Avoid porn

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains
Video: How to CURE a porn addiction? - Doctor Explains


The internet is a big place, but also an insidious place where many temptations lurk. This article gives some tips that can be used even if you don't have problems with porn. Follow the steps below, or go straight to the heading that contains the most useful tips for your situation.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Stay away from porn

  1. Clean up your computer. If you find that there is porn on your computer, wanted or unwanted, you should try to avoid porn by cleaning up your computer. To begin with, you need to delete all the porn stored on your computer. Then you have to do a number of things depending on your situation.
    • Clean up your browser. Empty the cache of your browser just like your Google search history. If you don't clean up your search history, you will continue to receive ads for pornographic, and often unsafe, sites.
    • Run a virus scan. If you find yourself often experiencing porn-related pop-ups, while starting your browser or while on a normal site, it could be that there is a virus on your computer. In that case, you should consult a computer expert who can remove the virus from your computer.
    • Be careful with the search terms you use and the sites you visit. Some phrases are quite ambiguous and thus associated with porn as well and once you get to unsafe sites your computer often gets viruses or redirects you to a porn site. Use Google Safe Search to avoid these kinds of searches and be careful which sites you visit.
  2. Install an internet filter. There are a number of different types of filters. You can choose to have all adult sites, specific sites, or virtually all sites blocked. You have to make a choice yourself:
    • Use StayFocused. This is a browser add-on that allows you to limit the time you spend on a site and the level of accessibility. This way you can control your own behavior if you are addicted to porn.
    • Use a Microsoft Windows 8 filter. If you want to protect yourself and your family from porn and have a computer with Windows you can use the Microsoft filter. You can make your own choices regarding the degree of filtering depending on the needs of your family.
    • http://www.wikihow.com/Block-Websites#Using_OpenDNS_to_Protect_Your_Entire_Network_sub Use OpenDNS to block any material that you find objectionable. This type of software is available for free and allows you to block this kind of clutter for all the devices in your home at once.

This program is widely used by schools and can also protect your family. Some media are more likely to display objectionable material than others, so you should restrict access to these types of media. Films are easy to monitor because of the Kijkwijzer, but the TV is more difficult to monitor. You can limit the number of channels you receive and you can also check in advance what a show is about to see if it is right for your family. However, this is more difficult with the internet, you really have to install a filter that monitors and limits the internet use of your family.

    • Did you know that YouTube has a filter so that you can ensure that your family does not see videos that are intended for adults? At the bottom of every page you will see a button with "Security: Disabled". By clicking this button you enable the filter and make YouTube a lot safer.
  1. Spend more time with your family instead of isolating yourself. Try to put all the computers in an area where the whole family can use them instead of leaving them in your children's room. Because of this, no one in your family can use the computers for malicious purposes.
    • Place your son's computer in the living room instead of his bedroom.
  2. Make sure you avoid certain areas when you go outside, this way you can avoid certain erotic advertisements / posters. This is different in every area, however, if you often encounter this type of material in your immediate area, you should think about how much time you spend outside and whether you should not change this.
    • You will find a lot of erotic material, especially in the inner cities and urban outskirts.
    • If you know that you see this type of material on walks or on the way to work, you may need to change your route.
  3. Avoid physical punishment and negative reinforcement. You often hear the advice to put a rubber band on your wrist if you want to get rid of a bad habit or if you should physically punish children if they don't stop looking for material that parents disagree with but where porn is concerned it is better not to do this. That kind of punishment works mainly because the punished person associates the pain with discomfort, shame and humiliation. These kinds of feelings, when associated with sex, are actually converted into unhealthy feelings and can even prevent a person from having normal sex in the future. Therefore, avoid this kind of negative reinforcement!
  4. Provide positive reinforcement. If you want someone to stay away from porn or if you want to help a family member, use positive reinforcement.
    • If you want to reward a teen for spending less time at the computer, you can give him money.
    • You can also positively reinforce yourself by rewarding yourself with a little candy every day you don't watch porn.
  5. Evaluate the problem. It is important that you understand the problem. Sometimes porn isn't as bad as you think. You have to look at the situation from a different perspective and then decide how you want to handle the situation.
    • If your son can't stop watching porn it could be that this is just a phase. Enhanced sexual feelings are normal at a young age and porn seems like a better outlet for these feelings than looking elsewhere. You can't do anything but only advise him that porn can give you bad ideas about sex and why it's important that porn isn't going to rule your life.
    • If you are concerned about your child watching pornography and wondering if this may be your fault and what this means for your spiritual life, you should consult a spiritual advisor. Many religions argue that transgressions over which we have no control are not our fault.

