No more falling asleep during class

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Afternoon Class - Animation Short Film (2014)
Video: Afternoon Class - Animation Short Film (2014)


Paying attention during class is important for good grades and being able to do assignments well, but to be able to listen carefully you have to stay awake and participate. Whether you are in elementary school, high school, or even college or university, sleeping in class is never polite to the teacher and means you are not learning the things you should be learning. However, sleeping in during class is not that difficult, especially if you don't get enough sleep at night. There are several things you can do to avoid falling asleep during class, such as energizing yourself during the day and participating in class.

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Part 1 of 3: Stay awake during class

  1. Ask and answer questions. If you just sit in the classroom, you can doze off all too easily while the teacher is talking and you are not doing anything with your mind or body. But just as you won't fall asleep quickly when talking to friends, participating in class conversations will help you stay awake.
    • While the teacher is speaking, take notes and ask questions about the material you are learning. If there's something you don't understand, raise your hand and ask a question about it.
    • When the teacher asks questions in class, don't be afraid to raise your finger and answer. Some teachers will submit you to a barrage of questions because of noticeable inattention.
  2. Get up and walk around. Your teacher may not allow this, but if you have permission to do so, get up and walk to the back of the room to drink some water if you find yourself getting drowsy. Staying active is an important key to staying awake in the classroom as it keeps the mind and body alert and focused.
    • If your teacher does not have a policy on this, ask if it is acceptable to walk around quietly during class. Many teachers prefer that you do this instead of falling asleep during class.
  3. Stretch and move in your chair. In case your teacher doesn't want you to get up during class, you can still keep your body active in your chair. Move around in your chair, stretch and exercise your limbs as you sit.
    • When you find yourself falling asleep, sit up and stretch for a moment. Move your head from side to side to keep your neck limber, and gently turn sideways from the waist to stretch your back.
    • Extend your legs under your desk in front of you, stretch them, and extend your arms in front of you to stretch those too.
  4. Move slowly while listening. Like stretching and moving in your chair, small movements can also keep your body active, making you less sleepy. The important thing is to do this calmly, otherwise you can distract other students.
    • Tap gently with your feet on the floor and your fingers on the desk.
    • Keep your feet planted on the ground and bend your knees as if you were walking.
    • Hold the pen in your fingers and spin or drum it in the air.
  5. Open a window. Heat and poor ventilation are common recipes for sleepiness in the classroom. So ask the teacher if you can open a window to let in some fresh air and allow for some air circulation in the room.
    • If possible, sit near a window that you can open and close if necessary.
    • If opening a window isn't an option, consider bringing a small ventilator with you to blow in your face when you start to feel tired.
  6. Splash water on your face. You can either get up and go to the bathroom or bring a bottle of water to class that you can use to keep yourself awake. Just as washing your face in the morning can wake you up, it also works later in the day to get some more energy back.
    • If you want to be able to do this in class, bring a small towel that you can wet to pat your face.

Part 2 of 3: Stay energized all day long

  1. Eat a balanced breakfast. Avoid sugary cereals and snacks for breakfast, as these will only cause a sugar dip after a few hours, and are a sure way to fall asleep in class. Instead, opt for a breakfast of protein, carbohydrates, and calcium. For instance:
    • Fruits and toast with peanut butter
    • Fruit and green leafy vegetable smoothies with dairy, soy or almond milk
    • Oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts
    • Homemade breakfast burrito with beans, avocado and vegetables
    • Healthy homemade muffins
  2. Start the day with exercises. Exercise helps start your blood circulation, increases oxygen supply to your cells, releases good hormones, and promotes better sleep. Starting your day with a workout will not only help you sleep better, but it will also energize you and prepare you for the rest of the day. Good morning exercises consist of 30 minutes:
    • Running and jogging
    • Swimming
    • Aerobics such as jumping jacks, jumping or running in place
    • Cycling or exercising on an exercise bike
  3. Avoid sugary foods and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine both cause dips, and when this happens at school, you are likely to fall asleep during class. Sugary foods include candy, soda, chocolate bars, and even lots of juices.
    • Caffeine in the form of black tea or coffee can be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet, but make sure to spread your consumption over the day so that you do not collapse.
    • Avoid energy drinks, as they contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine and can cause you to get a huge dip.
  4. Eat well all day long. Make sure to bring healthy snacks in case you get hungry during the day, and eat well-balanced meals like lunch and dinner. This will give you the fuel you need to stay awake throughout the day and on the ball. Make sure your meals include:
    • Vitamins and minerals (vegetables and fruits)
    • Calcium (dark leafy vegetable)
    • Lean proteins (legumes, nuts, beans, or chicken)
    • Good carbohydrates (wholemeal bread and pasta, or potatoes)
    • Healthy fats (seeds, avocados and nuts)
    • Good snacks include crackers and cheese, vegetables and humus, fruits, yogurt and nuts, seeds and dried fruits.

Part 3 of 3: Getting a better night's sleep

  1. Get plenty of sleep. Students are always trying to balance work, school, and social life, and make enough time for all of these things, which often means skimping on sleep. But daytime fatigue means you'll fall asleep more quickly during class, and even when you're awake you'll have trouble concentrating, focusing, and remembering information.
    • If you find that you don't have time for enough sleep because you work too much, talk to your boss about working less hours. If you have too much homework, talk to your teachers about creating more time for schoolwork in class. If you spend too much time with friends, limit your social obligations on the weekends.
    • Students over the age of 12 need about 7-10 hours of sleep each night to function optimally. If you are younger than 12, you probably need around 11 hours of sleep a night.
    • Using caffeine to compensate for too short a night can be dangerous, as the caffeine can then prevent you from sleeping well, triggering a cycle of fatigue.
  2. Go to school around the same time every night. The idea of ​​a bedtime may seem childish, but the routine can help you get a better night's sleep. This is especially important for people who have trouble falling asleep, because going to bed at a set time can help your body adjust to a schedule, making it easier to fall asleep at night.
    • If you go to bed at the same time every night but still wake up tired, try going to bed an hour earlier and see how the extra hour of sleep affects your daytime alertness.
    • It's important to stick to your schedule at all times, even on weekends and holidays.
  3. Avoid strenuous exercise, meals, and bright lights before going to sleep. There are a number of things that can keep you awake at night or prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, and avoiding them will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
    • Stop exercising within three hours of bedtime, as exercising releases loads of hormones and oxygen that will give you a lot of energy and keep you from falling asleep.
    • Avoid eating a large meal within an hour of going to sleep, as feeling full and bloated can make you uncomfortable and make it difficult to fall asleep.
    • Turn off lights and turn off electronic screens in the half hour before your bedtime, as the lights will disrupt the natural circadian rhythm that regulates your sleep wake cycles.
  4. Address potential medical issues that could be affecting your sleep. Sleep is important for your physical, mental and emotional health, but there are a number of conditions that can prevent a person from falling asleep or staying asleep during the night. If you suspect this to be the case, see a doctor as soon as possible. Some of the most common conditions that disturb sleep are:
    • Periodic limb movement disorder and restless leg syndrome, in which sleep is disturbed by jerking the arms and legs.
    • Sleep apnea that makes you wake up often because you stop breathing while sleeping.
    • Insomnia, or an inability to sleep, can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress and underlying medical problems. Although most people have brief periods when they have trouble sleeping, if the condition persists, you should see a doctor.
    • Narcolepsy is a condition that causes you to fall asleep suddenly, such as in class, on the bus, at a party, or during a meal.