Get drunk quickly

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Drunk Fast!
Video: How To Get Drunk Fast!


At some parties or events you may want to get drunk faster. There are several ways you can get tipsy more quickly, from choosing drinks that contain more alcohol to drinking more quickly. Be careful though. If you get drunk too quickly, you can easily drink too much alcohol. Boozing carries a risk of alcohol poisoning. This is a serious health risk. Know where your limits are. Take a break when you find yourself getting too drunk or starting to feel sick. Drinking alcohol can be fun, but your health is a priority.

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Part 1 of 3: Choosing the right drinks

  1. Keep an eye on the alcohol content. The alcohol content differs per type of beer, cider or spirits. If you want to get drunk faster, choose drinks with a higher alcohol content. Usually the amount of alcohol contained in a drink is stated on the side of the bottle. A higher percentage means that that drink is more likely to make you drunk.
    • Beers that contain more alcohol usually contain around 15% to 18% alcohol. They are sometimes made by smaller independent breweries rather than larger companies.
    • Even beers that contain about 11% alcohol are quite strong. If you can't find anything that contains 15% to 18% alcohol, see if you can find a drink that has about 11% alcohol.
    • Remember where your limits are.A few strong beers can be enough to get you drunk. Drink more slowly if you find yourself tipsy. If you start to feel very dizzy or nauseous, this is a sign that you should stop drinking. Of course you don't want to get sick from the alcohol you drink.
  2. Opt for mixed drinks with sugar-free soft drinks and spirits. Mixing liquor with sugar-free drinks such as sugar-free soda will make you drunk faster. This may be because your body sees regular soft drinks as food, so your body absorbs alcohol less quickly. The body does not always see sugar-free soft drinks as food, so it absorbs the alcohol more quickly.
    • People do not always realize that they get drunk faster when they drink mixed drinks with liquor and sugar-free soft drinks. If you have a drink that consists of liquor and sugar-free soda, be careful that you may be more drunk than you realize.
  3. Try carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can make you drunk faster. If you like to get drunk quickly and like champagne and spritzers, order a carbonated drink.
    • Carbonated drinks include champagne, sparkling wine, spritzers, and drinks mixed with tonic.
  4. Opt for spirits over beer. Drinking liquor can make you drunk faster than drinking beer or wine, because liquor contains more alcohol. Drinking shots can be particularly helpful, as you quickly consume large amounts of alcohol. Especially vodka gets you drunk quickly. Try to drink hard liquor if you want to get drunk quickly.
    • Keep in mind that the strength of the drinks can vary per pub. For example, some bartenders may give you a mixed drink that contains significantly more than the regular amount of spirits.
    • You can also ask for a double drink. You will then get twice the amount in a single drinking glass. If you drink more and do this faster, you will get drunk more quickly.
    • Spirits contain a lot of alcohol. Drinking too much liquor can make you feel nauseous. So try to stick to one or two glasses of liquor.

Part 2 of 3: Eating and drinking effectively

  1. Start drinking relaxed. If you are very stressed, you may get drunk more slowly. If you do something while drinking that stresses you out or are already stressed out before you start drinking, it can affect your intoxication.
    • Try to calm down just before you go out for a drink. Before you go out, do something that normally calms you down. Watch your favorite TV series, read a book, or do some deep breathing exercises.
    • Have drinks with friends that allow you to relax instead of people that stress you out. If you're with friends that tend to stress you out, you may be less likely to get drunk.
  2. Eat a light meal before drinking. Never drink on an empty stomach. This is very dangerous. However, do not eat a large meal before you go out for a drink. Eating ensures that your body absorbs alcohol less quickly. If you start drinking just after eating a large meal, it may take longer to get drunk.
    • Eat a light meal several hours before drinking. Opt for something like a salad with chicken, a small sandwich, a serving of fish, or a small serving of pasta.
    • Never drink on an empty stomach. You will certainly get drunk quickly as a result, but you are also more likely to feel nauseous from drinking. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can be very bad for your health.
  3. Drink in a group. If you drink with friends, you are more likely to drink. People are more likely to finish their drinks in a large group. Drinking faster will make you drunk faster, and you will also drink more during your evening. These factors can all cause you to get a stronger intoxication more quickly.
    • However, don't forget to keep track of how much you drink. It's easy to accidentally overdrink when you're drinking with a group, especially if the others are more tolerant of alcohol. Be aware of how you feel when you drink. If you start to feel uncomfortable, it's time to quit, even if your friends want to drink even more.
  4. Choose a spherical drinking glass. Drinking from an ordinary straight beer glass may make you less likely to get drunk. Spherical glasses or wine glasses may help you get drunk faster. This is because it is more difficult to see with a spherical glass when it is half empty than with a straight glass. You will drink faster because you are not sure how much you drink.
    • If you drink in a pub, you may get a spherical glass when you order beer or champagne.
    • If you drink at home, buy some inexpensive spherical glasses at the local supermarket or household goods store.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping an eye on safety

  1. Know your limits. If you want to get drunk quickly, you have to know where your limits are. You don't want to get nauseous, of course. Know how much you can drink and don't drink more than that.
    • You may know where your limits are from your previous drinking experiences. You may know that after drinking about four drinks you start to feel nauseous and lose your memory.
    • If you are new to drinking alcohol, you may not know where your limits are. Make sure you know what you are feeling. If you are starting to feel nauseous or very dizzy, this is a sign that you should stop. You can also ask a friend to watch you and tell you when you seem to be losing control of yourself.
    • It's important to stay in control of the situation even when you're drunk. This can be more difficult if you are trying to get drunk quickly.
    • Take a break if you find yourself getting really tipsy. You don't have to keep drinking alcohol during the evening to keep feeling the same buzz. Stop drinking when you find yourself drunk.
  2. Do not drink on a completely empty stomach. Many people do not eat anything before drinking in order to get drunk faster. This is never a good idea. Always eat something before drinking, even if it's just a small drink. Also eat snacks during the evening. Choose foods that are high in protein such as nuts or cheese.
  3. Try to drink in moderation on most occasions. It can be fun getting drunk every once in a while, especially on a social occasion. In the long run, however, alcohol abuse can be detrimental to your overall health. Try not to have more than one or two drinks on most occasions. That way you stay safe and healthy.
  4. Check your medications before drinking. Alcohol can adversely affect the effect of certain medicines. So check the inserts of all your medicines if you are going to get drunk. Make sure they don't interact with alcohol.
    • Don't take painkillers after a night of drinking. These can interact with alcohol and damage your liver and other organs. Painkillers containing paracetamol can be especially dangerous.


  • How much alcohol you need to get drunk depends on your weight, how much you ate and how well you tolerate alcohol. Keep these things in mind when you drink and try not to keep up with your friends or drink more than them. They may be more tolerant of alcohol than you.
  • How strong a mixed drink is depends on the bartender preparing the drink. Some bartenders / pubs dilute their drinks more than others.
  • Getting drunk quickly doesn't have to mean getting too fast to gets drunk. After you have had a few drinks, take a half hour break before drinking more so that your body can digest the alcohol.


  • It can be very dangerous to drink on an empty stomach. Do not drink alcohol when you are very hungry, and instead eat a few hours before drinking so that you feel pleasantly full but not hungry.
  • Always drink in moderation. Do not drink if you have to drive, are pregnant, or not yet old enough to drink.