Being popular in high school

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Does Being Popular in High School Really Matter?
Video: Does Being Popular in High School Really Matter?


Navigating yourself through the social world of high school can be an intimidating challenge, but don't let it put you off. If you learn to love yourself for the person you are, and make others feel comfortable in your presence, you'll be on the right path to gaining popularity in high school in no time.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Being social

  1. Don't be fake. There's nothing worse than being fake because your "friends" don't like you for who you are. Trust that you are a great person who has a lot to offer, and you are more likely to attract a diverse group of interesting people. Don't tell people what you think they want to hear, or try not to boast too much about yourself. People will notice if you're just trying to impress them, or if you're a slime ball. You will make friends a lot less quickly that way. Instead, slowly open up to others, and let people know who you are and what things are important to you. If you are a fake, there is a good chance that others will notice this and pass this information on to others. That will only make it more difficult for you.
    • If you can only become popular by pretending to be someone else, then it's not even fun, right? You don't want to put on a play forever?
    • Remember, you don't have to completely change yourself to make them like you. If so, it probably isn't worth it.
  2. Be genuinely nice. Nobody likes fallen people. Smile at acquaintances when you find them in the hallways. Don't act like you are better than them; arrogance is a big turnoff. When someone talks about you, you want them to talk about your positives; not about your negative. Just don't overdo it or people will start using you. You may think that you have to act like one of the Mean Girls to gain popularity, but in reality it won't be that effective.
    • To be really, genuinely nice, you have to be polite and have good manners. This means that you keep the door open for people, that you greet people you know, that you make room when people want to walk past you, and that you are friendly too (even if you are a bit cranky).
    • This does not mean that you have to fake a fake, cheerful personality, which you sometimes see in some adults. It means being nice to other people no matter how popular you find them.
    • There is nothing worse than someone who only likes to be around popular people, or people who he / she thinks needs something. If you are mean to people "below" you, and nice to people "above" you, they will quickly notice.
  3. Stand up for yourself when you need to. If you want to make real friends, you can't afford to let everyone walk all over you. If you stick to your principles and know when to defend yourself, you will earn more respect. It will increase the chances of making more friends and increasing your popularity. If you're nice to people because you want them to like you, you won't go far and earn little respect.
    • If someone is mean to you, makes you feel bad about yourself, or slits you down for no valid reason, you don't have to accept it. Let them know that their actions are unacceptable.
    • You do not have to lower yourself to the level of the other. You can tell someone to stop what he / she is doing without giving him / her the same scolding reply. Remember that you are above that.
  4. Be open to meeting new people. If you are friendly and always willing to meet new people, then you are well on your way to making new friends. You should be excited to get to know new people, no matter what team of friends or what school year they are in. Obviously, you shouldn't be too vigorous by bombing new people, or people who are busy, but you can approach new people at appropriate times.
    • If you're talking to new people, take it easy. Talk about the courses you take, your hobbies, or what music you enjoy. Ask them a few simple questions to show that you care. Later, as you get to know each other, you can talk about the more serious matters.
  5. Show interest in others. The key to being really social and popular is taking a genuine interest in others; don't brag about yourself all the time. The saying goes, you should be interested, not interesting. People will like you a lot more if you ask them questions and show interest, instead of bragging. Smile, ask questions, make eye contact, and express your interest in the other person the next time you talk to someone. This doesn't mean you should be fake; do your best to make the other person feel that you care about them. Here are some things you could do:
    • Ask the person what he / she did over the weekend.
    • Ask about their likes and dislikes.
    • Ask about the person's extracurricular activities
    • Ask the person about his / her hobbies.
    • Compliment his / her choice of clothing.
    • Ask him / her about something he / she dropped recently.
    • Find the right balance between talking about yourself and the other.
  6. Don't pretend you're too cool to care. Sure, high school is a time when a lot of people pretend to be, literally, too cool for school. They may wear an overdose of makeup, be late on purpose, sit saggy, or shrug if the teacher corrects them. However, this is not the way to approach high school. Embrace the fact that it's okay to care. Embrace the fact that you can try to pursue the things you care about. Don't worry about coming across as a student. If you really enjoy the Dutch lessons, talk passionately about your favorite novel; if you are in the chess club, tell your friends about the upcoming tournament.
    • Talking about the things that make you happy will make you a more enthusiastic and interesting person. Also give your opinion. Agreeing with the other person over and over, and simply nodding, makes you seem like a boring person. Try to initiate conversations yourself. Also know when to listen to the other.
  7. Talking about the little ones with new people. This is a skill that many students lack. If you know how to talk about the little ones, your social skills will improve. This will also make you more popular. In order to talk about little things, you need to be able to talk to anyone about anything. You should be able to do this without getting nervous about it or bleeding the conversation to death. Relax, don't worry about saying the wrong thing, and put your conversation partner at ease. Here are some of the things you can do to talk about the little ones:
    • Talk about the course you have just taken or are about to take.
    • Ask the other person about his or her weekend.
    • Talk about something that's going to happen at school. Think of the disco, or something similar, and ask if the other person is also planning to go.
    • Chat about something close to you, such as the Ajax shirt your classmate wore today, or a poster of a movie on the bulletin board.
  8. Smile at people. You may think that smiling at people is the last thing you want to do in high school - smiling is really not cool, right? Yes it is. Change your attitude if you want to be more sociable and thus more popular. Smiling makes you seem a lot more approachable. People will notice you, and people will feel welcome in your presence. This is a big part of being kind. You don't have to smile at everyone, but if you find someone in the hallways, take the opportunity to give a quick smile. You don't even have to know the other.
    • Let's be honest. The people at a high school often have their opinions and judgment ready quickly: they often think that someone is mean or rude without having any direct reason to do so. If you smile more often, people are more likely to think that you are a fun and open person.

