Sleeping after shoulder surgery

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Post-op shoulder surgery-Sleeping with a sling!
Video: Post-op shoulder surgery-Sleeping with a sling!


Shoulder surgery is a major medical procedure that usually results in pain, swelling, and significantly reduced mobility, while the body heals over the course of several months. Regardless of the type of shoulder surgery - rotator cuff surgery, labral repair or arthroscopic procedures - it is very difficult to lie comfortably at night and get enough sleep during the recovery phase. However, there are some guidelines and tips that can help you sleep better after shoulder surgery.

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Part 1 of 2: Limiting shoulder pain before bed

  1. Apply cool packs before going to sleep. Lowering the pain in your shoulder before going to bed can usually help you fall asleep and stay asleep faster, which is important for your body's healing process to work as well as possible. Applying an ice pack to the aching shoulder about 30 minutes before going to bed can reduce inflammation, numb pain, and provide temporary relief, all of which are important factors in getting a sound sleep.
    • Don't apply anything cold to your sore shoulder, without wrapping it in a thin cloth or towel first, to avoid frostbite or irritation.
    • Hold the crushed ice or ice cubes against your shoulder for about 15 minutes, or until the area becomes numb and the pain is no longer so prevalent.
    • If you don't have ice, use a bag of frozen vegetables or fruit.
    • The benefits of cold therapy can last anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes, which is usually enough time to fall asleep.
  2. Take your prescription medication. Another way to relieve the pain at bedtime is to take over-the-counter or prescription medications, as recommended by your surgeon or doctor. Take the recommended dose about 30 minutes before going to bed (regardless of whether it is a pain reliever or an anti-inflammatory), as that should be enough for you to feel the effect and to settle down in bed.
    • Take your medication with a little food before going to bed to avoid stomach irritation. Vegetables, bread, cereal, or yogurt are all good options.
    • Never take medication with alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, or spirits, because of the increased risk of a toxic reaction in your body. Instead, have water or juice, but not grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice interacts with many different medications and can significantly increase the level of the medication in your system, which can be fatal.
    • Most patients undergoing shoulder surgery need at least a few days of strong prescription anesthetic drugs, and sometimes as long as two weeks.
  3. Wear a sling all day long. After your shoulder surgery, your surgeon or doctor will have you wear a sling for the daytime for a few weeks. Sling bandages support the shoulder and combat the pulling effects of gravity, which exacerbate post-operative shoulder pain. Wearing your sling during the day will reduce swelling and pain in your shoulder at the end of the day, making it easier to fall asleep at night.
    • Wear the sling wrap around your neck in the most comfortable position for your aching shoulder.
    • The sling can be taken off for short periods if necessary, as long as your arm is well supported. Make sure to lie on your back when removing the bandage.
    • You may have to go without a shower for a few days if your surgeon insists on keeping the sling on all the time. Or keep an extra sling to wear while in the shower and put on the dry one after you dry yourself.
  4. Don't overdo it during the day. Slowing down while your shoulder recovers can also help prevent excessive pain before going to bed. A sling makes it difficult to move your shoulder too much, but still avoid activities that can strain your shoulder, such as jogging, exercising on a "stair climber", and rough intercourse with friends. Focus on really protecting your shoulder for at least a few weeks, if not a few months, depending on the type of surgery you've had.
    • Walking during the day and at night is good for your overall health and circulation, but keep it calm and light.
    • Remember, a sling has an effect on your sense of balance, so be careful not to fall or have accidents that will further hurt your shoulder and make it harder to sleep.

Part 2 of 2: Reducing shoulder pain in bed

  1. Wear a sling in bed. In addition to wearing your sling during the day, you can also wear it all night, if only for a few weeks. Keeping your arm in a sling in bed can help keep your shoulder more stable while sleeping. A sling will hold your shoulder in place and provide support, so you don't have to worry about possibly moving your arm and creating pain while you sleep.
    • Even if you wear a sling arm in bed, try not to sleep on your sore shoulder, as the pressure can cause pain and inflammation, which will wake you up again.
    • In bed, wear a thin T-shirt under the sling so that the skin around your neck, shoulders and body is not irritated.
  2. Sleep in an oblique position. The best sleeping position for most people after shoulder surgery is slightly upright, as this puts less stress on the shoulder joint and surrounding soft tissues. To recline in bed, support your lower back and mid back with a few pillows. Alternatively, you can try sleeping in an adjustable chair (Lay-Z-Boy style), if you have one - it may be more comfortable than propping yourself up in bed with pillows.
    • Try not to lie flat on your back, as that position is often the most irritating to surgery on the shoulders.
    • As the shoulder pain / stiffness gradually decreases, you can gradually return to a flatter (more horizontal) position if it feels comfortable enough.
    • Time wise, you will likely need to sleep in a semi-reclined position for about 6 weeks or more, depending on the type of surgery you have had.
  3. Raise your operated arm. While lying in bed in a supine position, hold your operated arm upright with a medium-sized pillow under your elbow and hand - you can do this with or without a sling. This puts your shoulder in a position that ensures good blood flow to the joint and surrounding muscles, which is important for healing. Make sure your elbow stays bent and the pillow is tucked in under your armpit.
    • Alternatives to pillows are pillows and blankets or rolled up towels. As long as it comfortably lifts your forearm and is not too smooth, it will work fine.
    • Raising your forearm and causing some outward rotation at the shoulder in bed is particularly calming after rotator cuff or labrum surgery.
  4. Build a pillow fort or barrier. While sleeping after shoulder surgery, even if you are reclining, it is important not to accidentally roll on and further damage your injured shoulder. So stack a few pillows next to and / or behind the operated side, to prevent you from rolling on them while sleeping. Softer cushions usually work better as a barrier than firmer cushions because your arm will sink into them instead of rolling off.
    • It is a good idea to cover both sides of your body with soft cushions to prevent you from rolling over on your side and hitting your operated shoulder.
    • Avoid using satin or silk cushions, as they are often too smooth to act as a support and barrier.
    • Alternatively, you can place your bed against a wall and try to sleep with your aching shoulder gently wedged against it to avoid rolling over.


  • Take a warm bath before going to bed to help you relax, but be careful not to get your sling bandage wet. If necessary, take it off for a few minutes while you bathe (if the doctor allows it).
  • Depending on the severity of your shoulder injury and the type of surgery, it may take a few weeks to get a good night's sleep. If so, ask your doctor for a sleep aid.
  • Please contact your surgeon for specific sleep advice based on the exact nature of your injury and surgery.