes. Remember that no one is perfect. Even the most confident people have moments of insecurity. At some point in life everyone feels something is lacking. That's the truth. Admit that life is full of "ups and downs", then those unsettling feelings will pass, depending on where you are, with whom, what your feelings are and how you feel. In other words, those insecurities do not last forever. If you've done something wrong, the best way is to recognize the mistake, feel regretful, and make a plan not to do it a second time.
  7. Avoid perfectionism. Perfectionism will make you delusional and will not help you achieve your goals. If you feel that everything has to be done perfectly, you will never feel truly happy with yourself and your life. Learn to take pride in what was done well, instead of wanting everything to be perfect. If you are a perfectionist, you are going astray on the path to becoming more confident.
  8. Always show gratitude. Often the root cause of insecurity and lack of confidence is feeling lacking something, be it emotional, material, luck or financial problems. By being grateful and appreciating what you have, you can cope with feelings of need and dissatisfaction. Finding peace of mind with gratitude will do wonders with your confidence. Take time to sit back and think about all you have as good friends or health.
    • Sit back and make a list of the things you are grateful for. Reread what you've written and add to that list at least one new point each week, you will find yourself more positive and mentally resilient.

Part 3 of 4: Practice taking care of yourself

  1. Take care of yourself. To do this, you need to take small steps such as maintaining a good appearance by bathing regularly, cleaning your teeth, eating delicious and healthy foods. Taking care of yourself also means spending time with yourself, even when you're extremely busy and you spend too much time with others.
    • It may not sound right at first, but when you take care of yourself from the very basics, it also means that you prove that you are worth the time and effort to take care of yourself. yourself.
    • When you begin to believe in yourself, you are on the right track to gain confidence.
  2. Take care of your appearance. You don't have to look like Brad Pitt to start building your confidence. If you want to make yourself happier with who you are and what you look like, take care of it by bathing every day, brushing your teeth, wearing clothes that fit your body and making sure you take the time to look at it. their appearance. This doesn't mean that appearance and style will make you more confident, but making an effort to care about your appearance shows that you yourself deserve to be cared for.
  3. Exercise regularly. Part of taking care of yourself is exercise. For you, the exercise can be an outdoor jog, for another it can be an 80km long bike ride. Get started now, at this point. You also do not have to practice complex exercises.
    • Many studies show that exercise is essential to having a positive outlook on life, and a positive attitude also contributes to one's confidence.
  4. Good night and enough sleep. Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night can help you feel and look better. Getting enough sleep will help you not only have a more positive attitude, but also have more energy. Getting plenty of sleep also helps you manage your emotions and deal with stress better. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Setting goals and taking risks

  1. Set small, actionable goals. Often people set themselves unrealistic and unenforceable goals, so they learn to feel overwhelmed, or never get started. This is really a frustrating thing when it comes to building self-confidence.
    • Gradually adjust small goals to achieve a bigger goal that you can accomplish.
    • Imagine you want to run a marathon, but you are afraid that you will not be able to achieve this goal. Do not try to run even more than 40 km on the first day. Give your strength, if you have never run a long distance, set an initial goal of just 2 km. If you can run 8 km without any difficulty, then raise your target to 9 or 10 km.
    • For example, if your desk is cluttered, it might be difficult to tidy up everything on it. So start by putting your books back in the bookshelf, even stapling your papers to rearrange them later as a positive move for cleaning your entire desk.
  2. Open your heart to unknowns. People who lack confidence often worry that they will never succeed when faced with unexpected situations. It's time to stop doubting yourself and try completely new, different and unknown things with you. It could be traveling in a country with a friend or taking on a date arranged by your cousin, practicing the habit of accepting new things that can help you become more comfortable. to yourself and feel in control of your life - or else you might find yourself perfectly fine in situations you didn't expect. When you realize that you can be successful even in situations you've never thought of before, then your confidence is at its peak.
    • Spend more time with adventurous and impromptu people. Soon you will find yourself doing amazing things and feel more satisfied with it.
  3. Identify areas where you need improvement. There may be things that you are dissatisfied with but cannot change, such as height or texture, but there are many things that you consider a downside that can be handled with a little bit of effort.
    • Whether you want to be approachable or do better in school, you can develop a plan to do that and start implementing the plan. You may not be the easiest person to be at school or the one to give a speech in front of the whole school, you can still make great strides on the path of confidence building by simply planning a change. in a better direction.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't try to change everything. Start with one or two things you want to change about yourself and start making those changes.
    • You can make a goal conquest board and you will see the difference from there. This dashboard will help you realize if your plan is working, and it will also help you feel proud of what you have done.
  4. Take the initiative to help others. When you see yourself being kind to those around you and making a positive impact on their lives (even if it's just being more courteous to the person who brought you your morning cup of coffee), you'll find that you is a useful person on earth - that will boost your confidence. Find ways to help those around you and see it as a daily activity, you can volunteer at the library or help your little sister learn to read. The act of helping you not only benefits others, but also builds your confidence as you will find that you have a lot to give.
    • You don't have to help someone in the community to see the benefits of helping others. Sometimes even those around you like your mom or best friend need help like anyone else.


  • Don't be alarmed if you push yourself to push yourself over your physical or mental limits. These pressures can help you see that it is easy to achieve results and in turn hone your skills. Step out of your comfort zone.
  • You can increase your self-confidence by using the “I am Number 1” self-hypnosis method to try to experience the feeling of achieving a long-term goal, thereby reducing the pressure you are currently under. .
  • Don't be too focused on your mistakes and weaknesses. These shortcomings can turn into positive reflections of your good points or help you realize what you need to improve. Feeling like you've done something well that you haven't done in the past is an incomparable feeling.