Dealing with your girlfriend

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Dealing With A Bitchy & Disrespectful Girlfriend
Video: Dealing With A Bitchy & Disrespectful Girlfriend


Learning how to deal with relationships can be difficult. This becomes even more complex because no two relationships are exactly alike. However, there are certain behaviors that a relationship can benefit from.While your girlfriend may seem like a complete mystery at times, there are some simple ways of interacting with each other that can help you have a happy and healthy relationship.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating your girlfriend with respect

  1. Speak to her kindly. Speak to your girlfriend as you would like to be spoken to by a good friend. Regardless of whether the two of you have to laugh or argue about something, a healthy relationship is always based on mutual respect.
    • Watch your intonation. An important part of communication is the tone of the voice. It is very important to speak to her in a friendly tone so that she knows you care.
    • Don't scold her. Swearing is the ultimate sign of disrespect. Don't expect your girlfriend to tolerate this.
    • Don't curse. Kindness and treating her with respect does not include cursing. Your girlfriend may find swearing very aggressive, so err on the side of caution and refrain from it altogether.
  2. Observe and respect her body language. Body language is key to understanding someone's feelings at a deeper level than they can verbally express. Experts say that about 55% of our communication involves body language, so picking up on your girlfriend's non-verbal cues can give you detailed information about her feelings.
    • Understand her signals. If your girlfriend is enjoying the moment, it will likely be evident in her body language. She can smile playfully, make consistent and persistent eye contact, or lean her body toward you. She will appear relaxed, with her face, body and feet pointing towards you. This makes it clear that she is absorbed in the moment. Watch for these signs to know when to keep doing something, either in an intimate setting or among a group of peers.
    • Notice if she feels uncomfortable in a situation. If you feel like there is something that makes her uncomfortable, it may help to take her aside and ask if you can help. If she does feel uncomfortable, help her get out of the situation. If she's a little nervous, you may find herself playing with something in her hands, stroking her hair, touching her neck, or playing with her necklace. This is also called "pacifying behaviors". Try to pay attention to that.
  3. Treat her like your equal. Just as you should be proud of yourself, so is her. Be proud that she has her own thoughts, opinions and dreams. Encourage her to share it with you if she wants to.
    • Accept differences in political views, taste in art or music, and interest in recreational activities. Whether or not these are the same views and interests as yours, her opinions and tastes matter. Remind yourself that - while you might want to - you not be the authority and arbiter of all personal and public matters. See your differences as part of "what makes life fun." Wouldn't it be boring if you were talking about everything would agree?
    • If you feel like you can't respect her opinion, then this isn't the right relationship for you. If you differ on fundamental issues - for example, a desire for monogamy in the relationship, or the religious upbringing of your children - it may be time to reassess the relationship. While you should always treat her opinions and feelings with respect, you may want to realize that hers just don't match yours.
  4. Be honest. Honesty is the cornerstone of all healthy relationships. Being honest with your girlfriend is extremely important from the start. While it is sometimes difficult to be fair, it is always the best policy. Keeping up a web of lies can be quite tough. Besides, why would you want to maintain a relationship based on cheating?
    • Be honest from the start. Trust can be very difficult to restore once broken. Rather than risk being caught in a lie, just be honest from the start. A relationship based on lies will never make you truly happy.
    • If you've told a lie, admit it. The best thing you can do in such a case is for your girlfriend to hear the truth from your mouth and not from someone else. She will respect you more for your ultimate honesty (once she gets over the shock that you lied to her.) you believe - and in believe you.
  5. Apologize if she's rightfully angry with you. Apologizing is one of the best ways to show your respect for your girlfriend. It's not necessarily a grand gesture, but it really should be.
    • Apologize as soon as possible. The best time to apologize is as soon as you know you've done something wrong.
    • Speak from your heart. Say something like, "I hate to hurt your feelings. I'll try to do better next time. "This could be as powerful as a dozen roses. It will feel like a great relief to her.
    • Don't force your apology. If you don't really mean it, don't bother. An insincere apology is worse than no apology at all.

