Getting rosy cheeks

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Get Rosy Cheeks & Pale White Skin Fast―∎ affirmations
Video: Get Rosy Cheeks & Pale White Skin Fast―∎ affirmations


While all cheeks can be beautiful, soft, vibrant and rosy cheeks are seen by many as a sign of youth and beauty. Although there is not much you can do to change the cheeks you were born with, here are a few tips and tricks to lighten your cheeks and bring out their natural glow. Use these easy methods to give your cheeks an extra pop of color!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Using home remedies

  1. Use beetroot. Don't want to spend your hard-earned money on expensive makeup? Then try one of these home remedies. You may already have the ingredients at home (in the worst case, you may have to go to the supermarket). For example, beetroot, which is often sold in health food stores, contains a strong red pigment - it was even used as a coloring agent in the past. Gently rubbing the beetroot on your cheeks can get a subtle shade of pink, although it is important not to over-apply this strong food coloring.
    • Orphan careful when using beetroot, as the natural dyes can easily stain fabrics.
    • Remove the beetroot from your cheeks by rubbing it with a slice of lemon.
  2. For a healthy glow, apply vegetable oil to your cheeks. Mild and non-greasy oils have long been used to give the skin a natural and attractive "glow". In fact, the ancient Romans used olive oil as a type of skin lotion to look good after bathing. You can get the same effect these days by rubbing a little vegetable oil into your cheeks - the natural glow it gives you will bring out the beautiful natural tone of your cheeks. Below are a number of oils that are generally safe to use for this:
    • Grape seed oil
    • Olive oil
    • sunflower oil
    • Apricot kernel oil
    • Pay attentionIf you have a predisposition to acne, you should handle this method with caution as the oilier oils can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts.
  3. Use rose petals. If you want to pamper yourself, consider massaging with rose petals. The petals' natural dyes add color to your cheeks, and if the petals come from a fragrant rose, you get a natural perfuming effect.
    • To make this lubricant, mix about 50 rose petals with 100 grams of sugar, 120 ml of virgin coconut oil (or any of the above oils), and about 20 drops of rose essential oil, if you have one. Mix all the ingredients and gradually grind the rose petals into the mixture (a mortar and pestle or a food processor will come in handy here). After bathing, gently rub the mixture onto your cheeks, then rinse and pat your cheeks dry.

Method 2 of 4: Get rosy cheeks with makeup

  1. For a subtle glow, apply lights rouge On. Let's face it - our cheeks sometimes refuse to cooperate. If your cheeks are not getting pink with the tricks described earlier, use a little blush to give your cheeks a boost! Start lightly by applying just a little blush. Keep in mind that you can always easily add a few more, but taking the rouge off and starting over if you apply too much can be a bit tricky.
    • There is no such thing as the "right" type of makeup - what looks good on someone may not suit someone else at all. However, if you're a makeup novice, it's generally wise to start with a soft pink rouge, which also has a hint of gold or peach, if you like. These shades are a good overall choice as they work well with almost all skin tones.
    • Read our rouge article for tips on applying makeup.
  2. Sport! An effective way to get a nice flush of cheeks is to exercise just a little. It's no secret that activities such as exercise, jogging, weight lifting and gymnastics will make your face flush - in general, the more intense the exercises, the more color will appear on your cheeks.
    • However, keep in mind that regular exercise actually makes it more difficult to get rosy cheeks in the long run. If you can lower your blood pressure by exercising regularly (which is good, by the way!), The capillaries responsible for the rosy cheeks will not be filled with blood so easily during exercise.
  3. Keep yourself warm. Keeping yourself warm and cozy in cold weather can sometimes cause rosy cheeks as a side effect. When you have a warm body temperature, the body automatically directs blood from the inside of your body to the blood vessels near the surface. This blood causes your cheeks (and probably other parts of the body) to take on a reddish or pinkish hue.
    • Don't get too excited here - it's obviously okay to wear a warm jacket in winter, but deliberately subjecting yourself to uncomfortably high temperatures isn't safe. Cool yourself down immediately if you start to sweat heavily or feel light-headed.
  4. Rinse your face with warm water. Rinsing your face off doesn't just feel great - it gives your cheeks a "splash" of pink too! Your body immediately sends more blood to your face when you warm your facial skin with warm water. This extra blood will make your cheeks a little rosier and with very little effort on your part.

Method 4 of 4: Using unverified methods

In addition to the above tricks, there is a huge variety of "home remedies" on the Internet that the makers claim to make cheeks pink. The methods in this section are collected from this selection of remedies and, although the authors swear, they have not been officially verified, so use common sense when using them.

  1. Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Some sources claim that a diet rich in plant products can stimulate rosy cheeks. The reasoning behind this method is that the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in these foods help the body "stay healthy" and promote good blood flow.
    • Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, and so on are especially prized for their iron content (iron has a natural red hue - it's what makes your blood red).
  2. Try vinegar. Vinegar is a substance that is common in so-called home remedies. A vinegar cleanse rejuvenates and "detoxifies" the skin, according to advocates of this method. In addition, vinegar is said to promote good circulation. Just make sure to rinse your skin well after using vinegar to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
    • Use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar and not balsamic or red vinegar. While the latter two have a natural reddish hue, your skin may feel tacky after application.
  3. Try rubbing in lemon juice and honey. Some say lemon juice is a great choice for keeping your skin looking great because of its natural acidic properties. The reasoning behind this statement is that the acid acts as a cleansing and "purifying" agent that leaves the skin feeling (and looking) clear and refreshed.
    • To make a lemon juice and honey spread, mix 60 ml of lemon juice with 75 grams of sugar and about a spoonful of honey. Rub the mixture onto your cheeks, let it work for about a minute, then rinse your face. This spread is also an excellent scrub.
  4. Drink lots of water. According to some sites, your cheeks will stay pink simply by keeping yourself well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water does have some minor health benefits, including making your skin appear "fuller" and more supple. According to this reasoning, drinking plenty of water can help you get attractive cheeks by bringing out their natural shape, which can make them look brighter.
    • While not everyone's needs are the same, for optimal health, health authorities recommend drinking about eight glasses of water per day (about two liters in total).
  5. Take in vitamins E and C. While their effectiveness is not assured, vitamin supplements appear on many lists of home remedies for rosy cheeks. These vitamins are said to increase the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, leading to a healthier appearance and a natural "glow."
    • Pay attention: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it takes your body a long time to get rid of it. You can poison yourself if you take a lot of vitamin E supplements (the amount obtained through your daily diet should never be dangerous). In general, adults should not take more than 400 IU (International Units) per day - taking more may cause serious side effects.
    • On the other hand, it is very difficult to take in an unhealthy amount of vitamin C because it is water soluble, which means that your body can easily get rid of it.


  • The old-fashioned trick of "squeezing your cheeks" only works for a few seconds, making it an option that is too short and painful to be useful.
  • Consider seeing a beautician if the above tips don't work for you. A professional can help you find alternative strategies to achieve beautiful cheeks.
  • Consult a doctor if you have a skin problem that makes you unhappy with the appearance of your cheeks. Medical solutions may be an option.