Stop thinking you have no right to anything

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Coldplay - All I Can Think About Is You (Official Lyric Video)
Video: Coldplay - All I Can Think About Is You (Official Lyric Video)


Sometimes feelings of inferiority can make you feel like you don't deserve anything good. It's important to channel these thoughts and change them as soon as you notice them. If the feeling that you have no right to anything persists or is in danger of overwhelming you, you may need to consult an expert mental health professional or therapist.

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Part 1 of 4: Changing your way of thinking

  1. Try to find out why you feel you have no right to anything. Understanding what's causing your feelings is the first step to making changes. Have you made a big miss in your life? Do you feel like you are constantly making mistakes? Is there something from your past that you just cannot leave behind? Would you like to be someone else?
  2. Remember that no one is perfect. Everyone has their flaws, even if everything looks perfect on the outside. You may even appear perfect to others.
  3. Automatically identify your thoughts. Sometimes we have thoughtless ideas and allow them to shape our worldview. For example, you might think, "I don't deserve this promotion because I don't work hard enough." Try to notice when you have such thoughts.
  4. Re-evaluate the thoughts that automatically come to mind. Is it true that you are not working hard enough to earn a promotion? Can you think of some ways in which you have recently been competent in your work? Ways in which you did your best?
  5. Adjust your thinking. When you notice that a negative thought automatically comes to mind, try to turn it around. For example, if you find that you don't think you deserve a promotion because you are not working hard enough, say clearly and firmly to yourself, “I do deserve a promotion. I have been a loyal employee for 5 years. I have met all of my sales targets in the past 6 months. ”

Part 2 of 4: Reducing negative energy

  1. Try to deal with negative people less often. Does your older sister make you feel bad about your weight every time you see her? Is your colleague constantly being rude to you? It may not be possible to avoid these people completely, but you can reduce the time you spend with these people.
    • If you feel that you are being verbally abused or bullied, report the culprit to appropriate authorities if necessary. (For example, in the case of cyberbullying, you can report the culprit to the website administrator. Talk to your boss if you are bothered by a bullying colleague.)
  2. Look for people who make you feel good about yourself. This may mean that you will have to associate with people you would otherwise not be able to contact so quickly.
    • Is there a woman at the gym who always says hello to you and asks how you are doing? Maybe she wants to have a cup of coffee with you somewhere.
    • Do the people in your Bible class make you feel very welcome every week? Maybe you can organize something for this group outside of the church.
    • Do you have a colleague who always tells interesting stories? Then consider inviting him or her to lunch in the company canteen, or go for a walk together.
  3. Try to spend less time on social media. Do you spend a lot of time on social media to compare yourself to other people? People tend to post an idealized version of themselves on the Internet, so when comparing your own life to that of your Facebook friends, the picture presented to you may be incorrect.
  4. Spend more time in places that make you happy. Is there an interesting museum, a nice library, a cozy coffee house, or a sunny park that you can visit regularly? Try to make a change in your environment for more positive energy in your life.

