Sneaking around without anyone seeing you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Sneak Candy In Class! Edible DIY School Supplies! Prank Wars!
Video: How To Sneak Candy In Class! Edible DIY School Supplies! Prank Wars!


Have you ever tried to surprise someone by sneaking up on them, only to have them turn around and ask why you are making so much noise anyway? Ever tried to sneak out of the house and get caught before even reaching the front door? Moving inconspicuously takes practice, but anyone can learn it. If you want to learn how to move through the woods, down the street, or in your own backyard without making a noise, keep reading.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Moving inconspicuously

  1. Walk like an animal. You know how forest animals such as deer and cougars can move through the forest without making a sound? Humans, on the other hand, tend to squirm noisily through the forest, warning others from half a mile away that they are coming. The key to moving like an animal is to be in harmony with your environment. Be aware of the terrain you're moving through and try to move with it instead of going against it.
    • Be mindful of your surroundings. If there is a low hanging branch somewhere, carefully crawl underneath it instead of squeezing it through, causing the leaves to rustle.
    • Walk where you are sheltered. Whether you're walking through trees, through a building, or past furniture, stay close to shelter, as an animal would. Do not walk in an open area where you can be easily seen.
    • Make sure your movements are regular. Think of the movements a cat makes when it is stalking prey. Move your body in a regular rhythm so that the sounds you make are regular. Random sounds are more noticeable.
    • Try to run as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. Don't worry about how fast you go.
  2. Stay close to the ground. When you crawl just above the ground, you exert less pressure per footstep, so that you can move almost silently. Practice walking in a bent position, absorbing the weight of your body with your knees. Put all your muscles to work.
  3. Walk from your toes to your heel. By landing your heel first, you produce a "thud" that others can hear. It also makes it less easy for you to sneak and your weight can be evenly over your body. First, walk with your toes so that you can move quietly and smoothly over any terrain. This feels unnatural at first, so it is important to practice often before putting the invisible movements into practice.
    • You can also run on your toes. This is easier to do barefoot or in minimalist shoes that don't have too much bounce. Your feet are naturally more likely to want to hit the ground with the ball of the foot than with force on the heel.
  4. Move with the terrain. If you are trying to move invisibly, the direct straight path from point A to point B is not always the best idea. Think about which path will take you where you need to go where you have the least chance of being seen or heard. Look for ways to get there without crossing someone else's path, spending too much time in open terrain, or standing on anything that makes noise.
    • If you are in the forest, walk along wildlife trails or mud trails where there are few leaves and branches. Watch out for puddles, gravel, rustling bushes and dry branches.
    • When on the street, walk past buildings and through alleys. Cross the street with large groups of people. Avoid gravel, metal grates and wooden planks, which can make a lot of noise. Avoid places where your footsteps can produce echoes, such as in tunnel overpasses.
    • Once inside, maneuver yourself past large pieces of furniture. Stay out of rooms with a lot of clutter. Take the back entrance instead of the front door. Opt for carpeted rooms and stairs instead of hardwood floors and stairs.
    • If you are climbing a wooden staircase, try to step on the center of the step on the side. This is the most supported point on any step and should be the least likely to crack.
    • Do not run along the road if you are being chased by a car. This should go without saying, but it's amazing how often this is done anyway.
  5. Know when to be quiet. If you are following someone or you are trying to get to a new position unseen without being seen, there are times when noiselessness is your greatest asset. When it is clear that someone has heard you, breaking a branch or passing a piece of furniture, hide and be as still as a mouse. Wait patiently for the person to walk on and no longer seem aware of your presence, then be extra careful as you try to get to the destination.
  6. Check your breathing. Breathe slowly and evenly to prevent anyone from hearing you. Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. If you are out of breath, try to make your throat as wide as possible without making it uncomfortable. It may sound strange, but it works. Practice makes perfect.
    • When you first start sneaking, you may be afraid of being discovered, which will make you breathe faster. If you get panicky, try to picture yourself at the beach on a beautiful, warm, and sunny day, or go to some other "sweet spot" in your mind. Stay there until you calm down.
  7. Practice a soft landing. When it is necessary to jump over obstacles such as fences or benches, try to land softly by absorbing the impact of the landing with your entire body, not just your feet and knees. Land on the front of your feet and immediately transition into a squatting position. Find a place to land where there are no materials that can cause noise, such as leaves and stones.

Part 2 of 3: Wearing camouflage clothing

  1. Choose unobtrusive footwear. Your shoes can either help you strive to move as invisibly as possible or get you noticed right away, every time. You need the right shoes depending on the environment in which you move. Practice walking and running in the shoes you choose several times so that you get used to the sounds they make.
    • If you are indoors, it is better to wear socks, because they are soft and comfortable. Walking around barefoot is also a good option. Carry your shoes with you and don't put them on until you are outside.
    • If you are in a place with a lot of grass or leaves, walk in socks or barefoot and wear your shoes. You can also wear toe shoes or water shoes, but beware, if this type of shoe gets soaked, they can cause a "squeaking" noise when you walk with them.
    • To cross a place with a lot of stones (gravel paths, gravel, etc.), you need a pair of thick socks or you will have to go barefoot. Soft socks and your bare feet will dampen the impact, but shoes will push the stones down and out, allowing you to hear the movement of the stones.
    • If you are going for a walk in a varied environment, such as a street in the city where you encounter pavers, gravel and grass, wear shoes with soft, flexible soles. Make sure you don't walk flat with these shoes.
  2. Wear clothes that camouflage you. The clothes you wear should match the colors of the terrain you are going to traverse, and you should also take the time of day into account. Wear dark clothes at night and earth tones during the day. Choose fabrics that are comfortable and do not make any noise. Cotton is always a good choice, and soft polyester fabrics also work fine.
    • If you are walking down the street in a city at night, tight black clothes are sufficient. If you are in a natural environment (a meadow or a forest), wear loose clothing to disrupt and break up your figure. Wear dark brown and green instead of black, as black stands out.
    • Do not wear anything that will reflect the light. Remove shiny jewelry and try to wear contact lenses instead of glasses.
    • Do not carry too heavy items. This only causes you to tire quickly and you can move less well in it. It also makes more noise.
  3. Consider an investment in viewers. Night or infrared binoculars are useful for seeing in the dark. Binoculars can be useful for observing objects further away.

