Walk in high heels

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Walk in Heels | Step By Step ★ Glam.com
Video: How to Walk in Heels | Step By Step ★ Glam.com


High heels can make you look taller, thinner, and more confident. But it can also be a bit dangerous, especially if you're not used to it. Don't worry, to walk intrepidly in high heels you just need a little practice. Follow these helpful tips and you'll soon be walking around like a catwalk model on 6-inch stilettos!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Improve your technique

  1. Take smaller steps. Walking in high heels is not the same as walking the way you were taught as a small child, so you should do a few things that may feel a little unnatural: Take small, slow steps, don't bend your knees more than you normally would would do. You will see that high heels narrow your fit a bit. The higher the heel, the smaller the step. Don't try to go against this by taking bigger steps - stick with small, graceful steps that look more natural and feel easier.
  2. Improve your posture. Being able to walk well in high heels largely depends on good posture. Shuffling and slouching as you walk will miss the point of wearing high heels - it's about feeling confident and comfortable! To have the perfect posture, do the following:
    • Imagine an invisible cord holding your head upright from your crown - your head should be in line with your spine, and your chin should be parallel to the floor. Don't look down when walking in high heels!
    • Keep your shoulders back and down and keep your arms relaxed at your sides. Wave your arms slightly as you walk to maintain your balance.
    • Keep your abs tight by pulling your belly button towards your spine. This will help you stand upright and look thinner.
    • Bend your knees slightly, they should never be locked when walking in high heels. Keep your legs close together as you walk and let your toes point straight forward.
  3. Practice walking in your high heels indoors. Wear your high heels at home for a day before you are going to wear them outside. This not only gets you used to wearing them, but also makes your heels less slippery at the bottom because they wear out a bit. Make sure to practice all the things you would normally do on foot, such as walking, stopping, and turning around.
  4. Use pads and insoles. Use pads if you feel a lot of pressure or friction. There are pads in different shapes and materials that you can stick into your shoes for more comfort, preventing blisters and bunions. If your shoes are a bit too big and slide off your heel, you can take insoles that will make your shoes half a size smaller and walk better. Don't hesitate to use these handy inventions - no need to suffer!
  5. Wear platform shoes with straps. Shoes with straps that fit snugly around your foot and ankle are more comfortable because they keep your foot from moving too much in your shoe, so you have less friction and pain. Platform shoes give all the benefits of extra height, but without the disadvantage of having to walk on your toes. Your foot is more parallel to the ground, so they are a great choice for a night on the dance floor!
  6. Shop wisely. Not all high heels are made the same and how easy you walk depends a lot on choosing the right shoes. Always go shopping at the end of the day, when your feet are a little swollen from walking and at their greatest. Choose shoes that fit the shape of your foot - make sure the shoe is wider than your bare foot. Always try on both shoes at the store and walk around - if they don't fit right away, they probably never will.
  7. Start small and build it up. It's not a good idea to start with 10cm stilettos right away if you've never walked in heels - it's better to build it up and get higher and higher heels if you're used to it. There are many different types of heels to choose from, varying in height, thickness and shape. By training your feet with lower heels, your ankles develop the strength they need to walk safely in higher heels.
    • Start with shoes that have a heel of about 5 to 8 cm. Choose a wider heel (instead of a thin point) because it makes it easier to keep your balance. Closed shoes are also easier to walk on than open sandals because they provide more support for your foot and ankle.
    • Wedges or wedges are the easiest high shoes to walk on, because the heel is completely attached to the sole, giving you more balance and comfort. This is an excellent choice if you want the height of a high heel, but are not ready for stilettos. It's best to wear them in the spring and summer - to work, on vacation or to a wedding!
    • Wear the mother of all heels. Stilettos are also referred to as stilettos and refer to all shoes with heels greater than 7.5-10 cm. This is the final step in your high heel workout - once you get the hang of it you can take on the world!
  8. Buy the right size. It is absolutely essential to choose the right size when buying high heels. Note that different brands can use very different sizes, so you can have size 38 from one brand and size 40 from the other brand. always your shoes before you buy them.
    • When in doubt, take shoes that are a little too big rather than too small. You can always make large shoes slightly smaller by inserting insoles or pads, but you cannot make small shoes larger. Shoes that are too small are terribly uncomfortable and you will probably regret buying them.
    • Measure the size of your feet regularly as your shoe size can change over time, especially as you get older. Your feet get longer and wider because your arch of the foot collapses.


  • If you have open-toed shoes, put pads around the area where your toe meets your foot. This prevents them from slipping through the opening and preventing your foot from slipping out. This helps if you have small or thin feet / toes.
  • Concentrate on one step at a time.
  • High heeled boots are easier to start with. In addition, the ankles receive more support.
  • Buy a good quality pair of shoes. Shoes of $ 80 or more will last longer and be better for your feet. Some brands make shoes with a firmer heel and soft insole. If you're looking for shoes to dance on, check with your local dance school for advice.
  • The bigger your foot, the higher your heels you can wear comfortably. Don't try to walk in the same heels as models; many models have big feet because they are long!


  • Walk carefully. Grass, cobblestones and grids or gutters are your worst enemies. Even a crack in a sidewalk tile can get you down if your heel gets caught in it. Pay close attention to where you walk and don't think about it to go for a run in these high heels.
  • Driving in high heels is not a good idea, especially if you have to shift gears. Wear flat shoes if you must drive. Also, do not ride in flip flops, as they can catch on the pedals.
  • No matter how beautiful your heels are, don't always wear them. If you always wear heels, you can get chronic pain in your feet or back.