Playing truant without your parents noticing

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
NCSS Here for You: School Avoidance and Truancy
Video: NCSS Here for You: School Avoidance and Truancy


Playing truant is risky, but it's worth it if you need some time for yourself. Most importantly, your parents don't find out. It is difficult but not impossible. Making a truancy plan is better than spontaneously staying away and hoping no one will notice. Make sure you don't get caught leaving the school grounds and pretend you have a good reason if you are seen outside of school. If you want to pretend you're sick as an excuse for not attending, it's good to start showing symptoms the night before so that it looks real.

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Method 1 of 3: Form a plan

  1. Check your school's truancy policy. Find your school handbook or a package of policy information you received and review the attendance section. Specifically, find out if they will call your parents if you are absent for no reason. If they call automatically when you don't show up, then you need to find a way to stop your parents from being called.
    • Try to block the number of the school on your parents' phones the day before you start skipping school. Cheating on your parents and tampering with their phone can get you in big trouble, so weigh the risk before doing this.
    • If your school doesn't call when you're out, then you don't have to worry about your parents hearing from school.
    • Frequent absence from school is problematic "truancy" and can lead to you being expelled from school. You may have to go to court to impose compulsory counseling, extra school time, detention or a probationary period. Truancy can be included in your student file.
  2. Make a plan before you start skipping school. Choose a specific day that you want to skip, instead of deciding to spontaneously not be there. Give yourself enough time to take some precautions and make arrangements. Be aware of any tests or special events you can't miss.
    • If you miss an important test or project that has a significant impact on your grade, chances are your parents will find out that you skipped school.
    • A day when there is not much going on will have fewer consequences if you show up at school than a day when something important happens.
  3. Inform the school of an upcoming absence. One way to prevent the school from telling your parents you weren't there is to hand in a note a few days before stating your forthcoming absence. Write the note neatly. Handing in a note as an excuse can help keep it from being discovered.
    • Practice on a signature that can pass for your parent's.
    • Cool one simple reason why you'll be gone. Say you're visiting a family member out of town, you're going on vacation for the day, or you're sick.
    • Keep in mind that lying to your parents or your school is never a good idea. If you lie about staying away, you will be in serious trouble.
  4. Plan your transportation in advance. When you go to school by bus, you have to figure out a way to get back home. If your home is close enough, you may be able to walk. Take a city bus or taxi if possible. Have a friend or older sibling drive you home or wherever you go.
    • This is a tricky step, but it is important. If you get stuck in school with no way to leave, you really have no way to leave.
    • Another option is to lie to your parents that a friend will pick you up that day so you don't have to ride the bus. And once your parents are gone, you just stay at home.
  5. Know the best exits in school. If you plan to leave after you are already in the school, use a door where you are unlikely to be seen. If you know an exit that is remote and not used by many people, this is the best way to sneak out. Make sure there are not many windows on the outside or the teachers see you leave.
    • It's best not to go in at all, but if your parents rip you off or the teachers see you when you arrive, sneaking out of the building is your only option.
    • You may even need to hide somewhere until the school starts so that it is less noticeable when you leave the building.
    • If you are caught dropping out of school, the punishment can look worse than if you hadn't shown up at all. Leaving school can be risky, so make sure it's worth it for you.
  6. Do not go together if you are trying this with friends. If you're skipping school with friends, don't walk out the door together. Go with one or two at a time so as not to attract attention. If possible, have everyone use a different door as well. Establish a meeting place and time, somewhere outside the school grounds, if possible.
    • If someone doesn't make it, assume that person was caught. Don't go back to the school to find him or her.
    • Meet as close to school as possible, but still outside the school grounds. You don't want to travel too far before you meet again.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid getting caught

