Perform an enema at home

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My First Enema / Internal Cleanse  (The Full Procedure!)
Video: My First Enema / Internal Cleanse (The Full Procedure!)


An enema involves introducing fluid through the anus to stimulate stool. Enemas are great for cleaning your intestinal tract and have many other benefits. But how do you perform an enema at home? The simple truth is that it can be done easily and relatively safely. If you're looking for a quick, easy, and effective way to cleanse your intestinal tract and liver, or if you're tired of being constipated, follow this advice for freedom. This article will show you how to perform two types of enemas - the cleansing enema and the retention enema.

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  1. Gather the necessary supplies. While inducing stool with an enema is relatively easy, you do need a few essentials:
    • Some big old towels
    • A teaspoon of organic almond or coconut oil as a lubricant
    • A liter of distilled water at body temperature
    • A clean enema kit
    • A book or magazine - you will need it!
  2. Find a warm, comfortable place to perform the enema, such as a private bathroom with a sunny window or heating. There should be room for the enema bag or a bucket to sit on or hang over (it should be about three feet from the floor).
    • Make sure your place is close to a toilet. Once you perform the enema, you may only have a few seconds before the body decides to defecate. If this happens and you are not near a toilet, you will be in trouble.
  3. Assemble the enema kit according to the instructions for use. An enema kit usually comes with
    • A bag for the liquid
    • A hook to hang the bag
    • A snake
    • A sealing cap
    • A rectal catheter
  4. Place the towels on the bathroom floor. Make yourself as comfortable as possible.
  5. Use the oil to coat your anus and the first few inches of the syringe side of the catheter.

Method 1 of 2: Cleansing enema

  1. Understand a cleansing enema. A cleansing enema is what most people imagine when they hear the word "enema": designed to be quick and easy, provide quick bowel movements and help clean the intestinal tract. There are different types of cleansing enemas. Here are a few that you can safely use at home:
    • Lemon juice. Helps to cleanse the intestinal tract and adjusts the pH in the intestinal tract. Known for detoxifying the system.
    • Apple cider vinegar and water. Also a way to adjust the pH in the intestinal tract. Believed to help clear mucus from the body.
    • Catnip tea. Helps with constipation and can help lower a high fever.
    • Burdock root. Widely used in Asian communities, known for helping to flush out calcium deposits and clean the blood.
    • Chamomile tea. Very soothing and effective.
  2. Mix the herb or additive you have chosen with water, making sure to dilute the solution properly. Stay careful: Always dilute more than you think is necessary. An enema should mainly be water. The additions are the support act, not the main act.
  3. Use the clamp to check the flow and fill your bucket with clean distilled water and any additives. Hold the insertion end of the hose over the bath or toilet. Open the clamp to allow the water to run through the hose until it runs out regularly. Make sure there are no air bubbles in the hose. Once you are sure of this, clamp the hose to stop the flow.
  4. Lie on your back, with your knees pulled up to your chest. Depending on how comfortable you are and your size, you can choose to lie on your side; some people find it easier to take in more liquid when lying on their side.
  5. When you are lying correctly, insert the nozzle about 8 cm into your anus. If you feel resistance, stop and adjust the angle until you can insert the hose with ease.
  6. Slowly loosen the clamp to start the flow of water. Take it slowly, as going too fast can cause immediate bowel movements. The key to a successful enema is to put the liquid in and keep it in until the body's natural peristaltic movement begins. If you experience cramping, clamp the hose off and take a deep breath before continuing. It also helps to gently massage your belly.
  7. After putting in as much water as you can, gently remove the spout. Stay on the floor or go to the toilet.
  8. After you have held the liquid for a few minutes, sit on the toilet and relax. Wait until you can give what it takes.
  9. You are done! Clean and air dry your items before putting them away.

Method 2 of 2: Retention enema

  1. Understand what a retention enema is. If a cleansing enema is meant to be a short walk in the neighborhood, then the retention enema is a long walk in the woods. Retention enemas are exactly what the name suggests: instead of putting in the liquid and quickly working it out with other waste, you are supposed to keep it in for anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Commonly used ingredients in retention enemas include:
    • Coffee. Regular coffee works best, although you can also use instant coffee. Coffee enemas are believed to stimulate the intestinal tract and gallbladder. Make sure you use the right kind, otherwise you could be up all night because the intestinal tract absorbs very well.
    • Probiotics. Believed to be effective against fungal infections and other types of candidiasis. All probiotics are good.
    • Red raspberry leaf. Red raspberry leaf is said to be good for women, is rich in iron and improves eyesight.
    • Wheatgrass infusion. Seems to replace good bacteria and helps to cleanse the intestinal tract.
  2. Since you are going to keep this enema in longer than the cleansing enema, you have to make sure that no ingredient can be harmful. Retention enemas can feel great, but they can do more damage than good if not done properly. Make sure it would feel good to swallow whatever you use.
  3. Follow the same procedure - as explained for the cleansing enema - to make the enema solution, insert the solution, and remove the nozzle. The process is exactly the same.
  4. Instead of letting the body defecate itself, keep the enema solution in the rectum for about 5 to 15 minutes. Again, if you experience cramping, gently massage your stomach and try to find a comfortable position.
  5. Once the time is up, go to the toilet and let the enema come out.
  6. You are done! Clean and air dry your items before putting them away.


  • Don't get discouraged. Most enema bags hold almost two liters. If you can't handle the whole amount, that's okay. It's no contest. It's an enema.
  • Keep it simple the first time. Don't try complicated solutions - stick to distilled water.
  • Monitor the temperature of your solution. The ideal temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. If it is too cold, you can get cramps; if it is too hot you may experience a burning sensation.
  • Make sure you have everything you need on hand so you don't have to stretch or reach during the enema.


  • Alcohol enemas are not recommended because they are very dangerous. Do not.
  • Always have enough lubricant on the anus and nozzle of the enema.