Blowing circles with smoke

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Blow Smoke O’s | Best Smoke Rings | Tricks for the Beginners
Video: How to Blow Smoke O’s | Best Smoke Rings | Tricks for the Beginners


Imagine this: you are at a dinner party and you look up because you see something moving. It is nothing less than a slowly moving circle of smoke! Pretty cool, right? Something like that grabs attention anyway, even in a room full of smokers. The ability to create fat circles of smoke that glide stately through the air is easier than you think; you just have to practice and be patient. Before you know it, you will also be blowing those beautiful smoke rings!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Blowing traditional smoke rings

  1. Use some cellophane from a cigarette pack to make smoke rings. A more alternative way (so cheating) to make smoke rounds is by burning a hole in the foil of the packaging of a pack of cigarettes. After inhaling the smoke, blow it through the circle into the cellophane. Gently tap the side without a hole. Now a smoke ring will appear.


  • If there is some wind or other movement of air, for example because too many people are moving, it is difficult to keep the circles intact. Then try it somewhere else in the room. It can also help to blow the circles in a different direction.
  • It is possible to blow circles in the open air. But with a little wind it is difficult to make nice rounds. It is indeed possible through a physics approach, so by thinking about how the circles are formed. Blow the rounds against the wind, then things go better.
  • If you are using cigarettes to form the smoke, it is a good idea to hit the top of the pack a few times on a flat hard surface or on your hand first. This ensures that the tobacco is pressed closer together.
  • With small cigars (cigarillos) you get thicker smoke.
  • Choose cigarettes with which you run to produce thick smoke. The lighter the cigarette, the thinner the smoke. You can also use a bong to form smoke circles.
  • With some practice you can blow a small smoke circle through a larger circle. then try to determine which way the circles are moving and how fast. Gently blow a circle so that it stays in good shape but moves slowly. Then you curl your lips a little further inward and blow a smaller circle. The smaller circle must move faster. Once that succeeds, it is only a matter of aiming well!
  • Try to keep your tongue out of the way as much as possible when making circles, because your tongue interferes with the "spinning". Keep your tongue comfortable on the bottom of your mouth. Don't use force, just leave your tongue.
  • Practice in front of the mirror. This way you can see how the smoke is formed, how it moves, and how the shape and movement of your mouth influences this.
  • Be patient as you learn the techniques.It really won't work right away, you need a lot of practice to create beautiful circles.
  • Position yourself near a window or other light source if you are going to blow circles. Then others will be able to see your smoke rings much better.
  • The speed at which your circle moves is determined by how much pressure you put behind your "uh". To do that, you have to push the smoke down your throat as if you were going to cough or exhale hard.


  • Don't blow a smoke ring in someone's face, unless they want to, of course. But otherwise it is very rude.
  • Remember that smoking has major health risks. So don't practice blowing smoke rings too often.
  • Don't throw your butts on the street. Always put your cigarette butt in an ashtray or other suitable waste area.


  • A cigarette, cigar, hookah, or tobacco pipe
  • A lighter
  • An audience