Cleaning fake jewelry

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
3 Ways To Clean Cheap Jewellery💍 DIY Jewellery Cleaner | Fake Costume High Street Jewelry Cleaning
Video: 3 Ways To Clean Cheap Jewellery💍 DIY Jewellery Cleaner | Fake Costume High Street Jewelry Cleaning


Fake jewelry can be very beautiful, even if it does not contain beautiful gemstones. However, it can be very difficult to make sure that your fake jewelry stays beautiful. Fake jewelry will wear out much faster than real jewelry. Water, exposure to air and even creams and lotions can build up on your fake jewelry. So it's important to learn to clean your fake jewelry so that they last as long as possible, especially if you want to keep wearing them for years to come.

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Part 1 of 4: Taking the first steps

  1. Collect all the fake jewelry you want to clean. There are no clear and firm rules for how often you should clean fake jewelry. Usually you can assume that the more you wear your jewelry, the more often you need to clean it. Clean your fake jewelry once every few months or when it starts to look dull.
    • Keep in mind that fake jewelry is not made of real gold or sterling silver and does not contain fancy gemstones. Sterling silver does form deposits, but you cannot clean it in the same way as fake jewelry. There is no attack at all on real gold.
    • If you find it difficult to determine what is fake jewelry and what is real jewelry, remember that jewelry finished with a thin layer of gold or silver is considered real. Because the top layer of metal consists of real silver or gold, these jewelry are seen as real, even if they do not consist entirely of silver or gold. So you can use regular jewelry polish and jewelry cleaner to clean gold and silver-coated jewelry instead of the methods in this article.
    • If you are unsure whether a piece of jewelry is real or fake, have the metal and gemstones tested by a jeweler.
  2. View the jewelry. Check for gemstones. If so, then you need to be careful not to get those areas too wet.
    • The liquid can get underneath the gems and cause the glue underneath to peel off, allowing the gems to fall out of the jewelry later. Too much water can also ruin the foil underneath the fake gemstones, so that they no longer shine as beautifully.
    • Do not allow water to run under or underneath the gemstones so that the glue that holds them does not come off.
  3. Try cleaning the jewelry with a cotton swab or toothbrush. Most people have these commonly used resources at home, and you can use them to clean tricky cracks and openings around gemstones. You can also try a miracle sponge.
    • You should see from the cotton swab you use that you are removing dirt and dust. The tip should get dirty.
    • Make sure to use a new toothbrush that you haven't used before. No material from an old toothbrush should get on the jewelry. It should be clear that you cannot use the toothbrush again after cleaning the jewelry.
    • Rub with the dry soft toothbrush or cotton swab to remove the green deposits. This is also called verdigris. This green deposit develops over time on some fake jewelry. Cotton swabs and soft toothbrushes rub a little more when dry and can therefore remove the dirt better. If you are unable to remove the layer of dirt, use a toothpick.

Part 2 of 4: Using home remedies

  1. Try cleaning the fake jewelry with lemon juice. Lemon juice has long been used to remove the oxidized layer that builds up on metal jewelry over time. You can use a little baking soda in addition to lemon juice.
    • Lemon juice is a natural acid and rubbing the jewelry in half with a lemon can help you clean it faster. You can put fake silver jewelry in a glass with lemonade and a little salt and let the glass sit overnight. Lemon juice is very good for cleaning silver.
    • You can squeeze a lemon over a small plate and rub the juice over the jewelry you want to clean. Then rub the jewelry vigorously with a rough cloth or scouring pad.
  2. Try using a mixture of white vinegar and water. Soak the jewelry in the mixture, then use a soft toothbrush to clean nooks and crannies.
    • By cleaning fake jewelry with vinegar you can make the necklaces shine beautifully. With a soft toothbrush you can clean cracks if the jewelry has gemstones. You can just pour the vinegar on a sponge and clean the jewelry with it.
    • Olive oil is another natural remedy that can be used to clean fake jewelry. Olive oil makes your jewelry shine, but make sure to rinse away any residual oil. You can also dissolve a denture cleaning tablet in water and soak the jewelry in it for a while. Then gently scrub the jewelry with a toothbrush.
  3. Try it with hand soap and warm water. This not only increases the chance that the jewelry will look beautiful, but it will also smell good. However, do not wet the jewelry as much as possible and do not leave it in water. Water can cause deposits and rust on your fake jewelry if they are wet for too long.
    • Gently clean the jewelry with a washcloth. It is usually not a good idea to soak fake jewelry in a bowl of water for a long time as it can ruin its look and finish. This method works well with gold jewelry with gemstones.
    • You can also pour hot water into a bowl. Add salt, baking soda, and liquid dish soap to the bowl. Place the jewelry on a layer of foil and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse the jewelry with cold water and dry it completely with a soft cloth.
  4. Use baby shampoo to clean the jewelry. Baby shampoo is milder than regular shampoo and can therefore be a good way to clean fake jewelry. Shampoo is especially good for cleaning pearls.
    • Mix a drop of baby shampoo with a drop of water. Use a soft toothbrush or cotton swab to clean tricky areas. Stir the mixture until it resembles thick soup. Add a few more drops of water if the mixture is too thick.
    • Quickly rinse the baby shampoo off the jewelery with cold water and dry with a clean dry towel or microfiber cloth.
  5. Use lens cleaner or toothpaste. There are many different household cleaners that can be used to clean fake jewelry. You can get some fake jewelery clean with lens cleaner and toothpaste.
    • Be very careful. Read the directions and warnings on the packaging. Do not use lens cleaner on delicate metals and be aware that the paint or varnish can peel off. Use this to clean earrings or if you have sensitive skin.
    • Toothpaste is less of a problem when cleaning fake jewelry. Simply put toothpaste on a toothbrush and rub it on the jewelry. You can use this method for different types of fake jewelry, such as bracelets.

