Asking for a reference from an employer

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


As a job seeker, one of your most important assets is a solid letter of recommendation from a past (or current) employer. Getting a good reference doesn't have to be stressful. Start by asking the right people about it, and give them enough time. Think with them about what should be in the letter to make it a strong letter. That way, you'll have input into what's being written and get the credentials you need to land the job of your dreams!

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Part 1 of 3: Asking the right person

  1. Ask someone who is very satisfied with you. Reference letters must convince. Lukewarm references don't help. Think of an employer with whom you have worked closely and who knows your style, skills and strengths. The most important thing is to ask people who have good things to say about you.
    • Think about what a potential reference would say about your background and achievements before asking them about it.
  2. Choose an employer who knows you well. Theoretically, a reference letter can come from any employer, past or present. However, it is often best to ask someone who has known you for a long time. They are more likely to have specific compliments about your performance. Demonstrating that you are developing a long-term relationship with your employers can also be a plus. EXPERT TIP

    Don't limit yourself to one reference. Potential employers often ask for multiple references, so it's a good idea to have several people in mind who can write you a letter. Three is a standard number, but more can be requested.

    • If you only have a few employers, look for other people who might be able to write a reference, such as former teachers or executives in your area who know you well.
    • If you have multiple letters, you can also tailor the letters you send to each job, choosing the ones that are most relevant.

Part 2 of 3: Asking politely

  1. Report it to your employers. You should always ask before using an employer's name as a reference. If the employer is contacted without knowing you are applying for a job, they may be unpleasantly surprised and give you a less than good reference. This will not make a good impression. It's polite and smart to ask in advance.
    • If possible, let your employer (s) know that you are looking for a job, and that you may soon be asking for a letter in connection with it.
  2. Don't wait until the last minute to ask. Your employer will appreciate having sufficient time to write the letter. Notifying them well in advance also means they have more time to polish up the letter and make it very strong. This will improve your prospects!
    • For example, if it's Monday and you are asked to turn in the reference letters before the end of the week, don't delay until Wednesday to ask for it. Ask your employer immediately that same Monday.
  3. Make your request indirectly. Asking someone straightforward for a letter of reference can put him or her under pressure. The person may find it harder to say no when they have to. Instead, write an email asking for a reference letter or use another indirect method. This prevents you from blocking the potential reference and gives him or her the option to politely decline.
  4. Get the person excited. Even if you know the employer well, they will appreciate you asking for a letter reference. Express how much you value his or her opinion of your job performance. You could also say that no one else is qualified to comment specifically on your skills and qualities.
    • Try to write something like: "Jan, in the past two years I have been able to realize some successful marketing projects. Your years of experience and your mentorship have been invaluable along the way. I think you are uniquely qualified to discuss my achievements, and would appreciate your comments. "
  5. Give the other person a way out. Make sure to tell the potential reference it's okay if she can't write it for you. This makes it easier for the other person to reject it, for example because of time constraints or when they don't feel they are the best person for the task.
    • For example: instead of `` John, can you write me a reference letter? '' You could try something like `` John, if you have the time and the opportunity, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide me want to write. '
    • Make sure to include something like, "I totally understand if you're not able to write me a letter right now."
  6. Respond appropriately if the person declines. Keep in mind that a reference letter is a favor to you, and employers are usually not required to write them. If your employer responds to your request by saying that they are unable to write you a letter, thank them anyway for their time and attention.
    • You can also think of it like this: if someone is in a rush or not enthusiastic about you, he or she will not be able to write a good letter for you.
    • If the person is dismissive, they are actually doing you a favor by giving you the opportunity to ask someone else to support you more.

Part 3 of 3: Helping your employer write a strong letter

  1. Make it clear to your employer what about the job you are applying for. It is often helpful for letter writers to see a copy of the job posting, as well as your cover letter if you have one. This helps them tailor the letter to the specific position and application. The person will also likely appreciate having a copy of your resume, portfolio, or other proof of work history as a reminder.
  2. Provide tips on what the person should say. You can actually guide the letter writer. Indicate points or even whole sentences as highlights that should be included in the letter. This helps the person write a strong letter.
    • For example, if you had an interview that kept mentioning how busy the job is, give your employer a list of evidence showing your productivity, such as "Made 19 Sales in Two Weeks." Consistently submitted reports faster than required. "
  3. Go through a sketch of the letter together. Most reference letters have a fairly standard structure, but this can be useful for both you and your employer. Give your reference a rough sketch or make an appointment to make a sketch together.
    • The first paragraph should introduce your employer and explain how they know you. It should also describe how long you worked together and verify your job title.
    • The second paragraph can discuss your skills and qualifications relevant to the specific position. If your employer has a lot to say, he can include several paragraphs.
    • The last paragraph of the letter should enthusiastically summarize the reference's support to you, and indicate whether that person is willing to respond if the company you are applying to has further questions.
  4. Check carefully whether your employer knows how to submit the letter. Sometimes letters are emailed, sometimes they are sent via a web form and sometimes they are posted. Make sure your employer knows the correct method and has the correct address, as well as the submission deadline.
  5. Thank the reference extensively. After your letter writer is done, it is polite to send a thank you email or card, or to thank the person personally. Express how much you appreciate him / her taking the time to write you a letter. You can also indicate that you value his or her support for your career.
    • Keep your references informed of the progress of your job search.