Become a model

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How you can become a model in 2021 | Tips and Tricks
Video: How you can become a model in 2021 | Tips and Tricks


There are many people who would like to become a model because they want to become famous, make a lot of money and be recognized in the modeling world. There is a lot of competition in the modeling world and you have to be able to handle rejection, but on the other hand successful models have a profession that they love. Below you will find the truth about how to become a model as well as tips on how to achieve it.

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Part 1 of 3: The basics

  1. Be healthy from within. Eat and drink healthy and exercise enough. When you are healthy you look your best.
    • Being fit is very important. Consider hiring a trainer who works with models. Tell him about your goals and what you want to look like, and ask for a customized training schedule to achieve those goals.
    • Eat healthy. Contrary to what many people say, you should eat healthy and eat healthy amounts. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and proteins should form the foundation of your diet. You should avoid sugar, starch, empty carbohydrates and unhealthy fats as much as possible.
    • Make sure to drink plenty of water. Avoid soft drinks (including diet drinks) and drink as little alcohol as possible.
  2. Take care of yourself. Make sure you look healthy and well-groomed. What you wear and how your posture is is also very important, but you need to have a routine that keeps your skin and hair healthy.
    • Make sure your skin stays beautiful and radiant. Wash your face every morning and night, exfoliate once a week, and don't forget to take your makeup off before going to bed.
    • It is important to have soft and shiny hair. Some agencies and managers prefer the hair to be a bit greasier, so if you prefer to shower as little as possible, that may be one of the options.
  3. Make sure your goals are in line with your body type. In principle, anyone can be a model. But if you don't meet certain requirements, you will end up with less work and you will likely have to work hard in other areas (reliability, technique, etc.).
    • A plus-size model: If your body has beautiful feminine curves, you might be able to become a plus-size model.
    • A catwalk model: Most women who walk the catwalk are at least five feet tall, very thin and usually have small breasts. Men are usually between 1.80 meters and 1.88 meters tall.
    • A model for the magazines: Most of the models in the magazines are at least six feet tall, but at least it is very important for these types of models to have a beautiful face and a great personality.
    • An underwear model: For women this means that they should have large breasts but narrow hips. Men should have broad shoulders and narrow hips.
    • An alternative model: Some agencies hire alternative models: models that do not meet the industry "standard" in terms of beauty, height or weight. In addition, a particular passion or purpose you are working on can help open doors that normally remain closed based on body characteristics that are inconsistent with industry standards.
    • Other types of modeling: If you don't meet the physical requirements, you might be able to become a foot, hair, or hand model.
  4. Consider modeling in specific situations. If you don't think runway modeling or fashion model is for you, check out other types of modeling. Some companies use models for special events or to promote specific products. There are fewer requirements for body type and more emphasis is placed on the personality of the model.
    • A promotional model: Some companies want their customers to have direct contact with models who are very attractive and nice so that they can promote their brand. You come across these models in supermarkets, at clubs or parties to promote things like food, drinks or new products.
    • The face of a company: This means that models are hired to be continuously connected to a particular brand.Contrary to popular belief, these models don't always have to verbally promote the brand.
    • A stock market model: This type of model is hired by a company or brand to advertise in an exhibition tent or booth. Usually, the models are not employed by the company, but are hired as freelance models for a particular event.
  5. Carefully determine what you want to look like. The look you want to radiate can be a combination of your body type and your style. Do you have the appearance with curves, or are you very slim and neat, are you very thin or do you look more like the so-called girl next door? Be aware of your strengths, but also try to look different.
  6. Learn as much as you can about the industry. You can learn a lot from reading books and articles about modeling. Reading guides, articles and books can help you improve certain skills, such as posing for example, and gain a better understanding of how the modeling world works (how to find a modeling agency, etc.).
    • Also research reliable agencies that place models in good quality places, such as in fashion magazines and fashion shows.
  7. Realize that it is a hard world. The modeling world is made up exclusively of beautiful people and just because you look good does not mean that you will become a successful model. It's not all about how you look. You have to meet the exact requirements of a particular job, then you might have a chance. Modeling is only suitable for highly motivated people who have unique physical characteristics. With so many people trying to become a model today, it is very difficult to get through and you will only be able to do this if you are patient and persistent.
  8. Do not be shy. You have to promote yourself and look for opportunities to show what you can do. If you sit back and stay "polite" you will get nowhere. Be yourself, let your personality shine and be confident. If you don't feel confident, pretend; in the modeling world you often have to be able to act!

