Save money quickly

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tricks That Save A LOT of Money FAST
Video: 5 Tricks That Save A LOT of Money FAST


Everyone wants to save money, but if you need to do this quickly, there are some tricks that can help you stick to your budget. To save money quickly, keep a close eye on how much money you spend on transportation, shopping, and leisure, and make other small adjustments in your daily life. If you want to know how to save money quickly, follow the simple steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Save money at home

  1. Unplug all electrical appliances before you leave. This will save you a lot of money, especially if you are going on vacation for a longer period of time.
  2. Turn your thermostat down. Heating your house costs a lot of money. Get into the habit of putting on several layers of clothing when you are cold. If it is warm in your house, open the windows and let the cool breeze blow through your house, instead of spending money turning on your air conditioner or fan.
  3. Save money on furniture. Instead of spending a lot of money on new furniture, you can also save money by using Marktplaats and selecting furniture that is still in good condition. You can also go to a thrift store to pick out used furniture for a reasonable price.
    • If you have chairs that are starting to wear out, reupholster them instead of buying new ones.
    • If you want to get rid of your old furniture that is still in good condition, don't just have it collected by the municipality as bulky waste. Instead, put an ad on Marktplaats and you will soon find someone who is willing to take over your furniture.
  4. Flush your toilet with bath water. Did you just take a bath? Then pour the bath water into buckets and throw it in your toilet when you need to flush. This is an exceptional step, but it will save you a lot of money when you have to pay your water bill.
  5. Spend more time at home. You don't have to go to exclusive bars or restaurants to enjoy yourself. You can save a lot of money if you make it a habit to stay home more often instead of paying money for all things away from home.
    • The next time your friends ask you to join the pub, invite them over for a few drinks at your place instead.
    • Don't eat out too often. But there is a goal of ordering takeout just once or twice a week if you can. If your girlfriend invites you to a cozy dinner party, invite her over to your home for a delicious meal or ask if she would like to cook with you instead.
    • Is it really necessary to see every new movie right away in the cinema? If you have the patience to wait for the movie to be released on DVD, you can host a cozy movie night at home and save money on both movie tickets and tasty snacks.
    • In the morning, skip that fancy 4-euro cup of coffee and get into the habit of making coffee at home. You can save a ton of money every week by doing this.

Method 2 of 4: Save money on transportation

  1. Save money when you drive. Even though you would of course save more money if you stopped driving your car at all, sometimes it is just necessary to use your car to go to work or to an event. If you use your car regularly, there are a number of things you can do to save money while driving.
    • Go carpool. Carpooling to work or to a party with your friends is a great way to save money as long as everyone pays their share of the costs.
    • Save money on gas. Have a look at all gas stations nearby and find out which one has the lowest fuel prices. You may only save a few cents per liter, but that amount will add up quickly.
    • When the weather is nice, don't waste money turning on your car's air conditioning. Instead, turn your car windows down.
    • Wash your car yourself. Instead of going to a car wash and spending a lot of money, ask a few friends with sponges and a bucket of soapy water. You will have a lot of fun and save money.
  2. Use public transportation when possible. Try to take the bus, tram or train when possible. This will save you many euros and you may also get to your destination even faster than if you take the car. This is what you can do:
    • Look up the timetable of all bus lines in your area. You can get anywhere by bus just as quickly as by car. In addition, you will save money because you do not have to pay for a parking space.
    • If you take the train, buy a train subscription. If you use your subscription often, you will save a lot of money.
    • Avoid taxis as much as possible. If you are going out and plan to drink alcohol, appoint a Bob in advance to take you home.
  3. Save money when you take the plane. Even if you only fly a few times a year, you can save a decent amount if you are smart and know how and when to book your flight. This is what you can do:
    • Don't wait until the last day to book your flight. Your plane ticket will then be much more expensive.
    • Don't book your flight too early. If you book a domestic flight more than four months in advance, it can be much more expensive for you because the airlines have not yet started their discount campaigns.
    • If you are only going away for a weekend, try to take only hand luggage with you so that you do not have to pay an extra fee for checking your luggage.
  4. Go on foot or by bicycle when possible. Walking or cycling is a great way to save quite a bit of money if you live in a place where everything is relatively close by. Not only will you save money in your day-to-day work, but you'll also get some exercise.
    • Maybe you can also go by bike to places that are a bit further away. It takes less than ten minutes to cycle two kilometers.
    • Swap one of your weekly sports workouts for an hour of walking. You can divide this hour over the week.

