Grow plants faster

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Plants Faster with this – Proven Scientific Method | Mycorrhizae
Video: Grow Plants Faster with this – Proven Scientific Method | Mycorrhizae


There are many things you can do to make your plants grow faster, such as choosing the right fertilizer. Fast-growing plants can provide food more quickly or serve as gifts, such as in a bouquet. By planning how you will feed your plants and which strains you will grow, you will be well on your way to growing plants faster.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Feed your plants

  1. Do a soil test. In order to choose the right fertilizer, you have to see how your soil is composed. Many garden centers sell soil testing kits. The results of this test will make it clear which nutrients you need to add to create the best balance for your plants to grow.
  2. Choose an organic or an inorganic fertilizer. Choose between organic and inorganic fertilizers. When choosing an inorganic fertilizer, look for the mixture that provides the best balance of nutrients according to the requirements of your soil. Organic fertilizers are more difficult to measure because they vary in the amount of nutrients they contain. The organic fertilizer also needs to break down into inorganic compounds in the soil before plants can use it, which means it will take longer for your plants to take advantage of it.
    • Inorganic fertilizers provide plants with immediate nutrients and help them to grow faster. Organic fertilizers take longer to spread in the soil, but they make for healthier soil over time. If your goal is to make an already established plant grow faster, use an inorganic fertilizer. If you want to create a flower bed in the long term, an organic fertilizer offers the most benefits.
  3. Choose a liquid or granular fertilizer. Granular fertilizers consist of small granules. Like organic fertilizers, these are best for long-term projects such as flower beds. The layer on granular fertilizers is made of resin, which slowly releases the nutrients into the soil. Liquid fertilizers have a much faster effect, but they need to be applied more often. You usually need to spray liquid fertilizers on your plants every few weeks. Liquid fertilizers are also much more expensive.
    • Choose a fertilizer based on the urgency of your project. If you want future plants to grow faster, opt for granular fertilizers as they will enrich the soil over time. If your plant requires immediate attention, choose a liquid fertilizer.
    • If you choose a liquid fertilizer, make sure you read the label instructions. Too frequent use can over-fertilize and kill your plant.
  4. Watch the nutrients of the fertilizer. Plants need 16 nutrients to grow properly. The three main components are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These three are also called macronutrients. The secondary necessary nutrients are sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Finally, plants also need micronutrients such as boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.
    • Without the three macronutrients, a plant will not be able to grow.
    • Some fertilizers contain added vegetable foods. Growing a single plant such as a specific flower can promote growth. However, if you are growing many different plants at the same time, it is better to choose a fertilizer without plant foods.
  5. Determine the portion of nutrients on the package. Different types of fertilizers use different ratios of these nutrients. For example, a 6-12-6 fertilizer contains 6 percent nitrogen, 12 percent phosphorus, and 6 percent potassium. Depending on your soil test, you should choose the mixture that will add the most to your soil.
  6. Add the fertilizer. The best approach is to add the fertilizer evenly to the soil. If you choose a granular fertilizer, a spreader can help distribute it.
    • When fertilizing plants outdoors, make sure to remove any fertilizer that spills on the street or sidewalk. This way you prevent it from ending up in the waterways.
  7. Give your plants fertilizers often. Plants use up nutrients quickly. To keep the plants constantly nourished, make sure to add fertilizer to the soil as often as the plant needs. This will vary depending on both the plant and the fertilizer. Read the guidelines on the fertilizer packaging to see what is recommended.
    • If you are buying an already potted plant, check the label on the plant to see what soil it was planted in. This will give you an idea of ​​how often you will need to provide nutrition.

Method 2 of 3: Choosing the right plant

  1. Choose the type of plant you want to grow. Different plants grow at different rates. View multiple varieties of the plant you wish to grow. For example, there are tomato varieties that will grow within 50 days, while most normal varieties take an average of 70 - 90 days.
  2. Consider growing lettuce varieties. Some types of lettuce grow very quickly. Baby lettuce often grows within 14 days. Arugula needs 21 days. Green lettuce takes 28 days. There are also many varieties that grow slowly, especially those used in salads.
  3. Choose your vegetables. When growing vegetables, you need to choose the ones that grow quickly. Fast-growing vegetables include green beans, beets, broccoli, green onions, radishes, grapefruit, cucumbers, okra and peas.
  4. Choose flowers that grow quickly. Fast-growing flowers are useful as gifts or to fill up a garden. Opt for marigold, cosmos and yellow iris because they grow quickly and look fantastic. Other good plants to consider include sunflowers, sweet-smelling lathyrus, and nigelle.

Method 3 of 3: Helping the plant to grow

  1. Grow seedlings indoors. If you want to grow plants outdoors but have to wait until spring, you can germinate the seeds indoors. Seedlings take between 4 and 12 weeks to germinate. If you germinate them indoors and then transplant them to your garden, the plants will grow 4 to 6 weeks earlier than if you decide to wait until you can plant them directly in the flower bed.
    • Collect single container 5 - 10 cm deep with drainage holes.
    • Avoid fertilizers. Instead, use a mixture of peat moss and vermiculite in the container.
    • Leave the plants outside in the container for several hours a day. Do this at least two weeks before transplanting them to the flower bed. This will help them adjust to full sun.
    • The best plants to transplant are tomatoes, chilies, eggplants, and melons. However, some plants are difficult to transplant. These include zucchini, beans, beets, corn, spinach, tulips and peas.
  2. Talk to your plants. Studies show that plants respond particularly well when spoken to. Talk or sing to your plant when feeding. Record your voice using a dictaphone or mobile phone and play it back when you are not there. As a result, your plant will grow faster.
  3. Provide light. Use a grow light if you are growing the plant indoors. The best grow lights are HID lights. These come in two types: metal halide (MH) and high pressure sodium (HPS). PH incandescent bulbs provide the strongest light in the blue end of the spectrum, ensuring compact leaf growth. HPS incandescent bulbs last longer than MH bulbs and produce light at the red / orange end of the spectrum. MH lamps ensure that flowers grow quickly.
  4. Use coffee residues. Coffee grounds help your plants grow faster because of the caffeine. If you sometimes drink coffee, you can give the leftovers to your plants instead of throwing them away. The remains are rich in nitrogen, which is one of the most important nutrients for a plant. Some studies also suggest that the caffeine makes the plants grow faster.