Standing pooping on a toilet

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I poop standing up.....and it’s okay
Video: I poop standing up.....and it’s okay


Sometimes it can be annoying to sit in a public toilet. The toilets are often very dirty, and sometimes you just don't get to sit comfortably because the seat is too cold or because there is no toilet seat at all. Either way, sometimes it would be nice to be able to defecate while standing. In this article you will find some tips to make this process easier.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing the right place

  1. Choose the best box. If you have to defecate and your only choice is a public toilet with several cubicles, at least choose the cubicle where you can best relieve yourself while standing. First you need to check if the lock is working properly. The last thing you want is for someone to open the door while you're pooping.
    • If you want the cleanest toilet, it is best to choose the toilet that is closest to the exit. Research has shown that these toilets are the least used, so they are usually cleaner.
  2. Gather your supplies. In any case, you need toilet paper. Before you start, you should check that there is enough toilet paper available and that you can access it properly. Before pooping, put a small amount of toilet paper in the bowl. This way you prevent water from splashing up when a turd falls into the pot.
    • Consider carrying some hygiene wipes with you at all times, in your pocket or purse. You will be happy with it while cleaning.
    • Bring some paper towels into the booth. These types of wipes work better than toilet paper when you need to clean up any mess.
    • If you think you will end up in a situation where you have to poop standing up, keep that in mind when choosing your clothes. In the case of women, a skirt can be useful. Raise the skirt and hold it by your waist. For men it is important that you do not put on your best pants. Pooping while standing can be more messy than sitting on the toilet, and you don't want to get your good clothes dirty.
  3. Seek privacy. Some people are a little nervous about going to a public toilet. If that's true for you, there are some steps you can take to make this experience as private as possible. Choose a toilet that is not located near the entrance of a building. A toilet afterwards will have fewer visitors, so there is a greater chance that you will be all alone. Hopefully that will ease the nerves.
    • If you use this method at friends' homes, you may be concerned that others may hear certain sounds. Consider running the faucet while you're at it. This way you create a sound barrier, and you create more privacy through it.
  4. Try to squat. You will have to squat slightly, because you cannot relieve yourself upright. With bent legs you can aim better and you are sure to hit the toilet. Squatting also makes you more stable, so you will wobble less.
    • Bend your knees slightly and bend forward slightly. You can also keep your butt apart with your hands. This process makes it faster and easier.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning

  1. Wipe yourself thoroughly. If you poop while standing (or crouching) it is more difficult to control where your turds are going. For this reason it is extra important that you wipe your butt well and thoroughly afterwards. Always wipe from front to back.
    • Wipe gently, but firmly
    • If possible, dampen some toilet paper or a paper towel so you can clean yourself better.
    • Consider carrying some hygiene wipes with you at all times. Choose unscented wipes, otherwise your skin can become irritated.
  2. Clean the toilet. If water has splashed up, you can use a paper towel, toilet paper, or hygienic cloth to mop up the mess. Also clean the toilet seat if you accidentally hit it. If you used a paper toilet seat cloth, you should flush it or throw it in the trash.
  3. Wash your hands. The best way to prevent the spread of bacteria is to wash your hands. Do this with hot water and soap. Rub your hands firmly together under the water jet for at least 20 seconds.
    • Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel or a hand dryer.
    • If no water is available, you can use disinfectant gel.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding the problem

  1. Analyze your fears. Think about the reasons you might want to poop while standing. Do you have a fear of contamination and do you think public toilets are dirty? Are you worried about getting sick? These fears are common, but you should understand that visiting a public toilet is very unlikely to make you sick. So try to find ways to deal with your fears.
    • If your fears start to negatively affect your life, it's time to see your doctor. He or she can give you tips on how to deal with your fears, or refer you to someone who can offer you spiritual support.
    • Take a deep breath. This way you ensure that your body and mind relax.
  2. Avoid public toilets. Take time to go to the bathroom at home before going out to work or any other place. Take this activity into account in your schedule. If you normally have to go to the bathroom often in the morning, try getting up a little earlier or leaving home a little later so that you have time to relieve yourself at home. Make sure you don't have to leave the house in a hurry.
  3. Talk to your doctor. If you have irregular bowel movements, it is best to talk to your doctor. Most people have a somewhat regular schedule when it comes to bowel movements. But if you can't determine in advance when to do it, you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or some other condition.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about your bowel movements in detail. The better you can describe it, the more likely he or she can make a diagnosis and suggest possible treatment.


  • Make sure extra toilet paper is always within reach.
  • Make sure the back of your pants is not hanging on the toilet seat. If the floor is wet or very dirty, you can roll up your pipes as high as possible, above the knee.
  • Remove your phone and other items from your pockets so they don't fall in the toilet.