Part 2 of 3: Show your girlfriend that you care

  1. Let her know you're thinking about her. Because she's your girlfriend, you should be thinking about her. When you do, let her know. A simple text message or phone call when you're on the go, or a gentle touch on her back or arm when the two of you are together - all little ways to let her know you care.
    • Try a simple message like, "Wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you." A small gesture like this can make her whole day.
    • Name a recent memory. For example, "I can't stop thinking about the time when I accidentally dropped all the eggs on the floor and you slipped on them! It made me smile all day long. "
    • Start with a compliment: "I've been thinking about your beautiful smile all day!"
  2. Be courteous. Subtle actions can have a big positive impact on your girlfriend. Being well mannered and doing your best to be polite and considerate will be highly appreciated. However, you will need to be well aware of the type of behavior she will appreciate. In the beginning, talk to your girlfriend about what kind of traditionally courteous behavior is appropriate in your life and which is not. For example, you can have a chair ready for her, but she may find that condescending. By talking to each other about such problems misunderstandings can be avoided. Here are some suggestions for courteous behavior she may appreciate:
    • Hold the door open for her. This gesture has been appreciated by women for centuries!
    • Walk on the outside of the sidewalk closest to the traffic. This is a silent sign of protection. Put your arm around her in crowded, public places.
    • Offer to pay after dinner. Even if she declines and asks to share the invoice, your offer will not go unnoticed.
    • Introduce her. She probably doesn't enjoy talking to a group of your friends when none of them know her name. Make sure to introduce her first. This shows that she is important to you and allows her to relax a bit during the conversation with your friends.
  3. Make her feel special. Whether you're alone, with friends, or in a busy bar full of strangers, let her know she's the only one you have an eye for.
    • Make eye contact with her from a distance. Let her know she's the only one on your mind without saying a word. A smile always helps.
    • Consider her feelings. For example, discuss your plans with her. Make her feel like the other half of a couple.
    • Compliment her. Whether it's a new outfit, a new haircut, or just the way her smile brightens up the room, tell her you noticed and approve (even if it's not entirely the case!).
    • Treat her a little. Does she have a particular scarf on her eye at the mall? Buy it and give it to her, for example "just because it is Thursday".
    • Thank her when she brings you something, helps you with something, or does something kind for you. A simple "thank you" can mean a lot and will make it more likely that she will continue to do her best for you in the future. Better yet, thank her for nothing in particular - just herself. An unexpected kindness will warm her heart for days.
  4. Get to know her friends. Your girlfriend's friends (and family) probably play a big part in her life. They will have some influence on her. If you want this relationship to work, you will have to get the approval of her best friends.
    • Show an interest in her friends. Ask them the same questions you asked her when you first met. A great topic to start on is asking how they got to know your girlfriend.
    • Prove that they are in good hands. Show her friends that you really care about her, but don't overdo it. Hold her hand, maybe, but don't show affection when that gets embarrassing for everyone.
    • Heaven her up. Her friends don't want you to poke fun at her or bring her down. Although light spotlight will still be possible, it is better to keep this until you know her circle of friends a little better. For the first few times in the group, be a calm but solid following.
    • If you don't get along with her friends, limit contact with them. Let her know that she should just spend time with them and that you won't be jealous about that.
  5. Surprise her. A surprise can be as big or small as you want. Something unexpected will make her feel loved and cherished. Here are some simple suggestions:
    • Leave a message on her bathroom mirror. If you get up for work before her, leave a quick note like, "I love you!" Somewhere she will definitely notice. No doubt this will put a smile on her face, and she will think about it all day long.
    • Send her a card for no reason. It doesn't have to be a vacation. Getting something in the mail is always a pleasant surprise.
    • Send her flowers. Use a website like to choose a bouquet that's perfect for her and have it delivered to her home or work. Maybe you don't like flowers yourself, but they do.
    • Schedule a surprise date. Text her: "See you later at 7:00," and have a homemade candlelight dinner ready for her when she enters. She will remember this for the rest of her life.
  6. Be affectionate. This doesn't mean that you should engage in regular, public displays of affection, but it does mean that you treat her the way you don't treat other women. She will love feeling special.
    • Hold her hand when you go for a walk with her. This simple and sweet action will show her that you are proud that she is yours.
    • Put your arm around her when it's cold. This gesture shows her that you care and want to take care of her.
    • Kiss her on the cheek. This is a tender act that indicates that you care about her.
  7. Stand up for her. Whether she's in a fight with a friend or a problem with her boss, be on her side. This doesn't mean you agree with her in every situation, but it does mean that you should be a source of support for her, even if later, when things have calmed down, point out that she was not completely right.

