Get a nice tan

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get The Best Natural Tan
Video: How To Get The Best Natural Tan


Apply sunscreen first. Then lie in the sun. Apply more sunscreen after about 45 minutes. Many people look great with a summer tan - the sun has put a warm glow on the skin, red spots are less noticeable and colorful clothes look a bit better. It can be quite difficult to tan in a healthy way - you have to consider UV rays, avoid an ugly orange color, and avoid white stripes on watches or other jewelry. However, with a little knowledge and precaution, you can overcome any obstacle and get the beautiful tan you want. In this article, we'll show you exactly how. Follow our simple step-by-step plan and you too will have that golden glow in no time!

To step

Method 1 of 2: Fun in the Sun

  1. Choose your UV source. If you go for a nice ultraviolet color, the sun is still the best choice. However, if the weather is not that good, you can also go for the sunbed, with which you can constantly maintain your color in every season.
    • Don't lie in the sun too often - beautiful skin turns into leather in no time due to too much sun.
  2. Hydrate your skin. Skin that is well hydrated will tan more quickly than dusty, dry skin. Before preparing your skin for the sun, you can do the following:
    • Remove dead skin cells in the shower by gently rubbing the skin with a rough washcloth or special exfoliating soap.
    • Moisturize your skin with a lotion containing sodium PCA. This is a natural substance of the skin that helps keep your epidermis healthy and works by attracting moisture from the air.
    • Apply the right amount of sunscreen to your skin. If you have fair skin, choose a cream with a higher SPF factor than if you have dark skin. Whatever skin type you have, always use a sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 15.
    • If you plan to go swimming, make sure your sunscreen is waterproof or apply new cream when you go out of the water. If you do not come into contact with water, apply the cream as often as recommended on the package - normally every few hours.
  3. Always use sunscreen when sunbathing! If you plan to spend a lazy afternoon at the beach, apply at least one cream with an SPF factor of 15. Which cream you need depends on your skin type and how much sun your skin is used to.
    • If you don't use sunscreen while sunbathing, your skin is extra vulnerable to UVA and UVB radiation and will damage your skin, even if it doesn't look burnt!
    • Don't just use sunscreen, but also lip balm with SPF. Ideally, apply sunscreen in the shade and wait 20 to 25 minutes before sitting in the sun. Reapply cream every few hours and after each swim.
    • If you notice that your skin turns red, get out of the sun immediately. Staying in the sun with red skin will only cause a deeper burn and increase the risk of serious damage.
  4. Adjust your clothes. White lines in the place of your T-shirt or shorts are not very nice. Wear your swimwear when sunbathing so that in the end as few lines as possible are visible.
    • It is even better to even (partially) take off your bathing suit. You can minimize white stripes, but of course also prevent them completely!
  5. Find a good spot in the sun. This can be done in your own backyard, on the beach or wherever the sun shines. As long as you have sunscreen, water and a towel handy.
    • Place your towel so that you are directly in the sun.
  6. Turn with the sun to evenly tan your entire body. Don't forget to change positions every now and then; you want to give both your front and back enough hours of sunshine.
    • Don't want to lie in the sun all day, but still get a tan? Then you can also go jogging or walking. This way you are still exposed to the sun and you also train your body at the same time. Top!
  7. Protect your eyes. They can also burn. Although sunglasses help with this, it is better to wear a hat or keep your eyes closed while sunbathing.
  8. Hydrate your body! Make sure you drink enough water and go for a swim every now and then to cool your body. Don't forget to apply sunscreen again afterwards.
  9. It is also wise to take care of your skin after sunbathing. For example, use a lotion with aloe vera. This keeps your skin healthy and prevents it from drying out.

Method 2 of 2: Coat your Brown Color

  1. Stay out of the sun. If you have sensitive or fair skin that burns easily or if you want to minimize health risks, the best thing to do is minimize exposure to UV radiation. After all, you only notice that you are burned when the red color is already present and the damage has already been done.
  2. Do it yourself. There are a number of creams and sprays from Neutrogena, L'Oreal, Victoria's Secret and many other companies that will give you an even tan.
    • Follow the directions on the bottle and apply sunscreen all over your skin. Most lotions are non-comedogenic, which means they won't clog your pores.
    • Unless you have very long arms or are extremely flexible, you will need a friend to rub your back on.
  3. Don't let that stop you and visit a tanning salon for an even tan. You can have it applied here in just a few minutes.
  4. Read the labels on sunscreen products. Before you just buy a lotion, it is best to read online to select a good product.


  • If you have a burn, make sure you use a lotion with aloe vera. This ensures that your skin heals and at the same time provides moisture.
  • Research shows that lip cancer is increasingly common. So don't forget to use a lip balm with SPF!
  • Make sure to apply extra protection to skin that is normally not exposed to much sun. Consider, for example, your shoulders, your face, your ears and your feet.
  • Aloe vera can be used as an after sun lotion or to treat burnt skin.
  • Make sure you wear sunglasses that don't leave rings around your eyes.
  • Aloe vera gel has a soothing effect on burnt skin and stimulates healing.
  • Sensitive or light skin? Then do not use baby oil. This ensures guaranteed combustion.
  • Sunbathe naked? Pay close attention to which areas of your skin you expose to the sun. In some places you really don't want to get burned.
  • Wear clothes that bring out your tan. If you don't have a brown color, wear dark green, dark blue or purple. If you are slightly tanned, wear black or white to accentuate your color. If you have your dream brown color, you can wear any color you want.
  • Getting a tan takes time, so don't expect to see results within a day.
  • Smearing vinegar on burned skin cools down and makes you feel good, but it does have an unpleasant smell. Do not do this right before an important meeting, a date or a long drive in a crowded car.
  • If you are burned, use olive oil and iodine or 100% cocoa butter and stay out of the sun for a few days. This ensures that you get an extra beautiful tan after that period.
  • If you are going to a tanning salon for the first time, do not stay on the sunbed for too long. Consult with an employee about the recommended length of your first session.
  • Start with a short period in the sun, for example about 10 minutes for sensitive skin. If this runs smoothly, you can slowly extend your time in the sun. If your skin becomes red or dry, stay out of the sun for a few days.
  • Make sure that you expose both your front and back to the sun and that your clothing does not cause white lines.
  • If you opt for an artificial color, make sure that you choose a tanning salon that does not give you an orange glow.
  • Apply extra cream on areas that are red so that they get a nice color.
  • Do not use tanning beds! These damage your skin and can cause skin cancer!
  • If you have pale or sensitive skin, make sure to use a high factor sunscreen.


  • Watch out for tanning pills. These involve various risks and can be particularly harmful to the eyes.
  • Too much time in the sun can cause heat stroke.
  • Too much exposure to UV radiation can cause skin cancer, the most severe of which is called melanoma. Artificially tanned skin with creams or sprays is safer.
  • Sunburn comes in different shapes and sizes. If you are badly burned, see your doctor.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of water during and after sunbathing. If your skin feels warm and dry after a day in the sun, use a lotion to cool it down.
  • People with naturally pale skin do not tan easily. It is best to use a tanning cream or spray.
  • Keep a close eye on moles and see your doctor if they change color or shape.
  • Using tanning beds can be dangerous, especially if you use them for too long.
  • People are increasingly aware of the health risks associated with tanning and more and more people are finding light skin just as attractive as a tan. As long as you are yourself, people will accept you as you are, with or without brown skin.
  • Sunbathing every day is not good for you!