Get clear skin quickly

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Having perfect skin can really be a blessing. Even if you don't have clear skin now, that doesn't mean you can't get clear skin. With the right skincare routine and a little patience, you can get clean, flawless skin instead of oily skin.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Cleaning your face

  1. Determine your skin type. Wash your face, wait an hour and blot your forehead and nose with a tissue. See if your skin feels particularly dry, oily, or sensitive. Skin types are normally divided into categories such as normal, dry, oily and sensitive. Everyone has a different skin type, and these differences affect the best ways to maintain clear skin without blemishes.
    • Your skin type can change over time. If the products you use stop working and cause irritation, your skin type may have changed.
  2. Find a cure for acne. You suffer from acne when your pores become clogged with dirt, dead skin cells and sebum. They swell and clearly visible blemishes form. Supermarkets and drug stores sell over-the-counter and night creams that help get rid of blemishes from your face. Follow the instructions for the self-care products carefully and do not use multiple products at the same time.
    • You can have blackheads and closed blackheads. Open blackheads are black and are also called "blackheads" with an English term. With these blackheads, the pores are still open. Closed blackheads are white dots and are also called "whiteheads" with an English term. Closed blackheads are covered with a thin layer of skin, creating the white color. When it comes to skin care, you should treat them the same.
    • Acne usually occurs on the face, but can also develop on other parts of the body such as the neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms.
    • Some acne remedies can cause skin irritation. If this is bothering you, stop using them and switch to something less aggressive.
    • If over-the-counter drugs from the drug store don't work after 2-4 weeks, ask your doctor for stronger ones.
  3. Eat healthy. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The fresher the better. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins and minerals that keep your skin healthy. Nuts, whole grains and oily fish also contain nutrients for healthy skin.
    • Avoid foods with refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pie, whole dairy products and sweets.
  4. Drink lots of water. There is no set amount of water to drink, as everyone has different needs depending on their weight, location and level of exercise. A good rule of thumb is to drink 30 to 60 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. It is best to drink more water when the weather is hot and you exercise a lot. However, you need less moisture when the weather is colder and you don't exercise much.
    • You can also eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water, such as cucumbers, watermelons, lettuce, and celery.
  5. Don't touch your face. Your hands are dirty and touching your face gets all those dirt particles and bacteria on your face. As a result, your skin will become even oily and you will get more pimples. Remember that a pimple is actually a colony of bacteria.
    • Keep your fingernails short. Fingernails are breeding grounds for bacteria and it is better to reduce the chance of accidentally scratching your face and causing further infections. If your fingernails are shorter, there is less room for bacteria.
  6. Be careful with makeup. You don't have to stop using makeup, but if you do make up, apply a small amount. A thick layer of makeup clogs your pores and causes more breakouts. When you no longer need the make-up, wash it immediately and thoroughly from your face.
    • Try to find water-based makeup because it is easier to remove and less likely to clog your pores than oil-based makeup.


  • If you get large blemishes from time to time, try a skin correction stick.
  • It takes time to get clear skin. Don't expect to get perfect skin on the first day. Stick to your skincare routine and your skin will gradually become purer.
  • If you're using multiple products on your skin, read the directions on all packs to make sure you're using them in the correct order. Using them in the wrong order may make certain products work less well.