Part 3 of 3: Spending time with your girlfriend

  1. Schedule a date that you know she will enjoy. One of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend is to take her to an event or activity that she has previously expressed interest in. Not only will this show that you have listened to her, but also that you care enough about her to plan a date that she will have a lot of fun with. Here are some examples:
    • If you know she likes music, take her to enjoy a jazz concert in a garden or park and pack a picnic basket complete with champagne. You can listen to the music together and curl up as the sun sets.
    • If spaghetti is her favorite food, take her on a date to an Italian cooking class. You will learn how to make pasta while also having a great time cooking in the kitchen.
    • Does she like beer? Schedule a tour of a local brewery and taste the products they sell. Not only will you be able to try some tasty beers, you will also learn something new.
    • Is France her favorite country? Plan a "French evening" in your apartment. Buy French wine, fresh croissants and cheese, try French cuisine recipes and play French music. Light candles and place an image of the Eiffel Tower on your laptop for the right effect. Voilà! A perfect evening in Paris.
  2. Try a new activity together. Have you always wanted to wakeboard but never had the chance? Having a girlfriend is reason enough to try new activities. If your girlfriend feels like she's doing new things with you, she'll realize she's an important part of your life. The courage to try something new shows her your adventurous side, a trait that many women find very attractive.
    • Choose a unique activity: for example, whale watching, bouldering, brewing your own beer, or learning how to shear a sheep! The possibilities are endless.
    • Get out of your comfort zone: dress in style and talk to the elite at an art exhibition or gallery opening.
    • Don't be afraid to look funny. Even if you are not a "star" at the date activity you have chosen, it can be impressive to your girlfriend that you are confident enough to try something different.
  3. Plan to spend time alone and with your friends. Spending time together strengthening your relationship without alienating those around you will help build and maintain a happy, healthy relationship. Some couples pretty much disappear from their friends' lives once they start dating. That is a mistake. Your girlfriend will want there to be a balance between spending time together, spending time with mutual friends, and spending time with her friends without you. Don't be offended. It's healthy for both of you.
    • Make a special "date night". It's an important part of any relationship to set aside one day a week to be together (even if it's just an evening). It is important to show your girlfriend that she is one of the top priorities in your life. Make this evening extra special by trying on a date as suggested above.
    • Make time for your friends. Getting friends together can be quite a challenge, but planning well in advance makes it easier. Send a Facebook invitation or text to meet at a favorite restaurant, park, or new bar. Make sure to invite her friends too.
    • Schedule a double (or triple!) Date. Planning a night out with another couple can be a fun way to maintain a social life and spend time with your girlfriend.
    • Throw a party. This is a great way to get all of your own and your girlfriend's friends together in one place. This party can be for a holiday, a major sporting event, a birthday, or just like that. This is an opportunity to spend time together planning a party and practicing teamwork with your girlfriend.


  • Here is a little secret, which is neither so small nor so secret: any woman who is honest will tell you that the most important thing in life love is. She wants to be loved, and she wants to have the opportunity to love. If you are looking for a good relationship with your girlfriend, keep this "secret" in mind.
  • Smile at her. You know how you feel when she smiles at you. It also works the other way around.
  • Remember that every woman and relationship is unique. What works for one pair may not work for another pair. The most important thing is open communication, so that your girlfriend dares to tell you what makes her happy and what could be improved. You may be surprised how much thinking she has put into this.
  • Show this article to your girlfriend. It can spark an interesting and useful discussion between the two of you.
  • All this information is timeless. You may have noticed that most of the information on this applies not only to a girlfriend, but also to a wife or fiancé.