Create sexual tension

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create Sexual Tension in 2 Steps (Turns Her on EVERY Time)
Video: How To Create Sexual Tension in 2 Steps (Turns Her on EVERY Time)


Sexual tension is that intense chemistry that exists between you and another that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach while also making you nervous and aroused. Whether you're flirting with someone new or wanting to turn a friendship into something more, it's crucial to create this chemistry. With flirty touches, witty phrases, and enough confidence, you can increase sexual tension and get both of you excited about whatever follows.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Creating chemistry and tension in real life

  1. Touch him or her casually, almost unintentionally. When you are just starting to talk to someone you are interested in, start identifying touch early on by simply swiping or touching the back of his or her hand or shoulder. You can make it look like an accident at first, then become more purposeful when the two of you begin to feel more comfortable with each other.
    • If the person reciprocates about your interest by continuing the conversation or even touching you, be more purposeful. Try to touch the back of his or her back, or grab his or her arm or hand to release the tension.
    • When you are sure of his or her interest, try to lightly touch the side of his or her face. To make it more subtle, say something like, "Wait a minute, I need to get that tuft of hair out of your face ... like that."
  2. Look him or her in the eye as if you were fascinated by him or her. Maintaining eye contact is a simple way to increase tension between you. Don't just look at him or her; look him or her directly in the eye and give a half smile, as if trying to understand him or her. Look away for a moment, then look back again.
    • Looking deeply into their eyes shows that you are interested in them, making them feel mysterious, attractive, and confident enough to keep flirting.
    • Remember not to stare at him or her! Stay of course by looking away every now and then, but allow yourself to maintain eye contact longer than you normally would before looking away.
  3. Start a subtle conversation to break the ice. Whether you are just meeting in person for the first time or have an existing friendship that you want to take to the next level, it is best to start your interaction where it feels easy at this point in your relationship. Bring up a topic that both of you will have something to say about, and in a subtle, flirtatious way, encourage him or her to keep talking about it.

    Talk about something around you.
    You must tell me what's going on with this drink. Do you have a name for that? "

    Tease him or her or provide a playful challenge.
    "Tell me about this game. What are the rules, and how do I beat you?"
    "Let's make a bet. If I can push you into the pool first tonight, I'll get your cap. If you get me first ... it's up to you."

  4. Tell a personal or flirty story. After you break the ice, start subtly introducing the idea of ​​something more. Tell a story about a time when someone was flirting with you and a funny thing happened, or point them to other people who are teasing or flirting with each other. Don't be overly clear about it; keeping the sexual undertone between the lines will make it all the more enticing.
    • Say something like, "Look at Amanda and Robbie. They've been flirting all night. Bet he'll ask her to dance later?"
    • Try telling a personal story by saying something like, "The last time I was here, something so crazy happened. I was talking to this girl and ... well, maybe I shouldn't tell you."
  5. Pull him or her closer to you and push him or her away verbally and physically to add tension. Creating a push-and-pull dynamic is one of the best ways to create sexual tension; you will show him or her that you are interested - but not too much interest - and then withdraw so that he or she keeps asking for more. You can do this verbally or physically to create an exciting, flirty interaction.

    Using the push and pull

    "I keep thinking about how sweet you look ... but I'm not sure I can trust you."
    "You seem really cool, but I don't know if you're ready to meet my friends."
    "You're trying so hard ... maybe you'll make it one of these times ..."

    Lean up to him or her and speak directly into his or her ear, then slip away again.
    Give him or her a light push or punch on his or her arm, then lightly rub it as if you're trying to make it better.

  6. Get his or her interest by sharing only the necessary. A mysterious atmosphere is crucial for building up sexual tension. Playing with his or her curiosity will intrigue him or her and make him or her want to understand you. When he or she asks you a question, simply answer by telling just enough to interest him or her, and then return the question to him or her. If you are telling a story, don't rattle on; instead, give the story in small pieces, making sure to spark his or her interest before moving on to the next part.

    Creating a mysterious atmosphere

    If he or she asks you what work you do, you could say "I work at a marketing research company. Right now I do a lot with social media. It can be quite funny. How about you?" You give him or her a reason to ask about your job further, while showing that you are more interested in his / hers.

