Cleaning suede shoes

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Clean Your Suede Sneakers | The Best Method Possible
Video: How To Clean Your Suede Sneakers | The Best Method Possible


Suede shoes are very sensitive to scuffs, scratches and stains, and anyone who owns a pair of suede shoes can agree that they are difficult to clean. Could your walkers use a facelift? Follow these steps to get them looking as good as new again.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Remove dirt and scuffs

  1. Take a suede brush and make sure your shoes are dry. Suede has soft hairs that are best cleaned with a brush, which you often find in a special pack to care for suede. For some shoes, the manufacturer indicates how to take care of them. Then follow these suggestions. Suede cannot withstand water well, so try to remove dirt and scuffs when dry.
  2. Let the shoes dry at least overnight. Place them in a dry, well-ventilated area and let the water evaporate.
  3. Freeze the shoes if they have wax or gum stains on them. If there are gum or other things stuck to your shoes, put them in the freezer for a few hours. It will then harden enough so that you can peel it off in large chunks. Then brush it with the suede brush.
  4. Remove blood stains with a cotton ball containing hydrogen peroxide. Pat the stain with a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide until the blood is out.
  5. Apply white vinegar to stubborn stains. Apply a tiny amount of vinegar with a soft cloth to a stain that will not come out with other methods, let it dry, and then brush gently with a suede brush. This can also be a good method for removing salt rings.
  6. Use steel wool on dry stains. Brush firmly over the stain with steel wool. Note that you may have to brush the rest of the shoe with this as well to ensure that it continues to look the same.
  7. Use a nail file and steam. Rub the suede with a paper nail file. First, hold the shoe over a steaming whistling kettle or kettle. The steam opens the pores of the suede and makes cleaning easier.


  • If you won't be wearing your shoes for a while, wrap them in tissue paper and put them in a shoebox. Keep them from getting too damp and don't put them in the light as suede can get moldy and bright light can affect the colors.
  • If your shoes are too wet, you can pat them dry with kitchen paper.
  • Take the laces out if you really want to clean them properly. If your laces are dirty, you can put them in the washing machine, depending on what they are made of. Otherwise you can buy new ones.
  • Avoid suede dye. If you can't get your shoes clean with any of the above methods, you probably won't be able to use suede dye either. You can damage your shoes even more with that.


  • Be careful when applying a protective spray. Make sure there is adequate ventilation and follow the instructions on the label. Some sprays are flammable.
  • Do not use a wad of newspaper instead of shoe trees. If the newspaper gets wet, you can stain your shoes.
  • Do not use dry cleaning solvents. These agents may work, but they are very strong chemicals that will linger in your home.