Traveling with a cat

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Everything You Need For ROAD TRIPPING With Your Cats! - (Cat Travel tips)
Video: Everything You Need For ROAD TRIPPING With Your Cats! - (Cat Travel tips)


Most people don't like the thought of taking their cat on vacation or on a tour. There are a few intrepid cats who are not fussy about travel, but for many cats, traveling and leaving their familiar environment is pure horror. But it is possible to travel with a cat without a lot of problems. The secret is to prepare well in advance by gradually getting your cat used to travel, and gathering supplies well in advance of the departure date.

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Part 1 of 2: Prepare well in advance

  1. Get your cat used to traveling. If your cat has not recently traveled by car, take her on some short car rides (30 minutes or less) a few weeks before your trip. Make sure to put the cat in the carrier you will be using on your trip, so that the cat can get used to the noise and movement of the car, and the smell of the carrier.
    • Give your cat treats while in the car. This will make him feel better about the place.
    • Think of these as test drives to resolve any bottlenecks before taking a long journey far from home.
  2. If necessary, get a prescription drug for motion sickness. If your cat is prone to motion sickness, which you will notice on your test drives, ask your vet to prescribe a medication. Anti-nausea agents such as chlorpromazine can be used to help suppress motion sickness.
    • The signs of a cat with motion sickness (of course, if she's still in the car) are: screeching or making herself heard, which doesn't stop after a few minutes of driving, drooling excessively, being immobile, or acting as if she was afraid to move , or excessive activity or moving back and forth, vomiting or urinating or defecating.
    • Ginger has also been used to treat nausea in humans and is safe to use in cats; this can be found at pet stores, the vet or online in liquid form or as kibble.
  3. Give your cat the Rescue Remedy from Bach Flower Therapy to help him with the anxiety and stress of traveling, or a fear of new places. Give a few drops in his water daily, and on days when he is visibly upset, put a drop in his mouth. You can test its effectiveness by giving an oral dose and taking a short car ride 30 minutes later. You should prefer this treatment as sedatives only slow down a cat, while the Rescue Remedy really helps them stay calm and confident.
  4. Get prescription tranquilizers as a last resort. Try to train with test drives and non-drug options before reaching for medications. Your vet can help you figure out which one will work best for your cat. Some options include over-the-counter antihistamines (Benadryl) and prescription drugs such as alprazolam (Zanax) to reduce anxiety.
    • Discuss dosages with your vet and follow their advice carefully for best results.
  5. Try any narcotics at home a few days before your trip. Observe the behavior and if there are negative results, you still have time to call your vet and adjust the dosage or try a different medication. As with humans, different agents have different effects. Chances are, if your pet reacts with irritation or other unwanted behavior, your vet will know an alternative treatment to try.
    • Most narcotics will not completely knock the cat out, just take the edge off. If the drug is too anesthetic, or not enough, you should let your vet know before you leave. The cat should remain alert to its environment, including with the anesthetic.
    • During drug testing, you must put the cat in the carrier and take it for a ride. This way you will know what behaviors to expect when traveling with a cat on medication. Make sure your vet gives you enough medication for the duration of your travels (round trip) and ask for a few extra pills to test at home before you leave.
  6. Take a towel and put it in your cat's basket or any other place he likes to lie a few days before the trip. The goal is to catch your cat's scent and house odors on the towel. In addition, the cat will already feel comfortable with the towel and get comfort from it.
  7. Prepare the carrier on the morning of the trip or the night before. Place the towel that your cat has slept on on the bottom of the carrier and place an extra towel at the bottom of the basket if the bottom needs some extra thickening. Include a favorite toy to keep your cat company.
  8. Spray the inside of the carrier and the car with Feliway 20 minutes before you are ready to go. This mimics the pheromones that cats release when they feel comfortable and relaxed in their own field. It should calm your cat during the ride.
    • Make sure to test your cat's response to Feliway before injecting it into the carrier. A small minority of cats see the spray as another cat's marker and may have a negative or even aggressive reaction to it.

