Find out if a man is interested in you

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know a man is interested?
Video: How to know a man is interested?


Is there a guy or guy you think might like you, but you're just not sure? You may find it difficult to tell whether or not your boyfriend (you) is serious when it comes to your relationship. Whatever your problem, wikiHow is here to help! With a little bit of instinctual detective work, you can find out if your guy is really yours or if you just have him on loan. Just start at step 1 below.

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Part 1 of 3: Understanding the absolute basics

  1. See how he treats you in comparison to others. Does he pay more attention to you than to other girls (or even his own friends)? Is he nicer or does he try to touch you more often? This could be a sign that he is interested in you.
  2. Watch your body language. Notice how, when, and how often he touches you. Just touching your cheek f your neck is obvious, but touching your hand, arm or lower back can also be a sign that he wants to get closer. Also pay attention to just rubbing with the thumb. If he gently rubs his thumb against your skin during a touch, that's a very good sign.
  3. Notice if he shows interest in your life. Does he ask about your hobbies? Does he come back to things you've told him about what you're going to do? Is he making an effort to get to know your friends? Does he want to know more about your family and where you grew up? These are indications that he is interested in you.
  4. Watch for gifts. If a boy gives you small gifts, especially if he made them himself, it is a clear indication that he is interested. If the gift is tailored to you or something you did together, that's the best clue.
  5. Try it. When in doubt, the best idea is to take it away by getting your feet wet. Ask him out about one thing you need to go to, or just invite him to spend time with the two of you on something akin to a date. If he says no, it doesn't bode well. If he really likes you, he will want to move Heaven and Earth to spend time with you.

Part 2 of 3: Analyzing his behavior

  1. Notice if and when he calls you. If he doesn't call you when he promised to, or he doesn't call within a few days of you going out, he's not interested. There are two options: either a) he is not interested enough and so he does not call, or b) he plays with your feelings and wants you to be the first to call. Neither option speaks in his favor. Even a shy guy who, once in possession of your phone number or a date with you, will call or text you after a few days of hoping that you will be the one to break the ice because then he knows that he is in any case has a chance.
  2. Think about how he talks to you. When he talks to you, does he respect you or make small comments that put you down? Not teasing, but hurtful comment, even if he says it was just a joke. A guy who doesn't respect you probably isn't that interested in you and even if he thinks he is, he doesn't deserve you. Find a guy who talks to you as an equal, would never say anything to hurt you, and is more interested in building you up than breaking it down.
  3. Pay attention to his way of talking about you. You will also have to pay attention to how he talks about you. How does he describe you when he introduces you to others. That there is any interest at all is a good sign, because if you didn't interest him at all, it wouldn't occur to him. However, if the two of you are dating, you may start to worry if he hesitates to call you his girlfriend. If you are friends, pay attention to the ring in his voice when he says you are friends. Is the word emphasized? That's not a very good sign either.
    • A guy who is genuinely interested and really cares about you will rush to introduce you in the most familiar terms he thinks he can get away with he is proud and excited that you like him enough to be around .
  4. Look at the time he spends with you. Think about how much time he spends with you. Is that only when he has nothing better to do? Or does he come up with reasons to be around you as often as possible? If he's inviting you on all sorts of things and generally wants to hang out with you a lot, that's a pretty good sign he's interested.
  5. Look at the sacrifices he makes. Another indicator is whether or not he is making sacrifices for you. If he's calling off going out with his friends because of you, that's a good sign. If he's skipping an episode of Call of Duty to help you study for a test, that's a good sign. We generally only make sacrifices for people we really care about, so if he does that for you, he probably likes you.
  6. Compare how often he talks about you to how often he talks about his ex. If you're dating or getting into that border zone and he talks more about his ex than about you, that's not a good sign. She should be the last thing that comes to his mind when he feels it for you. But if he compares something you do to something his ex did, he's probably just using you to make himself feel better. Be careful, this may be transient.
  7. Don't expect things to move very quickly. Things that go roughly at the speed of evolution do indicate that he is not really interested. However, if it goes with the speed of light, that could also be a bad sign. If he's really crazy, then he really wants things to go perfectly perfectly and can take it slowly in line with expectations. Don't panic if he doesn't want to rip your clothes off right away, but also make sure you're not being used.
  8. Ask yourself if he has changed for you. If a guy is trying to change his habits or personality to please or impress you, that's another clear sign that he loves you completely. If he goes to work out, goes back to school, gets dressed better, gets nicer, quits smoking or something like that, he likes you. He wants to become the man he thinks you deserve. That's sweet.
  9. Pay attention to what he does and does not want to share with you. A guy who really likes you will want to share his life with you. He is eager to introduce you to his friends and eventually to his family. He will want to show you the things he loves and likes to go for pleasure. But a guy who is not interested or who wants to take advantage of you will hide things from you. If he doesn't want you to see his phone, watch out. If he apologizes for not wanting you to meet his friends, even though you've known each other for 6 months, run the other way. If he refuses to tell you where he's going on a Thursday night, be careful. These are all signs that he doesn't trust you.
  10. Watch his alcohol consumption. If he's drunk every time he calls you or insists there is a drink when the two of you are together, that's a bad sign. If you've seen him drunk more than sober, that's a bad sign. Not because it's a character flaw (although you can), but because it indicates that he only likes you when his brain functions as well as an overcrowded toilet.
  11. Ask yourself the most important questions.Did he ask you out? This is the most important question to determine if a guy is interested in you. If that is a boy, he will, as indicated above, move heaven and earth to be with you. Super shy guys may have a little trouble asking this, so look for a failed attempt (they say they'd like to talk to you alone, but then get all timid and start talking about something silly), but otherwise, if a guy has really serious plans, he'll find a way to be with you.

Part 3 of 3: Asking for help

  1. Ask for help in finding the right man for you. If you have nowhere to go with a guy or you want to find out if he's worth all the effort, consider giving it some thought about whether this is really the one. You deserve the one. Don't settle for less.
  2. Start attracting good men. If he seems like a complete looser, you might want to take a closer look at what kind of men you attract and pursue. It's easy to get the wrong message out that just ends up in broken hearts, but it's just as easy to avoid.
  3. Learn to love the way he looks. But when evaluating relationships, make sure you know what real love looks like. It's easy to justify bad behavior from someone we really like, but don't be a victim. Your happiness is important.
  4. Make sure he asks you out. If the boy passes all the tests and seems like he really likes you, a little tingling can pull him over the threshold and finally ask you out. Sometimes, especially with shy guys, they may need some flattering words.
  5. Ask him out yourself. If he really isn't giving in, but you feel like his feelings are true, you can take the initiative and ask him out on your own. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Realize that you can get an answer that you don't like. But you can also be over the moon afterwards!


  • Don't kiss until both of you are ready.
  • This may be short-lived, so don't expect anything more than you two to be good friends until he says he loves you.
  • Respect is very important. Make sure there is more than enough of that in your relationship!
  • Don't let a guy push you to do something that you don't actually feel good about.
  • Make sure you are somewhere not too remote and have known each other for some time before you get very intimate (sex). That way you know where you stand and you don't risk your health or invest too much.


  • Never get into a relationship with someone who is after your money. That is not safe.
  • Getting pregnant before getting married is not a great idea. Because he can break up and then you have no one to help you with your child (ren).