Method 2 of 3: Develop healthier habits

  1. Always replace a bad habit with a good one. Most people who watch a lot of porn are used to this. The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to find a new one. Come up with something you can do during the time you normally spend watching porn. What this new habit is depends on who you are, but at least you can try it.
    • To move. If you find that it is the time of day when you normally start watching porn you should go out and get some exercise. Go jogging or do some other exercises, for example you can also go swimming.
    • Clean your house. You probably know how to clean (dishes, laundry, etc.). Remember, when cleaning, you also clean around the toilet and in the bathtub.
  2. Make sure you are too busy to watch porn. Porn is often something you fall back on when you have time to spare, so by making sure your entire day is planned, you don't have time to masturbate. Try a new hobby (like reading wikiHow articles), learn a new skill (learning a language is fun and helpful), or try to find another way (spending more time with your family or friends is always good) to occupy yourself .
    • You can teach yourself a new language via the internet through services such as Teach2000 and DuoLingo. Learning a new language is useful and takes a lot of time so you don't have time to masturbate.
    • If you want something that keeps you away from your computer, you should try a martial art. The Japanese martial art Aikido is designed for people who may not have a lot of willpower and uses short movements that are very effective so it is a good art for beginners and those who are not really fit. You can often find Aikido instructors in the area at the local school / university or community centers and dojos.
  3. Seek spiritual guidance. If you are having trouble controlling your bad habit, it may be a good idea to seek out a spiritual counselor. Religion doesn't work for everyone with a problem so you should do what works for you and not worry about what others say.
    • Go to the nearest church, temple or mosque (or other similar building) and ask if you can talk to a pastor, priest, imam or rabbi about your problem. You may need to make an appointment, but in principle someone should always be available.
  4. Find a healthier form of sexuality. This is not the first thing to do, but sometimes finding another way to satisfy your sexual needs makes it easier to overcome addiction. Find a sexual partner who feels the same way about sex as you and make sure your sex life is varied and satisfying for both people. Variation in your sex life also makes you less likely to watch porn.
    • If you are already in a relationship, you should try to improve your sex life in consultation with your partner. This probably requires some work but is well worth the effort.
  5. Remind yourself that there are many reasons to quit. Some people can quit by constantly reminding themselves why the addiction isn't right. If motivated you should in principle be able to keep your appetite under control, but this works best in combination with other motivation techniques mentioned earlier such as internet filters.
    • Think about your family and how your addiction affects them. In some cases, the fear that a person's children, wife, or girlfriend will find out that someone is watching porn is enough to stop them. This also applies to younger people who still live at home. What would your younger sibling think if they knew what you are looking at?
    • Consider your feelings and free time. Some people find it motivating to consider the negative impact of porn on their lives. Research found that men who recently stopped watching porn performed 60% better in bed and two out of three felt much more productive and energetic. Porn takes a long time, especially if you are addicted, just imagine what you could do with all that time.
  6. Seek help if you can't stop on your own. In that case you can consult a doctor or psychologist. You may have bigger issues to deal with, if porn is negatively impacting your life it's important to fix this issue.
    • Consult your family doctor if you cannot help, he can at least refer you.
    • You can also seek specialized help, such as group therapy. These people know exactly what your problem is and can help you through it.

Method 3 of 3: Help others avoid porn

  1. Do not judge. If you want to help others, you must do this without prejudice. The situation they are in does not mean that these people are bad. Sexuality is normal and part of being human. Most religions also teach that it is not the job of people to judge each other's sexuality (because that is the job of the God who belongs to the religion in question). It is also bad to judge people because they will soon no longer want to hear what you have to say. Many people who are quite open to change immediately become very defensive by such an approach.
    • Stay calm when you talk to these people and don't use judgmental language. Don't rely on your own prejudices and avoid judgmental language that will make them want to stop talking to you.
  2. Explain why you are concerned. It is best to start by explaining why you are concerned about the other person. Explain why you are concerned. Sometimes people don't realize that their problem also has negative effects on their environment. Being open and honest can help you reach these people and explain why their addiction is a problem.
    • Say something like "I know this is something you enjoy but I'm concerned about what it does to you. There are many more things in life that you can spend your time making yourself happy, but you are just sitting in your room. I want you to get more out of life than this. "
  3. Make sure they understand why their behavior is harmful. Talk to them about the negative effects of porn. Go through all the evidence and various reasoning with them.If someone is religious, the focus is probably on religious arguments, but if someone is not religious, this doesn't make much sense. In that case, you better use logical, emotional arguments and other evidence to make your point. Use a combination of argumentation methods if you don't know how someone feels about his / her problem.
    • For example, a logical argument would be "think about what this does to your ideas about sex! You get used to satisfying yourself at the touch of a button. That will make it very difficult to maintain a healthy relationship later on. "
    • For example, an emotional argument would be "Think about what would happen if your little sister saw this? What would she think of you? If she sees things like this at too young an age to understand that it's all fake, she might get scared of how men treat women and what awaits her when she grows up. "
  4. Give them a new focus. You get rid of an addiction by replacing it with something such as a new hobby. If you want to help someone overcome their porn addiction, you have to give them something else to do. You can try the following:
    • For example, go on a course with the two of you. For example, you can pay for both and take a cooking class together at a time when you know they normally watch porn.
    • Give them something to do in or around the house. Give them responsibility, so if your son spends too much time in his room towards the end of the day, you can tell him to take the dog for an evening walk.
  5. Be aware of failure. It is difficult to stop behavior and it often takes time (and a few relapses) for someone to keep up. You have to take this into account and don't be disappointed if someone has a relapse. Disappointment creates hard feelings and condemnation and that often leads to relapses. So don't expect too much, and be aware of the fact that this takes a lot of effort. It's going to be a lot of work and the change won't happen overnight.
  6. Don't feel responsible. You are not responsible for what other people do. Whoever you want to help, they are either already grown up or they are just making their own choices. This is a part of the world that everyone is exposed to and they will have to deal with it in their own way. You cannot control other people's actions and you are certainly not responsible for this. If they experience negative consequences from your help, it is their responsibility. You have done what you can and no one can ask for more than that.