Part 2 of 3: Getting noticed

  1. Dress well. You don't have to wear the most fashionable or expensive clothes to be popular, but you do have to look like you've spent time on your clothes. This advice is not meant to sound superficial: it is a fait accompli that people who dress better are taken more seriously and treated with more respect than those who appear sloppy. It doesn't matter whether this is a job interview or getting to know people at a party. Wear clothes that are comfortable, not wrinkly, and clean - people will notice you more quickly.
    • Depending on the look you want to create, your clothes can be a bit loose or tight. But if you're wearing pants that clearly don't fit, then you may be wondering if it's worth it.
    • A few nice accessories, such as a nice watch or a silver earring, can connect your outfit.
    • Don't worry if you don't have ten completely new outfits. Better to have a few items of clothing that are of a better quality.One good pair of jeans can get you more than three cheaper ones.
  2. Maintain good hygiene Take a shower regularly, brush your teeth, use deodorant, and keep your body and hair fresh and clean. While smelling fresh and clean is important, remember that too much perfume or after shave is just as bad as not washing at all. Take the time to pay close attention to your hygiene. This shows that you are taking good care of yourself.
    • Always go to school freshly showered. Take deodorant with you when you go to gym, and make sure you are always as clean as possible.
  3. Make wise decisions. Do not drink, smoke, run away, or skip school. Bad choices can damage your life before it even starts. It will therefore not make you more popular. You may think you will be noticed if you act rebelliously or break the rules, but this won't last long. And you certainly won't stand out for the right reasons either. There's a world of difference between being popular because you're an interesting and friendly person, or because you're building a bad reputation.
    • It is easier to make good decisions when you surround yourself with wise people. If you fall prey to bad influences, you will also be more likely to make bad decisions yourself.
    • When you're at a party, don't do stupid things - like drinking too much, jumping off high things, etc. - to show off. The attention you draw to these things will not last long.
  4. Convince people with your self-confidence. If you are happy with who you are, what you do, and what you look like, people will notice this from miles away. Smile at people, and don't be afraid to greet them or start a conversation. Walk with your head held high and have positive body language, good posture, and a friendly aura. This will make people want to get to know you and become interested in who you are.
    • Developing true self-confidence can take years. You can work on this yourself by working on the things you really like. Try to get very good at something. This will make you feel happier and more proud than ever before.
    • List all the things you like about yourself. Check this list regularly, especially if you are feeling a little down.
    • You can also try to change things about yourself that you are not so happy about. Do not think that you cannot be different than you are; you are in control of your destiny.
    • Hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. Leave friends who give you negative self-esteem.
  5. Don't think your popularity will rise if you tease or bully others. People will rightly condemn you for this. Do not do it. Nor is it justified to gain popularity at the expense of others. In addition, bullies are occasionally feared, but they are rarely popular. You don't want to build a reputation as a jerk.
    • People who are really popular don't even think about making others feel bad. Really popular people are confident enough with who they are, and don't feel the need to be mean.