Part 2 of 3: Portfolios and modeling agencies

  1. Take photos for your portfolio. This does not mean snaps of you and your friends, but of yourself up close without a lot of make-up and with a neutral background. The light should be natural (but not direct sunlight) without much distraction in the photos. These photos are intended for modeling agencies so that they get an impression of what you naturally look like. For example, you could take a picture of your face, a picture of your body and some profile pictures.
    • The most important thing you want to show with your portfolio is that you can portray a wide variety of "personalities" and styles.
  2. Consider getting some professional photos taken. Professional photos will give you a better idea of ​​what you really look like, even if it is quite pricey. You may be invited for an interview based on these photos, so you can also see it as a good investment!
    • Print your favorite photos in a format of 20 by 25 cm. Keep this in case you are asked to leave a photo somewhere during a casting.
    • If you have enough of these photos, you could turn them into a portfolio or "book". Take your portfolio with you when you go to modeling agencies or to a casting.
  3. Know your measurements and take them with you on paper. This is useful for modeling agencies to help you with assignments. Knowing this information by heart will make you appear more professional when talking to an agency or client.
    • The basic measurements you need to know are your height, weight and shoe size.
    • Know your clothing size, as well as your hip, waist, chest, etc.
    • Also know your hair color, eye color, skin, etc.
  4. Visit a modeling agency. Almost every city has several modeling agencies and almost every agency has open castings where they look for new talent.
    • Bring your photos and / or your portfolio. Make sure you also have all sizes with you.
    • They will often ask you to walk or pose for them.
    • If you are rejected, don't get discouraged; often a modeling agency is looking for a specific type of model, maybe you do not meet this at the moment.
  5. Beware of scammers. Research a modeling agency's reputation before going to a casting. Many people do not know the business and are being scammed.
    • No modeling agency should charge you more than £ 20 for a casting. If you are hired on an assignment, you will have to pay commission to the agency, but you do not have to pay this in advance. If you are asked to pay hundreds of Euros in advance, do not accept this.

Part 3 of 3: Your modeling career

  1. Never sign contracts without consulting your agent. A customer may sometimes ask you to sign consent forms. Before you sign, you must request a copy for your agent. Never sign a form that gives a photographer or client more power over you or your photos than they should.
    • Also, only sign a contract with an agency if it is completely lawful. If you are unsure whether the contract is good, have a lawyer or an experienced model look into it.
    • A good cop should want the best for you. She should help you with all kinds of legal issues in a contract.
  2. Be honest about your buddies. Don't say that you are thinner that you are in reality to get a job. If you're hired for a job, it will get the stylist into trouble and they'll find out anyway. If you get a bad name in the modeling world, you can forget about it!
  3. Be professional, courteous, and courteous. Even if you don't work in the office, you should always be professional. Treat everyone you work with with respect - you never know who they know or what they might say about you. Never look down on anyone. You may be a model, but that doesn't entitle you to act arrogant, proud or haughty.
    • Always be on time for an appointment or photo shoot. If you arrive late or come across as rude, people will start talking behind your back and at some point no one will want to work with you anymore.
    • Be organized. Models often don't get to know where to go until the last minute and have very busy days. You have to be really well organized, otherwise you will not make it. So it is a good idea to purchase a good diary.
    • Make sure you have a good relationship with the photographers. If you make sure you make the photographer look good, the photographer will help you look good. It's a win-win situation, so make sure you treat the photographers with respect.
  4. Think of modeling as a real job. Girls who don't take it seriously are unlikely to become a successful model. Realize that it is more difficult than it looks and that it is hard work behind the scenes at a fashion show. Modeling is a full-time job where you always have to pay attention. A week off can mean the end of your career.
    • You get few opportunities in the modeling world, so even if you're gone for a short time, it could mean you might never come back. Models usually only work for a short time, unless you become famous in the world, then it can be a different story.
  5. Check with every job whether a make-up artist will be present. Sometimes you are expected to bring certain things yourself, such as foundation for example. If there is no make-up artist, you have to prepare yourself well. It can be helpful to always have an emergency supply of makeup with you so you can do your own, even if a makeup artist should be present.
  6. Be creative during a photo shoot. Photographers want you to pose for the camera in different ways and to react to the world around you. Variety is very important, so do your best in front of the camera and communicate with the world around you. Listen carefully to the photographer's directions, but don't be afraid to adopt your own postures and poses as well. Even when you walk on the catwalk, you often have to put down a certain emotion or attitude.