Part 2 of 2: Taking your cat on a trip

  1. Allow your cat to eat for a few hours before traveling and allow unobstructed access to his litter box. If there is room in the carrier, you can put a small litter box in it, but this is not vital. The same goes for food and water.
    • Never let your cat sit in its carrier for more than eight hours without giving it food, water, and the chance to go to the bowl.
  2. Leave the basket door open to allow your cat to examine the basket. You want the cat to voluntarily get comfortable walking in and out of the basket. Don't force your cat into the basket if it doesn't want to at the moment.
  3. Place the cat in the carrier and carry it to the car. You can place a towel or blanket over the basket while carrying it to the car to keep the view of the terrifying outside world. Remove it when you put the carrier in the car.
    • The carrycot must be placed in a safe place in the car; preferably secured with a belt. If the seat belt does not work, you can use carrier straps or short lengths of rope to secure the carrier in the car in case of sudden braking or an accident.
  4. Put your cat in the carrier with a harness. Car journeys are stressful for cats, regardless of whether they like a harness. Having a harness and leash on the cat when she comes out of the carrier (even in the car) will give you something to grab on to in case your cat decides to run through an open window or door.
  5. Allow your cat to stretch its legs. Your cat does not want to be in his basket all day. This is where the harness and leash come in handy. Fasten the leash and let your cat get out of the basket, into the car, for 20 minutes or so. Offering a litter box isn't a bad idea either, but don't be surprised if your cat sniffs at the idea.
  6. Spray with Feliway (or use the Feliway vaporizer) wherever you stay before letting your cat in the room. When you leave, put your cat in the carrier and hang the "do not disturb" sign on your door, in case the maid comes by. If you are going to be out all day, put the cat in the bathroom with its things and lock the door if possible. Then hang a note on the door saying your cat is there at the moment and to please make sure it doesn't get out.


  • Note that airlines will not accept a sedated animal, as it is more difficult to tell if he has health problems, such as heat stroke. If you have to take your cat on a long drive to the airport, don't give him an anesthetic or he won't be able to fly. Instead, Rescue Remedy is an acceptable sedative alternative as the animal remains fully alert.
  • Don't forget to bring a scratching board or cardboard scratching board! People often forget that, and it can result in your cat turning to scratching unwanted surfaces, such as the curtains or bedspreads in hotels. Cats need to scratch, not only is it instinctive, but it also gives them the opportunity to stretch properly and use muscles they don't normally use.
  • On long journeys, with more than one cat, a large dog travel basket that fits in the back seat is a fantastic option. In it you can place a small covered litter box, which also serves as a raised seat from which your cat can see out, and then you still have room for a cat bed, food, water and toys. The zippered transparent sides give you easy access and let your cat see you and the view from the window. The larger carrier doubles as a safe place when you visit someone with pets and you need to leave, because the cats can just sit on the tray and have room to move around.


  • NEVER leave your cat alone in the car, even if the windows are slightly open. It may take less than 20 minutes for your cat to overheat and die if left in the car.
  • Make sure your cat wears the tag collar at all times! You never know if your cat can slip away. A microchip with fully updated information on the site of the microchip is an identity tag that can never be lost. A rescuer will need a vet or animal shelter to scan the number.
  • Don't give a cat unrestricted access to your car while you are driving. Even the smallest things can startle a cat, and the last thing you need is a cat hiding in the back of your car, under the seat where you can't reach it, or diving under your feet for the pedals. If you are driving with passengers and your cat likes to look outside, it is not a bad idea to put on a harness and leash and let the cat sit that way. However, be careful not to turn your cat on.


  • Litter box
  • Food bowl and water bowl
  • Travel basket
  • Small towel or blanket
  • Scratching post or plank
  • Nutrition
  • Water
  • Cat toys, rope
  • Cat harness and leash
  • Cat collar with identification tags
  • Feliway
  • Enzyme-based cleaner for when your cat has an accident in the car or hotel.
  • Rescue Remedy spray
  • Medicine