    If you tell a story, say something like, "That reminds me of something that happened the other day. I saw a man walking his dog on the street, and ... You know, maybe I shouldn't tell you. This is my best story, and we don't even know each other that well. "

    Be comfortable with silences too. When you're flirting, a moment of silence can be a great tool, giving you a chance to use your body language to release the tension without saying a word.

  7. Be confident and believe that he or she is interested in you, even if you aren't sure. Self-confidence is one of the most attractive traits you can have, and radiating it can quickly build up sexual tension. If you don't feel naturally confident, you can still pretend to reap the benefits of self-confidence.

    Adopt a relaxed position. Lean against a table, keep your shoulders open, and fold your arms in a confident, almost arrogant way. Smile and make eye contact, even if it feels too daring.

    Pretend you are someone else who is more confident. Pick a celebrity, friend, or even stranger whose confidence you can feel. Act as he or she would until it feels natural.

    Repeat to yourself, "He / she is attracted to me. He / she wants me." Even if you don't quite believe it, you get an immediate, palpable boost of self-confidence by bringing the idea into your head.

  8. Take it easy physically, making sure he or she feels comfortable and safe. It's always a bad idea to rush the physical aspects. If the other person is not ready, you will put him or her in an awkward or even scary position. Even though he or she feels like something more, going too fast can make you look desperate and ruin the sexual tension. Instead, make sure you both want the same thing, and that you both feel safe and comfortable.
    • Say something like, "Do you like this?" or, "I want what you want. What are you in the mood for?"
    • It can also be sexy to take it easy. Spending your experiences together slowly will make you both want more, and it's incredibly attractive to know that someone else wants you as much as you want them.

Method 2 of 2: Building sexual tension via SMS

  1. Tease or challenge him or her so that he or she will want to impress you. By showing that you are witty, funny and interesting via text message you can create sexual tension. By sending him or her teasing or even slightly challenging messages, a push-and-pull dynamic is built up; you show that you are not completely impressed with him or her, which will make him or her want to get to know you even better in order to prove themselves. Send something like:
    • "Wow, that profile picture, just ... wow ..."
    • "Let's play a game. You tell me one thing about yourself that's true and one thing that's not true, and I'll guess which one is which ... and let's have prizes too."
    • "Your taste is terrible. You are not allowed to watch movies that I have not approved before."
  2. Use emojis to add sexual excitement to a regular message. You can keep the content of your messages on the safe side, but imply a more playful or flirty atmosphere with your emojis. Make sure you don't go too far though! It can come across as desperate and dissipate sexual tension when you use more than two emojis in a message or go too far with exclamation or question marks.

    The right way to use emojis

    Clearly combine flirty emojis with more subtle text ...
    "Be careful with me, I play to win" + a grinning emoji
    "Then I'll see you tonight" + a winking emoji

    ...and vice versa.
    "Who me? Flirting ??" + an angel emoji
    "You're so bad, omg" + a devil emoji

    Tip: Only use 1 or 2 emojis per text message so that it does not become overwhelming.

  3. Break up playful messages with more serious or complimenting messages. Sending playful, flirty text messages is a good way to slowly build up sexual tension, but once that's done, it can work well to sometimes change the tone of your messages. When you're comfortable with each other, send something more serious or focused, like a compliment or confession. Try something like this:
    • "But seriously, I really couldn't take my eyes off you last night."
    • "I was teasing you about this, but to be honest it was super hot when you opened the car door for me last night."
    • "I really can't stop thinking about you."
  4. Talk in a new way about things you have done with each other before. If you've been talking for a while or have been friends in the past, you can create sexual tension and a deeper connection by recalling things you've done together with an added note of flirtatiousness. Remind him or her of something, and then confess something that you then felt but couldn't express. Giving hints to deeper feelings without saying them clearly will deepen the sexual undertones of the conversation.
    • I'm thinking about that first message you sent me, that text you used ... come on. But apparently I don't have to laugh because now look at us ... "
    • "Remember how we met? You just sat down next to me and said like, this place isn't taken, right? Yeah, that was a good entry."
  5. Use subtle innuendo when you begin to feel more comfortable with each other. Sending witty allusions or hints can be effective, as long as you do it carefully. You want to deliver a sense of playful sexuality and desire without looking desperate or scary, which means relying on wit and teasing to make it work. When used right you will put the other person in the same flirty disposition as you! Try something like:
    • "I just ate the best burger. It was almost sexual haha"
    • "I had a dream about you last night ... but I'm not telling you what it was about."