Method 3 of 4: Save money on groceries

  1. Plan when to go shopping. Preparing a shopping list in advance will quickly save you a lot of money. A shopping list ensures that you only buy what you really need and prevents you from making impulse purchases.
    • Make a list of everything you will need that week. If you go to the supermarket less often, you will also be less likely to buy something you don't really need.
    • Schedule an hour or less to run errands. Pay close attention to the time when you run errands so that you don't have time to walk around and carry things that look appetizing.
    • Go shopping after you eat. Everything looks a lot less tasty if you do your shopping with a full stomach. If you run errands when you're hungry, you'll be making decisions with an empty stomach and taking more than you actually need.
  2. Be smart about grocery shopping. Once you have made a shopping list, you also need to use it in a smart way. There are a number of things you can do to keep saving money once you hit the grocery store.
    • Do your shopping at a supermarket that not only has reasonable prices, but also sells good quality products. Do not go to a particular supermarket just because it is cheaper. The money you spend on expensive fresh produce at a specialty store will add up quickly.
    • Buy private labels. These taste just as good as premium brands and will save you a lot of money.
    • Use coupons. Submit coupons that you find online, in advertising brochures or in the store. These will save you a lot of money. Make sure to only use coupons for the products you actually need.
    • Save money by preparing your meals from scratch, instead of buying ready-made meals or products at the supermarket.
    • If any of the products you normally buy are on sale, buy as many of them as you can keep at home.
    • Buy products in large quantities. You will save money if you buy paper products or other items in bulk. Make sure that you also have room at home to keep them.
  3. Be smart in the kitchen. Saving money on groceries is something you can continue with after you've bought everything. You can still save money if you consider how you prepare and store the products. This is what you can do:
    • Use whatever you have. Make it your goal to use everything you bought in your meals that week. Do not buy new groceries if you still have fresh produce in your fridge.
    • Store your groceries in a smart way. Make sure that you store products that you need to keep refrigerated immediately after cooking. This way you can keep them longer. Strawberries will last longer if you store them on a paper towel in an open Tupperware box. Dill and other herbs will last longer if you keep them in paper bags.
    • Freeze your bread and take as much bread from the freezer as you need every day. This way you don't have to throw away half a loaf of bread every week.
    • Make sure to use products that are nearing their expiration date, such as pasta that has been in your cupboard for a while.

Method 4 of 4: Make other minor adjustments

  1. Buy your clothes the smart way. You can still look good if you watch your expenses the next time you go shopping. Stop buying clothes in expensive stores and watch the amount of money in your bank account grow.
    • Find an affordable store where you can find nice clothes. Don't think that you only look good when you buy your clothes from the most expensive stores.
    • Wait for the sale to start. You don't have to buy that great dress right away - go back to the store after a few weeks and buy that dress when you get a 50% discount on it.
    • Some department stores will refund you the difference in money if you buy an item of clothing that is now on sale. So keep all receipts.
    • Make it a habit to go to a thrift store. You can find nice and eye-catching clothing that you will not find in the shopping center.
  2. Save money while exercising. You can save a lot of money if you don't spend a few dozen dollars every month on a subscription at your local gym or 20 euros for every yoga class you take. Here's what you can do to save money while exercising:
    • Go for a run outside. Weather permitting, running outdoors is one of the best workouts you can do. It is also completely free.
    • If you are taking yoga or dance classes, buy a monthly pass to save money or only take classes where you get a discount.
    • Buy videos or DVDs online so you can enjoy a good workout at home.
    • Sport at home. You really don't need exercise equipment at home to press, do sit-ups, or do other abdominal exercises. Buy some weights and you can exercise your whole body at home.
  3. Spend your money wisely when dining out or going out. You don't have to spend all your free time at home to save money. There will be days when you do go out with friends and you can still be smart and save money.
    • When you go out for dinner, eat something at home beforehand. That way you don't feel like eating so much that you immediately order the entire menu.
    • If you are going out for dinner with a larger group, see if you can pay separately. This may not be much fun, but it saves you the hassle of figuring out how much you owe the group. It also ensures that you do not pay too much.
    • If you are planning to go to bars with a group of friends and you are not the Bob, drink something at home first so that you don't spend too much money later in the pub.
    • When a friend asks you to go out, pick a pub with a peak hour or happy hour so you can save some money.