  1. Be self-assured. Whether you're answering the phone at home, being questioned by a stranger about not being in school, or being asked by a teacher, answer confidently. If you sound suspicious, you are more likely to be caught.
    • Speak loudly and clearly instead of mumbling softly. Give clear and simple answers so that it doesn't sound like you're making something up.
    • When you pick up the phone at home, disguise your voice so that you sound sick or try to sound like one of your parents. In general, it is better not to answer the phone unless you know it is very important.
    • If you are seen outside the school and questioned, say, "I am on an assignment, so I was allowed to leave school." But I have to do this quickly, so I can't keep talking. "
    • Say something like, "I'm on my way to an appointment, but wanted to make a quick stop while traveling through this part of town."
  2. Stay at home instead of going outside. When you skip school, it's tempting to hit town and have fun. The downside to this is that someone is more likely to see you, maybe even your parents. Make it a relaxing day at home so that no one sees that you are not in school.
    • Staying home all day may not sound like fun, but think about how often you actually get the house to yourself. Take the time to do what you usually can't do with people around.
    • Hang out in your pajamas all day long. Turn up the TV. Take a long bath without being disturbed. Ask a friend to skip school together so you don't get bored.
    • It is important to be in school and you will miss a lot if you skip school. Make sure to make the day something to remember and use it wisely. You will regret staying away from school if you waste all day.
    • Remember, staying out of school is never a good idea and the fun you might have is not worth it if you get caught.
  3. Leave the house for a while before your parents come home. If you're going out for the day, make sure you get home around the time you normally do so your parents don't think it's strange. If you stay at home all day, go somewhere so that your parents don't find you home too early.
    • If your parents usually come home late, you may not have to leave because they expect you to be there anyway.

Method 3 of 3: Pretend to be sick

  1. Start pretending to be sick the night before you plan to skip school. As the evening progresses, sneeze every now and then. Often blow your nose where your parents can hear you. If you start pretending to be sick the night before, your parents will be less likely to become suspicious if you say you are sick in the morning.
    • Illness comes in different forms, with many different symptoms. Decide a few to use, such as an upset stomach, sneezing, or nausea, but don't overdo it with your symptoms.
    • If your parents are very careful, it may not be a good idea to pretend that you are sick.They can be so concerned that they take you to the doctor right away. If they know you lied about being sick, your punishment will get a lot more annoying.
    • Lying to your parents about being sick is worse than skipping school and will seriously damage their trust in you.
  2. Spend a long time in the bathroom in the morning. As soon as you wake up, go straight to the bathroom. Make noises like you are on the toilet and you are not feeling well at all. Pour some water into the toilet to simulate the correct sounds.
    • Flush the toilet at least two or three times to enhance the effect.
  3. Pretend you have a fever using a thermometer. Heat some tea and hold the thermometer against the outside of the mug until it heats up to 39 ℃. Do not let the thermometer read 40 ℃ or more as this will cause an alarm and you could be taken to the doctor. Make sure to include other fever symptoms, such as making yourself sweat a little and saying you're cold.
    • The combination of the fever reading on the thermometer, visible sweat on your forehead, and saying you are cold should be enough to convince your parents that you have a fever without worrying too much.


  • If you do eventually get caught, say you're sorry and immediately accept the punishment instead of lying, which will get you in even bigger trouble.
  • If your school has a school uniform, dress so that when your parents come home and see you in the uniform, they assume you were there all day. This makes it less likely that they think you haven't gone.
  • Even if you were at home all day and didn't get dirty, take a shower or a bath anyway so that your parents think you were at school.
  • It helps if your parents see you wearing the same sneakers they saw you wearing at school - if you're walking around in socks when it's not common, they may think you've been home - and don't forget to wear the same clothes that you wore when you came to school. A good tip is to take a shower or bath when your parents come home, even if you don't really need to.
  • Don't mess with your parent's phone. The school may try to call or text your parents and not get them on the phone. This is necessary to inform them if there is something wrong with you. If your teachers ask you where you were, say something like "I overslept" or "my alarm clock didn't work so I couldn't wake up at the right time."


  • Truancy almost always has consequences, so think about this carefully before choosing not to attend.