  • Be careful when signing contracts or licensing agreements. With some contracts you are only allowed to work for one specific modeling agency. With many licensing agreements (which are actually a kind of small contracts for one specific photo shoot) the emphasis will be on the fact that the photographer gets all rights to a photo, whereby they can do whatever they want with it, without talking about the rights of the design. If they are going to use your photo, then of course you must have a say in what is being done with your photos. Make sure to discuss this before drawing anything.
  • Know where the boundaries lie for you in terms of style and nudity. If you don't want to do a particular job or if it doesn't feel right for you to be completely naked, say so and don't get pushed. Consider carefully which direction your career will take in the future. You may feel comfortable doing a particular job right now, but keep in mind that certain photos may haunt you in the future.
  • If for some reason you've decided to sign with a particular modeling agency, but you don't want to anymore, freelancing may be another option for you. Keep in mind that you will generally be paid much less and that you are less well protected.
  • Be careful with modeling training. These can be very expensive, and whether you really learn how to become a model is the question. Some agencies say that you learn the wrong things in a modeling course, and that it is difficult to unlearn that!
  • You can also participate in modeling competitions. Keep an eye on whether these competitions are organized by reliable modeling agencies.
  • Your parents must give permission if you are a minor.
  • Don't get put down by a few nasty comments from people who don't matter. Stay confident!
  • Don't let rejection stop you from following your dreams. Also accept a rejection nicely; you may need the same people again later.
  • If you are auditioning, make sure you are wearing something that is easy to take off and that will not strip your body. Do not wear a bra and skin-colored underwear. Then you look your best in the outfit that the designer or organization wants to fit you.
  • Stay healthy in a good way by eating well and exercising. Do not take drugs, they are harmful to your body inside and out.
  • If people want you to pose in a way that you don't like, don't do it.


  • Almost all modeling agencies expect you to sign a contract. Read this carefully and understand every word, use a dictionary if necessary! It is better to know what exactly you are drawing before accepting the job.
  • If you are invited for a job or an audition in another country, make sure you have enough money to pay for your own return ticket. Even though there are good jobs, unfortunately it still happens that one-way tickets are provided and young girls then end up in prostitution because they have no money for a flight home.
  • It is very wise to bring someone with you if you have come into contact with a photographer via the internet and you have arranged to meet him for a photo shoot. This is for your own safety, as you have no idea who you are meeting with! If no one is coming with you (because you couldn't find anyone or because the photographer doesn't want to), make sure the photographer is trustworthy - who he worked with - and call someone when you arrive at the shoot and when you're done .
  • Beware of modeling agencies who want to see money up front. Most modeling agencies earn their money through commission, which means that they get a piece of your salary for every job you do. If you don't work, you don't get paid. If you pay them in advance, it is actually no longer necessary for them to search for jobs for you. On the other hand, it is also not useful to reject anyone who asks for money in advance. When in doubt about a particular agency, ask other models who work for it how they feel they are represented.
  • Unfortunately, it happens quite often that models fall prey to impostors. It happens so often because it is so easy to make money off the dreams of innocent young people. It is very sad, but most models will have to deal with such cheats several times during their career and often this is at the beginning of their career.