Dyeing shoes

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Dye Your Sneakers: A Quick & Easy Guide
Video: How to Dye Your Sneakers: A Quick & Easy Guide


You can use paint to freshen up an old pair of shoes and apply an original pattern or design to it. Leather paint, spray paint, acrylic paint, and even paint markers are all options, depending on the type of shoes involved. First draw your design on paper and think about which colors you want to use. Clean your shoes with rubbing alcohol, but don't get them too wet. Let your shoes dry and then take them off again. The process is different for canvas shoes. Regardless of what material your shoes are made of, apply an even coat of paint and let it dry. If necessary, apply another coat of paint for a neat finish. You have now created a work of art for your feet.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Choosing paint and a design

  1. Use leather or spray paint for leather or vinyl shoes. These are types of acrylic paints made to adhere to leather products, including shoes. You can buy these paints at a hobby store. You apply the paint with a brush for a smooth and durable finish. The other option is to buy spray paint from the hardware store. Choose the aerosol with the smallest nozzle to avoid too much paint on the shoes.
    • You can easily paint your shoes with spray paint, but you won't be able to work in great detail. Spray works best if you want to paint your shoes in a single color. Don't forget to remove the laces before dyeing.
  2. Use fabric paint for cloth shoes. This is acrylic paint that is specially made for dyeing fabric. You apply the paint with a brush and it is quite durable. The paint is also available in a lot of different colors and even with glitter. Another advantage is that the paint usually does not crack after drying.
    • You can also use textile paint for leather or vinyl shoes. You will have to sand the surface of the shoes almost all the way to the surface of the fabric, or the paint will not adhere.
  3. Use paint markers to create a detailed design. You can buy paint markers at most craft stores and art supply stores. The tips have different thicknesses from very thick to very thin. It is usually a good idea to buy several markers in the same colors so that you can experiment. It's also a good idea to test the paint yourself, as some paints are thicker.
  4. Choose a design or pattern. If you want to dye your shoes in a single color, all you have to do is choose a color. If you want to make a more complex drawing with pen or paint, sketch your design on a piece of paper beforehand. You can also make a 3D drawing with a computer program such as Photoshop.
  5. Use waterproof markers and rubbing alcohol to decorate your shoes with the tie-dye technique. Draw your design on the shoes with the markers and dab the colors with a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol. The colors will look softer that way.
    • Consider how your design will look from all angles, such as back and top.
    • If you're just starting out, don't come up with patterns with layers of different colors or very intricate designs. Instead, opt for something with large blocks of color, geometric shapes, or simple spirals.

Part 2 of 3: Getting the shoes ready

  1. Draw your design on the surface of the shoes in pencil. If you draw lightly, you will not be able to see the pencil lines under even the lightest colors of paint. Some people prefer to go over the pencil lines with a fine brush or a marker with a narrow tip as well.
    • Before finalizing the drawing with markers, make sure the design is symmetrical, if that's what you want. Check that the toes, heels, and sides of both shoes are mirror images.
  2. Cover your workplace with paper. Before you start painting, find a flat, sturdy table and cover it completely with craft paper or newspaper. This way, your workplace will not be ruined if paint drips from the shoes or you spill paint.
    • You can also cut open brown paper bags and tape them to the top and sides of the table.
    • Be careful if you use newsprint and have white or light-colored cloth shoes. Newsprint ink may leave black streaks on the fabric.
  3. Practice dyeing with an old pair of shoes. This is not always possible, but if you have an old pair of shoes lying around, it is a good idea to try out your dyeing technique on those shoes. This way you can see if the paint is the right thickness and color and meets your needs. You can even buy an old pair of shoes from a thrift store for practice.
  4. Clean the surface of the shoes. If your shoes are natural leather, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and gently rub the surface of the shoes. If your shoes are faux leather, soak a cotton ball in acetone and wipe the shoes with it. Wipe cloth shoes that are slightly dirty with a cloth dipped in a mixture of warm water and soap. This should allow you to remove any dirt from the surface of the shoes and ensure that the paint sticks.
    • After cleaning, let your shoes dry thoroughly before applying paint to them.
    • Make sure to use pure acetone intended for cleaning jobs, rather than nail polish remover that also contains other ingredients.
  5. If your shoes are made of shiny leather, sand off the protective coating. Patent leather shoes are known for their gloss, but paint does not adhere well to this surface. Take a piece of fine sandpaper and run it over the surface of the shoes, making small circles. Keep going until the shoes go dull.
    • Examine your shoes to see if you have sanded the surface evenly from all angles. Otherwise, the paint layer may look uneven.
  6. Cover the insides and soles with tape. Apply thin strips of painter's tape to all areas of the shoes that do not require painting. This means that you also have to tape the soles of the shoes. Some people also put newspaper in their shoes to keep their shape while wet.

