Get rid of nasal mucus

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Mucus? – Sinus Remedies by Dr.Berg
Video: How to Get Rid of Mucus? – Sinus Remedies by Dr.Berg


Nasal mucus is a clear, sticky liquid that acts as a filter against unwanted particles that want to enter the body through the nose from the air. Mucus is a natural part of the immune system, but sometimes too much of it is produced. Dealing with excess mucus can seem frustrating and never-ending. The best way to get rid of excess mucus in your nasal passages is to determine what is producing so much and address the underlying problem. Common causes are allergic reactions, non-allergic rhinitis, infections and structural abnormalities.

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Method 1 of 4: Seek medical advice

  1. If you notice signs of infection, see a doctor. If you constantly have problems with mucus in your nose or a stuffy nose, it is possible that bacteria are trapped in your sinuses causing you to have sinus infections.
    • Symptoms of a sinus infection include prolonged pressure on the sinuses, constipation, pain, and headaches lasting more than seven days.
    • If you get a fever, you may have a sinus infection.
  2. Notice if the mucus changes. If the mucus turns green, yellow, or smells bad, there may be bacteria in your cavities that have caused inflammation.
    • If your cavities are clogged, the mucus and bacteria can get trapped. If the blockage is not cleared, the trapped bacteria can cause inflammation.
    • You can also get viral sinus infections if the blockage and pressure are caused by a cold or the flu.
    • Antibiotics will not work if the infection is caused by a virus. If you have a cold or the flu, take zinc, vitamin C and / or nasal drops.
  3. Take antibiotics as directed. If your doctor has determined that you have a bacterial sinus infection, he / she can prescribe antibiotics. Make sure you take them exactly as prescribed and complete the course.
    • Even if you feel better soon, you still have to finish the treatment. If you don't, the bacteria strain can become resistant to the antibiotics. It's also good because bacteria can still be hiding in your cavities.
    • Note that some doctors prescribe antibiotics before the results of the tests show whether it is really a bacterial infection. Ask the doctor to take a culture to make sure you are being prescribed the correct antibiotics.
    • If symptoms persist after the course of antibiotics is over, let your doctor know. Maybe you need another course.
    • Talk to your doctor about whether you should get tested for allergies or take other precautions if this happens more often.
  4. Get medical attention if problems persist. In some cases, no matter what treatment they try, people continue to experience excess mucus production.
    • If you have persistent problems with rhinitis or excessive mucus production, talk to your doctor.
    • You may have to undergo several tests to find out if you are allergic to things in your home or work.
    • In addition, you may have developed a nasal polyp or some other structural change in your sinuses that makes the problem persist.
  5. Ask your doctor about structural abnormalities. The most common abnormality that causes excess mucus is the development of nasal polyps.
    • Nasal polyps can develop slowly. Small polyps often go unnoticed and do not cause any complaints.
    • Large polyps can obstruct airflow through your cavities and cause irritation that causes your body to produce more mucus.
    • Other abnormalities are also possible, such as an abnormality of the nasal septum or enlarged tonsils, although these usually do not cause excessive mucus production.
    • An injury to the nose or surrounding tissue can also lead to structural abnormalities, and can sometimes result in excessive mucus production. Talk to your doctor if you have recently been injured on your face or nose.

