Taken serious

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Πώς να καταστρέψεις ένα κινητό! AGM M2
Video: Πώς να καταστρέψεις ένα κινητό! AGM M2


Do people not listen to what you say and do they not take you seriously? Do you want them to finally treat you as the adult you actually are? Read the following tips to get those people to listen to you.

To step

Method 1 of 4: In general situations

  1. Look straight at people when you talk to them. This is mainly to show that you really mean what you say and that you are involved in the conversation. Not only is it so obvious that you are talking to them, but you are also making such a connection. By looking at them, you can read their facial expressions to see how they respond to what you are saying. If you don't look at them, they probably won't look at you and they will be distracted.
  2. Speak clearly. Say what to say and be to the point. Know when not to go into details, as it is easier for listeners to keep their attention when speaking in a simple way. Speak clearly! Don't mumble or talk too fast or too slow. Just say what you want to say.
  3. Don't try to make fun of everything. Sometimes it is appropriate to be a little funny, but if you are always funny about everything, then of course you cannot expect to be taken seriously. Know when you can and when you can't be funny.
  4. Avoid hyperbolas. A hyperbola is an exaggeration to create a dramatic effect. It is used worldwide. An example is when you describe something as "huge" when it is really just big. If you exaggerate too often, people will no longer know when you are exaggerating or not, and they will be less likely to believe you and therefore take you less seriously.
  5. Dress for success. Take good care of yourself by showering and keeping your hair and clothes presentable. This will prevent you from appearing unkempt, uninterested or like a sloth. You don't always have to look like you're having a super important meeting (unless of course you actually do), but at least try to look like you've taken the time to take care of yourself.
  6. Build a good reputation. If you want to be taken seriously, don't do things that make people think negatively about you. Do not use alcohol and drugs in public, stay away from criminal activities and, in short, do not make stupid decisions. If you don't believe us, just ask Clinton. It can happen to you too!

Method 2 of 4: Within your family

  1. Explain your actions. If you really want to do something, but your family doesn't agree or don't take you seriously, explain exactly why you want to do it. If possible, show that an alternative would be much worse.
  2. Work hard. Show your family that they mean business by working hard with heart and soul. That way, you are much more likely to be respected and taken seriously. They also need to SEE how hard you work, so give them a chance to see what you do.
  3. Keep promises. If you promise to do something to a family member, do it. Once you are known as the one who never keeps his promises, there is little chance that you will ever be taken seriously again.
  4. Tell the truth. If you keep lying, don't expect people to believe you anymore. They won't bother because they can't trust you anyway. Certainly your own family will be able to tell if you are lying, so be honest and avoid being labeled a liar.

Method 3 of 4: In a fight

  1. Stay calm. Keep calm and speak in one tone when you argue with someone. Don't get yourself excited. You will then look as if you cannot think normally, or as if you are going through a list of premeditated arguments instead of really thinking about the problem at hand.
  2. Come with proof. Be able to provide hard evidence for your arguments. So this evidence does not include things that are often disputed, such as the Bible. Hard evidence should be unquestionable by anyone, regardless of what they believe or how they feel about something. You can also use less hard evidence, but certainly if you were not taken seriously before, it will not work now.
  3. Explain your reasoning. When you come to a conclusion, explain that conclusion and explain to the other person how you arrived at that conclusion. This will provide a lot of clarity so that the other party will understand you and your ideas much better.
  4. Avoid fallacies and other false equivalents. Fallacies are incorrect reasons that seem plausible. So try to look at your own reasons from someone else's point of view.
    • An example of a fallacy is to assume that something is right immediately in all cases, just because it is right in one particular case.
    • Another example is a personal attack, where you attack the person instead of his or her arguments.

Method 4 of 4: At work

  1. Be serious. If you really want people to start taking you seriously, then behave seriously. Make sure this is really something you want to work on and do your best for. So don't be funny all the time. Act like a responsible, mature person. Take a serious look and get to work!
    • Don't joke about yourself too much. For example, people will take you seriously less quickly, even if you are serious.
  2. Be self-aware. When talking to someone, say someone's name, look at them and show that you are talking to them and you want them to listen. Give all your attention to what you are saying so that the other person knows it is important.
  3. Be sure of yourself and be steadfast! When you make a decision, stick to it. When you decide to do something, really do it. When you decide to say something, say it! Give it your all and make sure you act on it once you start it. Be happy with who you are and what you do. If someone tries to upset you and find ways to make you give up, they won't always take you seriously.
  4. Take responsibility. Of course, this also means choosing to be responsible for mistakes (instead of blaming someone else), but it also means looking for responsibility. Take on even more work without expecting rewards. Always try to find a way to do it even better and more efficiently, or try to find problems that others have not noticed. This will show your boss and your colleagues that you are serious.


  • Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • Think before making up your mind.
  • Smile when you need to, but don't laugh too much. If you smile constantly, others may not be taking you seriously or they may think you are lying.
  • Don't dwell on a particular topic for too long.
  • It is useful to be highly educated and to know what you are talking about.
  • Try to see yourself from someone else's eyes.
  • Don't worry about what others think of you.
  • Be yourself.


  • Act normal to avoid looking silly when you're actually trying to be serious.
  • You cannot change your behavior and reputation in one day. Make it a long-term goal and be proud of yourself when you notice improvement