Part 3 of 4: Using stronger products

  1. Buy jewelry polish. Fake and non-pure metals will wear out quickly if you don't use the right polish.
    • You can buy polishes for gold and silver jewelry at many jewelers and department stores. Keep in mind that regular jewelry polish is meant for real jewelry and can be too strong for fake jewelry.
    • Simply soak the jewelry in the polish for up to 30 seconds. Then take them out and take them off gently to avoid damaging or ruining them. You could use a toothbrush after removing the jewelry from the polish.
  2. Buy a bottle from the drugstore or a department store rubbing alcohol. Pour the alcohol into a small bowl and soak the jewelry in it for half an hour.
    • Remove the jewelry from the bowl and lots of all alcohol off. Let the jewelry dry for 15 minutes.
    • If a particular area is still dirty, wipe it with an alcohol swab or repeat the process. You could put your earrings in hydrogen peroxide and soak them in for at least 2 to 3 minutes. The hydrogen peroxide can bubble or foam, which means your earrings are very dirty and you will probably need to leave them in them longer.
    • Stop if you seem to be rubbing the paint off rather than the dirt. You may be scrubbing too hard. Rub gently so you don't ruin the paint.
  3. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly. After you have applied the product and removed the dirt, rinse the jewelry immediately with cold water. Rinse the jewelry just enough to remove the suds.
    • Dry the jewelry with a hair dryer. Immediately after rinsing the jewelry, place it on a towel to soak up the excess water. Blot up the moisture with the towel. Then set your hair dryer to a cold setting and dry the jewelry quickly with it.
    • Move your hair dryer around the jewelry to blow the air in different directions. Drying the jewelry quickly reduces the chance that it will rust and cause water stains. Keep drying the jewelry with the hair dryer until it is completely dry.
    • Try not to hold the hair dryer over the gem areas for long, especially if you decide to use a warm setting anyway. Of course you don't want the heat to release the glue that holds the gemstones.

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining the jewelry

  1. Use your perfume, hairspray, and lotion before putting on your jewelry. All water-based products can cause deposits on your fake jewelry, even perfume and lotion.
    • If you use perfume and lotion first, it is less likely that they will end up on your jewelry. Wait for your body to dry. Then put on your fake jewelry.
    • This will prevent deposits from forming on your fake jewelry, making them dull and requiring you to clean them regularly.
  2. Take your jewelry off every day. You will have to clean your jewelry less often if you wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth after wearing it.
    • Your jewelry will also look like new for longer.
    • Taking your jewelry off every day also reduces exposure to water or other substances you came into contact with that day while wearing your jewelry.
  3. Store your jewelry properly. You could keep the jewelry in resealable plastic bags. Put a piece of jewelry in each plastic bag. Squeeze and seal all air from the bags.
    • Without air in the bags, the metal cannot oxidize or turn green from exposure to air. Your jewelry will stay clean and look like new for longer.
    • Keeping your jewelry in a jewelry box with a lid and velvet lining also reduces exposure to the air and prevents scratches.


  • Spread clear nail polish on the outside of your fake jewelry so that the polish doesn't turn green.
  • Remove your jewelry when you are near water. Do not wear your jewelry when washing the dishes, taking a shower or washing the car. In those cases, take all of your jewelry off.


  • Do not leave the jewelry in a container of water for a long time, or it may form deposits.
  • Dry the jewelry immediately, or water stains and rust spots may form on it.
  • Use a soft toothbrush to avoid damaging your jewelry.