Method 2 of 4: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Use a nose cup. A nose jug, or neti pot, resembles a small teapot. When used properly, a nasal cannister can help flush out mucus and trapped irritants from your sinuses and moisturize your nose.
    • It works by pouring a saline solution in through one nostril, after which it comes out through the other nostril, flushing out germs and unwanted substances.
    • Fill the nose cup with about 120 ml of saline solution, hang over the counter, turn your head to the side and put the spout in your upper nostril.
    • Tilt the container so that the solution flows into your nose and let it run out through the lower nostril. Repeat the procedure on the other side.
    • This process is called moistening because you flush your nasal passages with a liquid, removing unwanted mucus and irritants that cause the mucus. Use the nose cup once or twice a day.
    • A nose cup has a moisturizing and calming effect on the cavities. You can buy it at the health food store or on the Internet, and it is not expensive. Make sure you clean the jar well after use.
  2. Make your own saline solution. If you'd like to make your own saline solution, use filtered or distilled water. You can also use water that has been boiled and cooled again. Do not use tap water as it can contain dirt and irritants.
    • Put 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 240ml of water. Do not use regular table salt. Mix it well and then put it in your nose cup.
    • You can store the solution in a closed container for up to five days, preferably in the refrigerator. Put it at room temperature before you start using it.
  3. Apply a warm compress to your face. A warm compress can relieve pain from pressure on your sinuses and loosen the mucus so that you can blow it out more easily.
    • Wet a washcloth or small towel with very warm water. Put it on your face where you feel the most pressure.
    • In general, these are your eyes, the area above your eyebrows, your nose, and your cheeks just below your eyes.
    • Re-warm the washcloth every five minutes, then put it back on your face to reduce pain and pressure.
  4. Sleep with your head slightly elevated. This can help relieve pressure on your sinuses and prevent mucus build-up in the nose.
    • Get enough rest to keep your body strong so you can fight sinus inflammation and reduce excess mucus.
  5. Humidify the air in your living space. Dry air can irritate the cavities and cause a stuffy or runny nose.
    • Humidifiers come in two types, with cool water vapor or warm mist, but there are different types of weather for each type. If you often suffer from dry cavities that lead to pain, irritation, and excess mucus, you can purchase a humidifier.
    • A houseplant can also make the air more humid. This may be an option for you instead of or in addition to a humidifier.
    • Other easy ways to temporarily humidify the air are to boil a pot of water on the stove, leave the bathroom door open when you shower or bathe, and let your laundry dry indoors.
  6. Use steam. Steam helps loosen mucus in your chest, nose, and throat, making it easier to get rid of.
    • Boil a pot of water, hang your head over it, and breathe in the steam for a few minutes.
    • Cover your head with a towel to trap the steam underneath.
    • A hot shower can also help loosen the mucus.
  7. Avoid irritants. Being exposed to irritants such as smoke or strong chemical smells can also cause you to produce more mucus. Sometimes the mucus runs down the back of your throat, and sometimes your lungs also start to produce mucus from certain irritants. You then get the feeling that you have to cough to loosen the mucus there.
    • If you smoke, quit smoking. Also try to avoid being exposed to secondhand cigarette or cigar smoke.
    • Try to avoid outdoor situations that burn trash, and sit with the wind at your back when there is a campfire, if you know that this will cause excessive slime.
    • Other pollution we breathe can also cause cavity problems. Watch out for dust, pet dander, mold and yeast in your home or at work. Make sure to clean your humidifier's filter regularly.
    • Exhaust fumes, chemicals at work, and even smog can create more slime. This is called non-allergic rhinitis.
  8. Protect your cavities from sudden temperature changes. Having to be outside when it is cold for work can create more mucus once you get back to a warmer environment.
    • Keep your face and nose warm if you have to be outside in the cold.
    • Put on a hat, and even consider getting a balaclava.
  9. Blow your nose. Blow your nose gently and properly. Experts think blowing your nose often causes more problems than it solves.
    • Blow your nose gently. Blow one nostril at a time.
    • If you blow too hard, there will be too much pressure on your cavities. If there are already unwanted irritants in your nose, they can sometimes get even deeper into your cavities when you blow.
    • Always use a clean handkerchief when you blow your nose and wash your hands afterward to avoid spreading bacteria and germs.

Method 3 of 4: Take over-the-counter remedies

  1. Take antihistamines. An antihistamine can be very helpful for cavity problems caused by an allergy.
    • Antihistamines work by blocking the body's response to certain allergens. This reaction produces histamine, and antihistamines minimize the reaction to the allergens or irritants.
    • Antihistamines work especially well in people who know they have an allergy. Some are seasonal, others can occur all year round.
    • Seasonal problems are caused by substances from plants in our environment that can bloom from spring to fall.
    • People with year-round allergies are allergic to things that are difficult to avoid. This can be anything from dust mites to animals.
    • Antihistamines help, but people with severe allergies may need more intensive therapy. Consult with your doctor about the options.
  2. Use decongestants. Decongestants are available in the form of nasal drops or nasal spray.
    • Decongestants work by constricting blood vessels, causing the swollen tissue to shrink. Mucus can then be more easily removed from the cavities, so that you can breathe better again.
  3. Products containing pseudoephedrine, originally marketed as Sudafed, can be purchased without a prescription.
  4. You may be asked for identification and your purchase will be registered. This is done for your safety to prevent the illegal use of pseudoephedrine.
  5. Talk to your doctor about taking oral decongestants if you have heart disease or hypertension.
  6. Use a nasal spray to clear the cavities. Although these products quickly clear the cavities and reduce the pressure, you have to be careful because you can become addicted to these products if you use them for longer than three days.
    • The addiction means that your body adjusts to the drug, and the constipation and pressure come back even worse once you stop taking it. To avoid this, never use them for longer than three days in a row.
  7. Have your doctor prescribe a nasal spray containing corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that can reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, reducing the runny nose and excess mucus caused by irritants or allergens. They are mainly used by people who suffer from chronic cavities.
    • Corticosteroids are only available by prescription. Examples of this are Fluticasone and triamcinolone.
    • Most people using corticosteroid nasal sprays feel relief after a few days. Make sure you follow the directions in the package insert carefully.
  8. Use a saline nasal spray. A saline solution will clear the cavities and moisturize your nostrils. Use the spray as instructed in the package insert and be patient. You probably won't notice it much for the first few times, but after repeated use, you will notice that it helps.
    • A saline nasal spray works the same as a nasal cannister. It moistens the damaged and irritated nasal mucosa and removes irritants and allergens.
    • A saline spray is effective for clearing a runny nose and reducing excess mucus that clogs your nose.