Part 3 of 4: Changing your behavior

  1. Say something positive about yourself every morning. You can do this out loud or in your mind. It's okay if you say the same thing several times. You may not be able to come up with something new every day, especially in the early stages of this process. Chances are that once you are more positive about yourself, you will be able to say more positive things about yourself.
  2. Volunteer. Especially if you are not satisfied with your work and private life, it is important to feel that you are helping others. Research has shown that feeling like you can do something for others can go a long way towards increasing your overall happiness and self-esteem. Just make sure you choose volunteer work that you can be successful in.
    • If you are good with children, consider tutoring.
    • If you are orderly and efficient, you could work at a food bank or thrift store, the proceeds of which will be donated to charity.
    • If you are handy, consider an organization like Habitat for Humanity.
  3. Set small goals for yourself. Achieving small goals every day will make you feel like you've been victorious repeatedly and boost your self-esteem.
    • For example, “I want to lose 10 pounds by the beach weather,” may not be a realistic goal, and could make you feel like a failure if you don't achieve it.
    • On the other hand, something like, “I want to eat a sugar-free breakfast every day this week” is much more realistic and provides a daily opportunity to feel successful, provided you can stick to this goal.
  4. Look for reasons to laugh. Laughter releases “lucky” substances called endorphins in your body. Laughing more often can give you a stronger sense of wellbeing overall. In addition, looking at a situation with humor can make it seem less threatening and overwhelming. Try the following:
    • Watch stand-up comedy on TV or in a club,
    • Watch a comedy series you grew up with
    • Do laughter yoga,
    • Reading a joke book,
    • Play with small children or pets, or
    • Go to a game night in a coffee house (with games like Taboo, Cranium or Catchphrase).
    • You can even simulate laughter by holding a pencil between your teeth for about 10 minutes. Your body will respond to your muscle sensation and your mood will improve slightly.
  5. Get moving. Exercise has a positive impact on your overall health and self-esteem. Light to moderate exercise (such as yoga, walking, or raking leaves) seem to be the most effective.
    • If you don't have time to go to the gym, try incorporating some exercise into your daily life. Close your office door and do ten jumping jacks every hour. Park at the end of the parking lot. Take the stairs. Eat your lunch while you are out for a walk.
  6. Eat a healthy diet. Physical health is often associated with increased self-esteem. In addition, vitamins, minerals and good fats can improve your mood.
    • Eat less foods rich in sugars, caffeine and alcohol.
    • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel or trout, to lift your mood.
    • Eat foods rich in vitamin D, including eggs and yogurt, to increase the production of serotonin (a mood stabilizer) in the brain.
    • To have more energy, get more B vitamins by eating spinach, broccoli, meat, eggs and dairy products.
  7. Get plenty of rest. Sleep has a huge effect on your overall mental and emotional health. A good night's sleep can change your entire view of the world. If you want to sleep better, do the following:
    • Make sure you go to bed and get up around the same time every day. This helps establish a rhythm that your body can follow consistently.
    • Only take a nap when absolutely necessary. Keep it for 15-20 minutes at a time so it doesn't bother falling asleep at night.
    • Avoid all different types of screens (television, telephone, laptop, etc.) less than two hours before going to bed.
  8. Pray. If you are a spiritual person, saying a prayer can be just what you need to make you feel better about your life. Praying in a group (such as in a church or temple) can make you feel part of a greater whole and lessen your feelings of worthlessness. Even praying alone can make you feel that you are not alone.

Part 4 of 4: Getting help

  1. Ask for the help of family and friends. It is important to understand that you are not alone in your struggle. For some people, a loving friend or family is enough to get rid of the feeling that you have no right to anything.
  2. Ask for compliments from people you respect. Recent research has shown that people who get compliments from friends prior to a task outperform those who don't get compliments. "Pisces" for a compliment is fine! Your friends and family can help remind you that you deserve the best life has to offer.
  3. Talk to your doctor. Certain aspects of your health may contribute to making you feel inferior. Your doctor can advise you on how to take supplements or create a training schedule, or refer you to a specialist.
  4. Find a support group. You are not the only person who feels like he / she is worthless. Search online for a support group in your area. Try
  5. Consider hiring a therapist. Some reasons you may want to seek the help of a therapist include:
    • suffer from emotions that regularly overwhelm you,
    • coping with severe trauma,
    • regular abdominal pain, headache or other unclear symptoms, and
    • tense relationships.
  6. Recognize depression. If the feeling that you have no right to anything persists for a long time, you may be depressed. Depression is different from being sad. You then have to deal with persistent feelings of hopelessness and a sense of worthlessness. Some signs that you may be depressed and should ask for help include:
    • losing interest in people and things that you enjoyed before,
    • have long-lasting lethargic feelings,
    • a drastic change in appetite and need for sleep,
    • inability to concentrate,
    • a drastic change in your mood (especially more irritable),
    • inability to concentrate,
    • have long-term problems with negative thoughts that will not stop,
    • increase in the use of narcotics,
    • suffer from unclear aches and pains,
    • Hate yourself or feel like you are completely worthless.


  • Seek the help of a psychotherapist if the feeling that you are not entitled to anything persists for more than a week, or if this feeling is likely to become dominant.
  • If the feeling that you have no right turns into a feeling that you don't deserve to live, get professional help right away. Tell a friend, family member or psychological counselor, call the helpline for thoughts of suicide, 0900-0113, or go to