Part 3 of 3: Applying the paint

  1. Apply fabric paint or leather paint with even, short brush strokes. If you are using acrylic paint, dip your paintbrush into the paint and apply the paint to the shoes in short strokes. Keep picking up new paint with your brush until you've painted the entire surface and the old shoe color can't show through.
    • Brushes numbered 6 or 8 are flatter and suitable for painting the edges. A round brush with number 0 or 1 is narrow and suitable for applying details. With a wide brush number 1 or 2, you can quickly apply paint to the flats of shoes.
  2. Apply fabric paint or leather paint with a sponge to partially cover the shoes with paint. Grab a small shower or scouring pad. Pour the paint into a small bowl. Dip the rim of the sponge in the bowl. Then dab the excess paint on a piece of paper. Then quickly push your sponge against the shoes to apply the paint.
    • This is a good technique if you want to layer several layers of color on top of each other or if you want the original color of the shoes to show through the paint.
  3. Spray paint on the shoes if you want to paint them in a single color. Keep the aerosol at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the shoes. Firmly push the button on the nozzle to apply an even coat of paint over the entire surface of the shoes. Make sure you cover all parts.
  4. Apply a glitter mixture to the shoes. Take a plastic cup and pour in 120 ml of Mod Podge. Add a small jar of glitter and stir everything. Apply the glitter mixture to the old color of the shoes with a paintbrush. You can also apply this mixture to freshly painted shoes, but make sure they are completely dry.
  5. Let the shoes dry. Let the shoes dry on the paper-covered table for at least an hour, or until they are completely dry. You can then apply a second coat of paint if needed. Wait 2-3 days before wearing the shoes. The shoes can then dry on the outside as well as the inside (if the paint has gone through).
    • To prevent your brushes and sponges from drying out in between, put some plastic wrap around it.
  6. Slowly peel the painter's tape off the shoes. Grab the ends of the pieces of tape and apply light pressure until the tape peels off the shoes. Continue like this until you have removed all the pieces. If you see small pieces of tape, carefully remove them with metal tweezers.
  7. Apply acrylic lacquer in an aerosol can and do not wash your shoes. If you are concerned that your design will be ruined by water, you can spray acrylic lacquer on your shoes in an aerosol (for cloth shoes) or apply clear matte spray paint (for leather shoes). Your shoes will be protected from rain, but it is still not a good idea to wash your shoes in the washing machine. If they get dirty, simply blot the dirty areas with a washcloth moistened with warm water.


  • If you want the shoes to dry faster, you can also place them in front of a fan. You can also blow hot air on it for 5-10 minutes with a hair dryer.


  • Only use spray paint in a well-ventilated area. Open the window if the paint fumes bother you.
  • Use acetone in a well-ventilated area or put on a mask. Make sure there is a label on the acetone so that you don't confuse the fabric with other clear liquids.


  • Shoes
  • Acrylic paint
  • Textile paint
  • Spray paint
  • Paint markers
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Paintbrushes
  • Sponges
  • Glitters
  • Craft paper or newspaper
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Acetone
  • Warm water
  • Soap
  • Painter's tape
  • Mod Podge
  • Acrylic lacquer in a spray can