Method 4 of 4: Natural remedies

  1. Drink enough. Drinking water or other liquids helps thin the mucus. Although you actually want to get rid of that stuffy or runny nose immediately, drinking a lot loosens and liquefies the mucus. This makes it easier for your body to get rid of it, so that you get better.
    • Warm liquids help in two ways. You reach your daily recommended amount of moisture, and you breathe in steam.
    • Anything warm is good, such as coffee, hot tea, or even a cup of soup.
  2. Make a warm toddy. A recipe for making a warm toddy is hot water, a little whiskey or other alcohol, fresh lemon juice, and a spoonful of honey.
    • There is scientific evidence showing that a warm toddy can help with a stuffy nose, excess mucus, sinus pressure, a sore throat and other symptoms associated with a cold.
    • Don't drink too much alcohol, as this can actually make your cavities swollen, making the congestion feel worse and making more mucus. Drinking a lot or often alcohol is harmful to your health, so this should be avoided.
    • Make an alcohol-free toddy by using your favorite tea in place of water and alcohol. Do add fresh lemon juice and honey.
  3. Drink herbal tea. In addition to the benefit of the steam you breathe over a cup of hot tea, certain herbs also relieve your cavity problems.
    • Add peppermint to a cup of hot tea. Peppermint contains menthol, which works against cavity pressure, blockage and mucus when you inhale it or drink it as a tea.
    • Peppermint is often used against excess mucus and sinus infections. Peppermint and menthol also help relieve coughs and phlegm in the lungs.
    • Do not take peppermint oil orally. Also, do not give babies peppermint or menthol.
    • Green tea and green tea extract contain ingredients that are good for overall health and can reduce cavity symptoms in a cold. Drink more green tea gradually to avoid unwanted effects such as stomach problems or constipation.
    • Green tea contains caffeine. People who have a medical condition and pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking green tea.
    • Green tea can affect the way medicines work. Examples include antibiotics, birth control pills, cancer drugs, asthma drugs, and stimulants. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, especially when it comes to herbal supplements.
  4. Seek relief from other herbal remedies. Be careful when taking herbal remedies and always consult your doctor before starting any herbal treatment.
    • There is evidence that certain combinations of herbs are very good for treating cavity problems. Self-help products containing a mixture of these herbs are available at health food stores or drug stores, among others.
    • Look for products that contain cowslip, gentian root, elderflower, verbena, and sorrel. Side effects of these herbs can include stomach pain and diarrhea.
  5. Consider taking ginseng. North American ginseng has been studied to learn more about its properties to treat medical conditions. These studies have shown that it can remedy cavity cold symptoms.
    • Ginseng root has been labeled "Possibly Effective" in adults, at reducing the frequency, severity and duration of symptoms experienced with a cold, including cavity problems. No results are known regarding the use of ginseng in children.
    • Side effects known from the use of ginseng include changes in blood pressure, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, digestive problems such as diarrhea, itching, rash, difficulty sleeping, headache, nervousness and vaginal bleeding.
    • Ginseng can affect the action of certain medications, such as medications for schizophrenia, diabetes, depression, and blood thinners. People who need surgery or chemotherapy should also not use ginseng.
  6. Take elderberry, eucalyptus and licorice root. These herbal remedies are widely used to remedy excess mucus and cavity problems. There may be an interaction with other medications, so consult your doctor before starting.
    • People with a medical condition should not use certain herbal remedies. Always consult your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disease, kidney disease, liver disease, potassium deficiency, heart disease, or other conditions that require taking aspirin or blood thinners.
    • Elderberry can help with excess mucus and cavity problems. By taking an elderberry extract with vitamin C and other herbs you can clear blocked cavities.
    • Eucalyptus oil is a concentrated form of eucalyptus, and it is poisonous when ingested. But it is in all kinds of products, especially cough remedies. Products containing eucalyptus often need to be applied topically, such as a chest balm, and it is found in very low concentrations in some cough lozenges. You can also put it in a humidifier so that you can inhale it through the steam.
    • Licorice root is widely used. However, there is little evidence that licorice root works on blocked cavities or excess mucus.
  7. Find out if echinacea can help. Many people use echinacea, an herbal supplement, for blocked cavities, mucus and the symptoms associated with a cold.
    • Scientific research has not shown that echinacea helps with congestion or mucus, or symptoms associated with a cold.
    • Echinacea is available in a variety of products, which are made from different parts of the plant. It is not always clear which part has been used and the efficacy is therefore unknown.