Draw a circle

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Draw Circles | 3 Ways
Video: How to Draw Circles | 3 Ways


Drawing a circle freehand is tricky, but luckily there are many tools and tricks that can help you. From using a compass to tracing round objects, drawing perfect circles becomes a breeze once you find the method that works for you!

To step

Method 1 of 6: Draw a circle

  1. Find something round that you can draw. Any round object will work. You can use a round glass, the bottom of a candle, or a round piece of paper. Make sure the rounded edge is smooth.
  2. Hold the round object on a piece of paper. Take the round part of the object and lay it flat on the paper where you want to draw your circle. Use the hand you're not drawing with to hold it in place so it doesn't move when you trace it.
  3. Draw around the edge of the object. Take a pencil and follow the rounded edge of the object until you complete the circle. When you are done, take the object off the paper and you have a perfect circle!
    • If there are gaps in the circle after moving the round object, fill them in with the pencil.

Method 2 of 6: Draw a circle with a compass

  1. Attach a pencil to a straightedge. Insert the pencil into the holder at one end of the compass and tighten it securely.
  2. Adjust the arms of the compass depending on how big you want the circle to be. If you want a large circle, pull the arms of the compass away from each other, increasing the angle between the arms. If you want a small circle, push the arms closer together so that the angle between them is smaller.
  3. Place the ends of the compass on a piece of paper. Place the compass where you want to draw the circle. The end of the compass that the pencil is attached to is where the outside of your circle is, and the other, sharp end of the compass is the center of the circle.
  4. Rotate the caliper to draw a circle. Hold both ends of the compass on the sheet of paper and turn the compass so that the end spins with the pencil and you draw a circle with it.
    • Be careful not to shift the compass while drawing the circle or your circle will not match.

Method 3 of 6: Using a piece of string

  1. Tie a string to the pointed end of a pencil. The longer the length of string you use, the larger your circle will be.
  2. Hold the end of the string against a piece of paper. Where the end of the string is on the paper is where the center of the circle will be. Use your fingers to hold the end of the string in place.
  3. Pull the string tight and draw a circle with the pencil. Hold the end of the string down as you draw the circle. If you keep the string taut as you draw a circle around the center, you should get a perfect circle!

Method 4 of 6: Using a protractor

  1. Lay a protractor flat on a piece of paper. Place the protractor on the paper where you want to draw a circle.
  2. Draw a line along the curved edge of the protractor. This will be the first half of your circle. Do not draw a line along the flat side of the protractor.
    • Make sure to hold the protractor in place as you draw the line so it doesn't shift and make your line sloppy.
  3. Rotate the protractor and draw the other half of the circle. Line up the straight edge of the protractor with the ends of the curved line you drew. Then draw a line along the curved edge of the protractor to close your circle.

Method 5 of 6: Draw a circle with a pin

  1. Place paper on a piece of cardboard. Any kind of cardboard is suitable, as long as it is thick and you can put a pin through it.
  2. Push a pin through the paper and cardboard. Place the pin where you want the center of the circle to be. Make sure it is firmly in the cardboard so that it doesn't shift when you draw the circle.
  3. Put a rubber band around the pin. The bigger the rubber band, the bigger your circle will be. If you want to draw a small circle, use a small rubber band or wrap the rubber band around the pin twice.
    • If you don't have a rubber band, you can also tie a string into a circle and use that instead.
  4. Place the tip of a pencil in the other end of the rubber band. At this point, the rubber band should be wrapped around both the pen and the pencil.
  5. Pull the rubber band tight and draw a circle with the pencil. Make sure to keep the elastic taut as you draw the circle so it's even.

Method 6 of 6: Draw a circle by hand

  1. Hold a pencil as you normally would. You should hold the pencil with the hand you would normally use to draw and write.
  2. Place the tip of the pencil on a piece of paper. Choose a spot on the paper where you want to draw the circle.
    • Do not press hard on the paper with the tip of the pencil. You need to hold the pencil tip lightly on the paper.
  3. Move the paper in a circle under the pencil. Use your free hand to slowly move the paper in a circle under the pencil so that the pencil draws a circle on the paper. If you want to draw a large circle, move the paper in a large circle. If you want to draw a small circle, move the paper in a small circle.