Dealing with doubts in a relationship

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Doubting Your Relationship
Video: How To Stop Doubting Your Relationship


In a relationship, it can be difficult to work out what your feelings are, especially early on. If you are struggling with mixed feelings towards a potential romantic partner, this is completely normal. Take a moment to consider how you are feeling. Are you attracted to this person? Are you willing to commit? Do you feel a close bond? Take it easy with the relationship, striving to be aware of what you are feeling and why. If you are still in doubt, think about your own emotions. Is there any reason why you are experiencing these doubts? If so, what can you do to change this? With a little time and self-reflection, you should be able to sort out mixed feelings about a relationship.

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Method 1 of 3: Finding your way in the relationship

  1. Let things progress slowly. If you're not sure how you feel, especially early on in a relationship, be patient. Don't be too quick to commit if you're not sure how you feel. It's important that you let things develop at their own pace in any relationship, especially if your feelings are mixed.
    • Work according to your own schedule. If you are not sure how you feel about someone, then you shouldn't sacrifice much of your own time and needs for that person. While you are exploring your feelings, you should also keep track of your own hobbies and social obligations.
    • If the relationship doesn't have official status yet, don't worry. Don't try to push for a commitment from the other person if you're not sure how you feel about it yet - it's no shame to be in a gray area of ​​the relationship for a while.
    • You also have to take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise and get plenty of rest. Take care of yourself as you normally would.
  2. Keep busy with your own interests. You want to make sure you can still be yourself with this person. Keep busy with your own hobbies and interests. See if this person fits into your world. This can help you judge if the romance is working for you.
    • Make it clear what you think is important. If you'd rather stay in than go out on a Friday, ask your loved one to come over. See how he or she fits into your world.
    • Consider your own interests. If you go to a book club every other Friday, don't stop, even if your partner invites you elsewhere. Make sure your partner supports your interests and allows you to pursue your own pleasure and social life. If he or she does, it's a good sign that this relationship can fit into your life.
  3. Try to have fun together. Fun is an important aspect of any romantic relationship. It's hard to stay with someone when the two of you aren't having fun together. You and your partner really should enjoy each other's company. Try to do something fun with your partner. See if you feel happier and safer. If you're struggling to have fun, it could be a bad sign for the long-term relationship.
    • The definition of fun varies from person to person, so choose something you both enjoy doing. For example, if you both like cabaret, go to a show at the theater together.
    • You can also invite your partner to social events with your friends. See if your partner's presence is affecting the group in a positive or negative way. Do you love making social events more fun? Does he or she fit into your world?
  4. Avoid sex as a motor to nurture feelings of intimacy. If you have mixed feelings, you can try to suppress those feelings. Many people use sex as an attempt to enforce feelings of intimacy. However, this will rarely lead to lasting feelings of emotional intimacy with another person. Don't expect that to get rid of your mixed feelings.
  5. Take a break if necessary. If you can't figure out how you feel and you've been in a relationship for a while, taking a break can help. Both of you may need to experience personal growth outside of the relationship. Ultimately, you may want to revive romance.
    • If you decide to take a break, set clear boundaries. Make it clear to your partner how often you will see each other during the break, if any, and whether you can have other relationships and sex during the break. Decide if the break has a fixed end point, or if you leave things a little open.
    • Before getting back together after a break, be sure to research your feelings. Be honest with yourself about how you feel.Do you really miss the person? Do you feel sad about his or her absence? Do you feel that you have grown as a person while the other person was out of the picture? If so, it may be a good idea to get back together. However, if the distance from your partner made you feel freer and happier, it may be a good idea to end the relationship.
  6. Discuss your feelings with the other person. If you're in a serious relationship and you're starting to have mixed feelings, it can be a good idea to be open about it with your partner. If you want to keep the relationship from ending, take the time to discuss the problem and find a mutual solution. Let your partner know in advance that you want to talk about the relationship. Say something like, "I've been struggling with confusing feelings, and I'd like to talk to you tonight when you're done with work."
    • Try to focus on the here and now while expressing your feelings. Avoid bringing up things from the past, even things that make the confusing feelings stronger. Instead, you focus on how you feel right now. For example, "I've had mixed feelings about our future together lately. I want to know how you feel about this matter. "
    • Listen as much as you talk. Let your partner share his or her feelings with you. Your partner may feel the same way, in which case the two of you should assess the future of the relationship. Do your best to really understand what your partner is saying. Ask clarifying questions as needed.
    • After the conversation, try to have an idea of ​​how to proceed. For example, you can decide that you want to take a break. You can decide to see a therapist together. You can also decide that the relationship will end.
  7. Ultimately, make a decision about the relationship. After a while you have to make a decision about where you stand. After weighing several factors, consider whether your feelings are genuine and, if so, whether you want to stay in this relationship. If you feel the relationship is not important enough to you, it may be better to switch to friendship.
    • Even within a healthy relationship, mixed feelings can occur from time to time. Don't be alarmed about the uncertainty that may arise from time to time if you decide to move on.