Part 3 of 3: Ensuring successful missions

  1. Know the terrain. Explore the area during the day, paying attention to the location of the land. Make a map of the area you will be traveling through and make sure you study it carefully before starting the mission. Make the map as detailed as possible, drawing in it any object that could be an obstacle or serve as a shelter - bushes, empty sheds, dumpsters, and so on.
  2. Make hand signals to communicate. If you go out with a friend, you will not be able to call each other. Learn sign language or create your own hand signals to help you traverse the area without speaking.
  3. Go to the bathroom before starting your excursion. Have you ever played hide and seek and found a great hiding place, but suddenly you needed to go to the bathroom? Often times, the thrill and excitement of being found, regardless of the situation, will trigger a response in your bowels and bladder. Even if you don't feel the urge in advance, it is still a good idea.
  4. Use distraction techniques if necessary. Bring some small, heavy objects that you can throw and make some kind of noise. Make sure that they are natural objects such as stones or something else that fits into the environment; otherwise, the person you want to distract may become suspicious. Throwing something can be used as a quick diversion if someone nearby thinks he / she has seen or heard something unusual.
    • Quickly grab one of the objects and throw it at a hard surface far away from you to make noise.If this sound is louder than the sound they think they heard, then they will likely look for the source of the noise so you can get away unseen.
    • You can pick up a stick or other object and throw it in a specific direction. The person will go out to inspect it while you move in the opposite direction. Remember, if the object is too big, the person looking for you could see it and find out not only that someone is there, but also the direction from which the object was thrown.
  5. Don't do anything illegal. Stay out of people's private property and don't use this information to break into a home. If you do something illegal you will be arrested. Remember that movies are just fiction and thieves only get away with it because it fits nicely into the story.
    • Never go out with a fake weapon (Airsoft, Nerf, etc.). If you're using airsoft, make sure the gun is not loaded.
  6. Know what to do if you get caught. If you're sneaking around someone else's yard and someone is going to yell at you, don't panic. It is a natural instinct to stand paralyzed and to breathe heavily. Have a story ready or explain that you are just playing a spy game with your friends.
  7. Don't be afraid to get dirty. You can expect to roll through the grass and dive into ditches if you need to hide quickly.
  8. Enjoy the thrill. It's exciting to go somewhere you don't belong just because you can and without malice. This may sound strange but is true for many people who participate in "Urban Adventuring." If you can't go out at night for this extreme experience, try free running.
    • Something fun to do with a friend who is also good at sneaking and moving around unobtrusively is setting a goal, such as reaching a cookie jar hidden in a remote place. It should be something you can do quietly but not too easily, such as removing an object from something else. Sneaking around creates intense and exciting memories with a friend.


  • Holding your breath is good for hearing better, but be careful not to exhale too quickly.
  • Try to stay in an environment where the noise level is already somewhat loud; if the washing machine, sprinklers, TV (etc.) are even making a little noise, it will help mask the noise you are making.
  • Practice climbing objects to get better in those situations where moving quickly is important. Practice climbing objects that are inaccessible to you with a friend.
  • When you are spying in public, try to pretend you have something to do. You're less likely to get noticed if you look like you're busy.
  • If you wear sneakers or some other type of hard footwear, walk on the outer edges of your feet. This is what soldiers do with boxes!
  • Walk around a bit and move your ankle to make sure nothing creaks before you start sneaking around. Crackles can be a giveaway when it comes to sounds.
  • Remember when you are out in the dark and others are inside with the lights on, while looking out they cannot see you. So have fun sneaking around invisibly.
  • You can always use dappled shadows that act as a camouflage pattern, so if you're hiding, use dappled shadows.
  • Do not bring a cell phone, iPod, or anything else electronic. The light from these devices will give you away immediately. Bringing a small video camera is good as long as it is small and there are no lights to flash on. You wouldn't want to be discovered because your friend is texting you.
  • Sneak around with a friend - two are better than one. Be careful who you bring. Make sure you've considered the situation before bringing a friend.


  • Sneak around at your own risk.
  • Don't use this to break the law, there are consequences.
  • Keep in mind that stalking, peeping and getting onto restricted areas are considered illegal activities everywhere. If you enter your neighbor's yard without permission, you could end up in jail and be fined.
  • Avoid stepping on glass or rough surfaces.
  • Don't use these tips and tricks to hurt someone.
  • Make sure you have a good story ready when you get caught or you will have to face the consequences.