  • Alternative activities
    • Drinking a cold shower or cold water.
    • If you want to masturbate, you have to do this in the cleanest possible way (preferably without looking at porn). The brain will slowly ask less and less for pornographic images and you will be able to control yourself better and better.
    • Plan specific activities to avoid watching porn, such as exercising, reading, painting, etc.
    • Outdoor activities and sunlight reduce cravings for porn. Find a good hobby or sport such as: gardening, golf, jogging, swimming, running, basketball, cycling, household chores, etc.
    • Religious people can use their faith and seek help in this and talk to fellow believers about their problems and their faith.
    • During the day, you should constantly go through the list of reasons why you want to stop watching porn and the list of things you want to do to avoid relapse.
    • Divide the activities in your life into three categories: 1) Green (safe activities that do not tempt you), 2) Yellow (activities that may tempt you such as using the internet), 3) Red (activities that cause you to watch porn) .
    • If you find yourself in the yellow category, you have to do something about this, for example by undertaking a green activity.
    • How badly do you want to stop watching porn? You will have to make sacrifices for this, so you have to ask yourself: do I really need the internet? Do I need a TV? This may seem a bit fanatic, but if you don't have TV or internet you will be much less tempted.
  • Tips for safe computing
    • Never sit alone at a computer.
    • Only use the internet in public locations. Once you have developed alternative behavior and made a plan, you can use the internet at home again.
    • Install an internet filter so someone else can check whether or not you watched porn.
    • If something doesn't seem completely safe, keep your curiosity under control and don't click on it. Delete it or close the window.
    • Always pay attention to the origin of websites (this can be seen by the last letters of an address - sites ending in .de are German etc.) as in some countries the laws regarding pornography allow much more.
    • Be careful if you go to sites like YouTube that have a lot of videos that are at least slightly to very erotic. Stay away from these kinds of movies, watch one and look no further.
  • Do not sign up with pornographic sites. By the way, if you delete an account, these types of sites will still be able to find you.
  • Think about your family and friends, and how disappointed they will be when they know what you do with your free time. How would you feel if your child watched this type of material?
  • Watch out for erotic spam and block the senders so that you don't receive it in the future. Change your email address if necessary.
  • Problem management
    • Don't give up if you relapse! Start all over again. Never stop trying.
    • Porn addiction can be aggravated by feelings of shame, loneliness, and hopelessness. If you seek help and talk to the pastor, family, or friends, you will likely find the emotional help you need. Find a support group nearby or on the internet where you can talk about your problem.
    • If you relapse, look at what caused the relapse. Eliminate all things in your life that are causing problems, this will make it easier to control yourself.
  • Use search engines with filters to find the information you are looking for.


  • Often pornographic advertisements appear on websites about software, hacking, and online gambling.
  • Avoid illegal websites offering Keygens, Cracks and illegal software. These sites often include pornographic banners that tempt you.
  • Never follow links in an email sent to you unsolicited. If it's a link you want to visit, you should copy, cut and paste the link into the address bar instead of clicking it. Many spam and phishing schemes hide malicious scripts in the links.
  • Never just enter an address. Many pornographic sites have names similar to the names of well-known sites. Rather use a search engine.
  • Never use ambiguous search terms such as: "girls," "pump," "pussy," or "pony." Always think before typing anything.
  • The number of days you haven't watched porn isn't important. You can't watch for more than a year and just relapse. It's okay if you stick around for a long time, but it's better to ask yourself now and then, "How far am I from porn?" Be wary of laziness and satisfaction with your performance.
  • Never open the attachments of emails sent from unknown senders. To protect yourself from popups and bad scripts, you need to enable a free service that can handle all of your online registrations.
  • It helps if your other half helps you, but you have to think carefully about how and when to share this news with them. If your other half does not know that you are watching porn, this news can be devastating.