  6. Don't neglect your studies. Stay focused on your studies, even as you try to gain popularity. Your grades are much more important than your social status. If you do well in school, you will be noticed as a good student. You will have more opportunities to meet new people. Okay, of course you don't have to look like a geek. But if you are proud of how hard you work, others will appreciate it.
    • Remember, while popularity in high school is fun for a while, you will later regret not trying harder; that you were more concerned about your popularity than your grades.
  7. Exercise. Whether you go to the gym or are good at a certain sport, getting enough exercise will help you look good. Plus, you'll also start to feel a lot better about yourself. And if you feel good about yourself, more people will notice that you are a fun, confident person. Someone people would like to get to know. Exercise itself may not bring you so many new friends, but it can contribute to a lifestyle that will make you more popular.
    • You also meet more people when you exercise. Whether you go to the gym, are on a school team, or just play soccer for fun. Here too you can make friendships.
  8. Always try to look like you are having a good time. This is also a great way to stand out no matter where you are. Whether you're walking in the hallway, at a party, or in the cafeteria, try to look like you're having a good time. You don't have to laugh out loud in math class, but you can work to maintain a positive outlook. Show people that you are happy with yourself and what you do. When talking to friends, really engage in the conversation; don't look for other (more popular) people to talk to. If you are having too much fun giving what others think of you, they will want to talk to you more quickly.
    • If you're always smiling, feeling good about yourself, and happy with what you're doing, you'll be more likely to attract friends.
    • Obviously, this doesn't mean pretending you're having a good time when you're actually going through a terrible day. But it certainly can't be time to have fun if you have the chance.
    • It's okay to complain every now and then if you want to. But you don't want to build a reputation as a negative.
  9. Do your own thing. While being social, engaged, and friendly is guaranteed to bring success on popularity, you also need to be satisfied with the things you want to do. And to be content with your own independence. If you want to wear a piece of clothing that no one has ever worn in school, listen to completely different music from everyone else, or practice a separate sport - like fencing, or yoga - do it! Don't do it reluctantly because no one else is doing it, do it because you want to! By being independent you will be noticed more quickly - you will stand out.
    • This does not mean that you have to do different to do differently. Do it because you really want to do something different. You don't want to give the impression that you are doing something "alternative" just to stand out.
  10. Don't try too hard. There are many ways you can boost your social status and make you stand out among your peers. However, be careful not to try too hard. In high school, people are particularly sensitive to this. Don't make people think you would do anything (anything) just to get popular. Don't try too hard to talk like the popular high school students, and don't get involved in conversations where your participation is not wanted. Also, don't try to copy the look of others: people will soon see you.
    • Trying to make new friends is a great way to indulge yourself and become more popular. However, keep in mind that people are not always looking for new friends. You don't want to embarrass yourself by running too fast.
    • The same goes for attracting people of the opposite sex. Decorating your boy / girl will make you feel great; but take it easy, get to know the other before you take it one step further.