Method 2 of 3: Evaluate your feelings about the person

  1. Consider attraction. Attraction is the key to most romantic relationships. In a romantic relationship, you eventually become physically intimate. Think about the level of physical attraction you feel for this person.
    • Think about how you feel about the person in a physical sense. Are you attracted to him or her? Do you think it is mutual? If so, there may be potential for a romantic relationship.
    • Keep in mind that mutual attraction should not be the overriding factor. Friends often feel a mutual attraction to each other that is sometimes comparable to a romantic attraction. For example, you can long for a friend when he or she is away and miss that person. Try to evaluate whether the attraction you feel for this person is both physical and romantic.
    • Do you laugh and smile a lot with this person? Are you looking forward to dates and meetings? Do the two of you have the same interests and passions that you pursue together? If so, this can be a good foundation for a romance.
    • However, if you have any doubts, ask yourself if the fun you are having together feels romantic. Friends often make each other laugh and have fun together. If you don't feel a romantic spark during fun times, then this relationship may be better suited for friendship.
  2. Wonder if you feel like you are close to the other. Spending time with someone can make you feel very attached. You should be able to openly share your feelings, thoughts, and concerns with this person. If you're struggling to feel attached, or if the closeness feels more like friendship, then this person may not be a suitable romantic partner for you.
  3. Look for common goals. Common goals are important to a romantic relationship. This is one thing that helps differentiate a romantic relationship from a friendship. Friends don't necessarily have the same goals. However, a romantic partner must have similar goals to you in order for the two of you to be a good match.
    • Think about long-term goals. Do you and this person have the same ambitions? Do you envision a similar future for marriage and children? These things are important when it comes to dealing with a romantic relationship. If your views differ in these areas, this may be why you have mixed feelings. It might be better to turn this relationship into a friendship.
    • You also need to think about your beliefs. Do you and this person have similar views on politics, religion and moral values? While you don't always have to agree with someone in a romantic relationship, certain shared values ​​are important. If you and this person disagree often, this could also be a source of doubts about the relationship.
  4. Think about whether you are under the spell of him or her. In a romantic relationship you will notice that you think intensely about the other. Perhaps you put him or her on a pedestal in your mind and you find flaws and idiosyncrasies charming. You may also feel that the other person has superior skills, intelligence, and a great personality. In a friendship, you generally don't get that enchanted by a person. If this type of crush is absent, then you better just be friends with this person.

Method 3 of 3: Take into account your own emotions

  1. Accept that emotions are complex. Often people want to live completely without doubts about a relationship. You may feel like you only need one feeling for a person. Mixed feelings are common, however. In fact, the majority of relationships you encounter will have some degree of mixed feelings.
    • In fact, mixed feelings can reflect maturity. Rather than polarizing a person as a good or bad person, you are able to see both their good and bad qualities. Sometimes you love your boyfriend for his spontaneous nature. Other times, you can be annoyed that he's so unpredictable.
    • Try to accept that there will be some degree of doubt in any relationship. If you still want to be with someone despite mixed feelings, this is actually a good sign. You are willing to acknowledge imperfections and frustrations, but you still want to be with the other person.
  2. Explore your own fears and insecurities. If you are sensitive to mixed feelings and insecurity, there may be reasons for this. If you have many underlying fears or insecurities, you may often doubt yourself.
    • Have you been rejected by someone important to you in the past? If so, you may have a chronic fear of rejection. Recurring mixed feelings can be a way to protect yourself by being on the safe side.
    • Are you an insecure person? If you're afraid of being abandoned and don't feel good enough for love or commitment, it will affect almost all of your actions. You can have mixed feelings in relationships because you are afraid of getting involved.
  3. Know your own needs and wants. To judge whether a relationship is right for you, you need to know what you want. Know what you need and want from a romantic partner. Find out if this person can provide that.
    • Think about your emotional reactions to events in your life. How can someone best support you emotionally? What do you need from someone else?
    • It can be helpful to list the qualities that you care about in a romantic partner. Wonder if this person has these traits.


  • Don't feel like you should "be" with or "stay with" this person. If you feel like you need to convince yourself of something, it might be time to step back and just be friends again.