How to get rid of fungal nails

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prevent and treat nail fungus
Video: How to prevent and treat nail fungus


Onychomycosis, an invasion of fungus, can affect one or more of your nails - this manifests itself in fungal nails. The infection can start as a white or yellow speck just below the top of the fingernail or toenail. As the fungus moves deeper into the nail, it can cause the nail to discolor, thicken, or develop crumbling edges - an unsightly and potentially painful problem. These infections typically develop when the nails are exposed to warm, moist environments for extended periods - fungi thrive in such environments. While some people are more genetically predisposed to contracting the fungus, things like swimming and sweating can also cause the fungus to develop due to fluid build-up. In extreme cases, the fungal nail can be very painful and hinder the use of the hands and / or feet. Follow the steps below to learn how to treat your yeast infection at home or seek medical treatment.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Try home remedies

  1. Drop some tea tree oil on the nail. Tea tree oil has been used as a fungal and bactericidal agent for centuries. Apply a few drops of the oil directly to the nail or use a cotton ball dabbed in the tea tree oil to coat the affected area.
    • Use a toothbrush to gently scrub your nail. Discard the toothbrush after use.
    • Make a mixture of tea tree oil and olive oil and rub it on the nail. You can apply this mixture, or the pure tea tree oil, as often as you like. Twice a day is generally sufficient to treat mild cases.
  2. Make a scrub from baking soda, peroxide, vinegar, and salt. Mix four cups of warm water, a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide and half a cup of (Epsom) salt. Then add a quarter cup of vinegar. You can find all these ingredients at the drugstore. Soak your nail directly in the mixture, or soak a cotton ball in it and hold it against the nail for about ten minutes. Repeat this twice a day.
  3. Spread pure orange oil on the nail. Like tea tree oil, orange oil is also used as a fungicide. As such, it helps fight fungal nails. Make sure to apply the oil on and under the toenail. Just make sure you are not allergic to orange oil - you can test this by applying a little bit of the oil to the skin before you start.
  4. Squeeze some fresh garlic and mix it with vinegar. Raw garlic has anti-fungal properties. Make sure to squeeze the garlic well so that all of the allicin comes out - allicin is the fungicidal compound in the garlic. Soak your nail in the mixture for as long as you feel comfortable. Consuming raw garlic can also ward off fungal infections.
  5. Use apple cider vinegar. The sourness of apple cider vinegar prevents the fungus from spreading and kills bacteria at the same time. Dilute the vinegar by adding an equal amount of water. Soak your nail in the solution for up to thirty minutes. Repeat this process daily, making sure to dry the nail thoroughly after soaking.
  6. Soak the affected area in bactericidal mouthwash. The alcohol in the mouthwash acts as a disinfectant, while the bactericidal compounds help get rid of the fungus. Immerse the nail in the mouthwash for 15 minutes a day.
  7. Apply Vick's VapoRub. Apply a little bit of this stuff to the nail and put on socks or gloves before going to sleep. Make sure the nail is completely dry before applying the Vick's.
  8. Cover the affected area with lavender oil. Lavender oil has antiseptic properties and can provide relief for irritated skin. Heat the lavender oil a little in the microwave so that it is not cold. Dab a cotton ball in the oil and hold it against the affected area for a few minutes several times a day.
  9. Try oregano oil. This oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal properties. Oregano oil can work wonders for your fungal nails. Apply a few drops of the oil to the affected area a few times a day.
  10. Squeeze some lemon juice on and around your nail. The citric acid prevents the fungus from spreading to the other nails and other areas. Let the lemon juice sit on the affected area for 15 minutes, then rinse it off thoroughly with water.

Method 2 of 3: Medical treatments

  1. Take oral medications. If none of the above home remedies work, ask your doctor for a prescription for oral antifungal medications. Two commonly prescribed medications that are said to be particularly effective are terbinafine and itraconazole. Ask your doctor which medications work best for your specific condition.
    • You can assume that you will be prescribed oral medications if you are at risk of developing cellulite or if you are experiencing pain from your nail fungus.
    • Oral medication allows the nail to regrow without fungus. It may take a while before the fungal nail is completely replaced. It will usually take between six and 12 weeks for the medicine to start working, but it may take a few months to get rid of the infection completely.
    • Be aware that oral medications can have certain side effects, such as a rash and liver problems.
  2. Apply a fungicidal lacquer. If the infection is not strong enough to warrant oral medication, you may be prescribed a topical antifungal varnish. This polish basically looks the same as clear nail polish and is only applied to the surface of the fungal nail. The active ingredients of such lacquers are usually ciclopirox or Amorolfine.
    • Apply this lacquer to the infected area once a day for a week. Clean the area with rubbing alcohol every day and reapply.
    • The disadvantage of such paints is that it can take an awfully long time to get rid of an infection. It can sometimes take up to a year to get rid of your fungal nails.
  3. Try a cream or gel. Your doctor may also prescribe creams or gels that have anti-fungal properties or contain urea - urea helps absorb excess moisture. Some of these treatments require a doctor's prescription, while others are over-the-counter.
  4. Opt for surgical removal. In severe infections it may be necessary to surgically remove (part of) the nail. Don't worry, the nail will grow back on its own - it may just take a while and hurt a little.
  5. Get laser treatment. Doctors nowadays are able to treat fungal nails with a laser. They can also remove fungi by means of photodynamic therapy. Unfortunately, such treatments can cost up to hundreds of euros.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent fungal nails

  1. Watch your hygiene. Expose your nails to the air whenever possible. Tight shoes, tights, stockings, and the like can create a sweaty environment for your nails. So choose open shoes instead.
  2. Keep your nails short, dry and clean. Use a manicure / pedicure kit to take care of your nails regularly. Keeping your nails short prevents bacteria from settling underneath.
  3. Wear ventilating socks. Avoid cotton and wool socks if you plan to sweat. Synthetic socks are better in that case, because they don't allow moisture to build up in your socks.
  4. Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes or using detergents. This not only prevents you from coming into contact with bacteria, but also ensures that your hands stay dry. Bacteria like to settle in warm, moist places - so try to avoid creating that environment near your nails as much as possible.
  5. Always wear footwear in public places. This is especially important if you shower at the gym. Make sure to wear flip flops where multiple people use the same showers. These always wet, warm places full of sweaty people are a great breeding ground for bacteria.
  6. Avoid shady nail salons. Make sure that the nail salon you visit always sterilizes the baths and things before use.
    • If you don't want to ask the owners this, or are unsure whether they are telling the truth, bring your own. Ask them to use your nail supplies to perform the manicure or pedicure.
    • You can also stop painting your nails and using fake nails altogether. Nail polish ensures that the moisture is trapped in your nails and can also cause small cuts that attract bacteria.