Part 3 of 3: Get involved

  1. Get involved in extracurricular activities. Whether you enjoy basketball, cinema, music or theater, taking part in extracurricular activities can make you more popular simply because you get to know a wider variety of people. If you only get to know the people in your classes, you will miss a wide variety of people from your school. You will also find it easier to connect with people who share your interests, increasing the chance that you will make friends.
    • Remember, to be popular, people really need to know who you are - and what better way to get known than to get involved in extracurricular activities?
    • Finding the right extracurricular activity can also help you find a new passion, discover new hobbies, and maybe even get inspired to take a new career path.
  2. Get to know the people in your class (s). While it is important to be a good student, you also need time to relax. Get to know the people with whom you take certain courses. This can range from chatting with your physics lab partner to the person sitting behind you with Frans. Get to know the people - without letting this hinder your education, of course!
    • You may find a new best friend after working on a school project or compiling a lab report with a new classmate. Don't think that you can only make friends after school.
    • People in your classes can also become new friends as you don't always end up in class with people you already know as the class assignments are random.
    • If you're on a break and don't have friends, try sitting with a group of people. That way you can get to know them better.
  3. Get involved in your community. Another way to get involved is to give back to your community. Whether you're volunteering at the museum or on a football team, community activities help you get to know more people. In this way you learn to communicate better with people of different ages and backgrounds. Plus, you could find people from school participating in the same activities — this will make you more friends at school or in your neighborhood.
    • This method not only allows you to meet more people. Volunteering and doing useful things will help you build your confidence. This in turn makes it easier to get to know new people: win-win.
  4. Show interest in several things. If you want to become popular, you have to be interested in several things yourself: if you do nothing but play football or work for the school paper, you will miss a lot of things. You will never meet a lot of interesting people. You should never let your interest become superficial, but try to do at least 2-3 things that will make you stand out. If your interest is only one thing, you will be dealing with the same five people over and over again. Try to find multiple things you like so you can meet a wider range of interesting people.
    • Part of being popular is that people know who you are when you walk down the hall. If you immerse yourself in multiple activities, more people will know who you are.
  5. Support others and be interested in what they are doing. Go to the theater performance and don't forget to congratulate the cast and crew members individually afterward, even mentioning specific things you liked. Go to sports games and cheer loudly from the stands. Go to orchestral performances, art shows, and even the spelling bee to support your friends and the rest of the school. And let the people involved know you loved it!
  6. Show yourself. If you are not afraid to take risks and show yourself, you will stand out more. Register for your school's talent shows. If a guest speaker is coming, offer to go on stage. Help a student with his homework after school. In the meantime, help out at the school library. If you only focus on the things you have to do, instead of finding new things you can do, you will be less popular.
    • If you are very shy, then you don't have to assert yourself that theatrically. You can find little ways to make a difference. You can make the posters for events, control the sound / light at talent evenings, etc.


  • Don't lie. No matter how fast the lie is, the truth will catch up with it. Keep integrity, standards and values ​​of paramount importance. Only then will you be trusted and respected.
  • Always look good in photos (but never take off your clothes!). Smile at photos, even when you're not looking into the camera. Also, make sure you can laugh in a photo without making it look too forced.
  • Familiarize yourself with current trends and fashions. Get to know actors, actresses, and musicians. If you have no idea where to start, check or Read the Hitkrant for news about music and entertainment. Visit (girls), etc.
  • Life doesn't stop after high school! It only takes a few years. If popularity doesn't make you happy, then don't worry about it. Life is far too short for that.
  • Be funny. Throw a nice joke at it every now and then, or develop a sense of humor.
  • Try to be a good storyteller. Someone who ruins the mood can become a pariah (unless you turn it into a joke).
  • Pimples won't have a huge impact on your status, but try to take good care of your skin. A good tip to get rid of acne is to stop wheat.
  • Smile as much as you can. (This doesn't mean you have to be a little creepy or laugh all the time). Nobody likes you when you keep frowning.
  • Don't make wrong friends, friends who make wrong choices.


  • If ANYONE in the popular group tries to persuade you to use drugs, withdraw IMMEDIATELY. In that case, you better not be popular.
  • Don't make friends with untrustworthy people. They could betray you at any time.
  • Don't try too hard to join the popular cabal if it doesn't suit you at all. Work on your own dreams, be nice to other people, and you'll make friends. Regardless of your social status. Otherwise people will think you are nothing more than a wannabe.
  • Don't brag. People will form a negative image of you.
  • Don't gossip about others or they will gossip about you too!