Fight nausea

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nausea Relief Frequency ➤ Nausea Treatment & Healing ➤ Binaural Beats Sound Therapy
Video: Nausea Relief Frequency ➤ Nausea Treatment & Healing ➤ Binaural Beats Sound Therapy


Everyone hates being sick, right? The worst thing in the world is the feeling of vomiting along with a pain in your stomach. Rather than undergo it, try taking matters into your own hands and fighting your nausea with home remedies. Trying the following methods will quickly return you to feeling fresh and healthy.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Change your activities

  1. Take a rest. Stay at home in bed if you feel nauseous. Lie down, avoid exertion and sudden movements and try to get some sleep, then your nausea will quickly subside and the chance of vomiting decreases. If you have to, take time off from work or school.
  2. Get some fresh air. It may be easiest to stay in your room when you are feeling sick, but the air in your home is getting less and less fresh, making you feel worse. Open your windows to let in fresh air and go outside for a few minutes if possible.
  3. Avoid strong smells. Bathing may seem tempting, but too strong perfume scents can upset your stomach even more. Try to avoid anything that has strong smells. Taste and smell are linked, so a strong smell can make you feel as nauseous as a strong taste. Kill two birds with one stone by opening your windows so that fresh air can enter and bad smells disappear.
  4. Don't use electronics for a while. The bright light, noise, and movement associated with your TV, laptop, tablet, and phone can be too much of an incentive to upset your stomach even more. Lie back in bed with the dim light and read a book or relax in a different way. By not using electronics for a while, your stomach will relax and you will also prevent related headaches.
  5. Adjust the temperature. Nothing is worse than being too hot or too cold when you are nauseous. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature so that you can rest well; take extra or less blankets or clothes, or take a short shower or bath. You can also adjust the temperature by drinking hot or cold drinks.
  6. Try over-the-counter medications. If the natural remedies do not work properly, you can take something from the drugstore or pharmacy. Look for medications designed to treat nausea or vomiting. Make sure you check the correct dosage.
  7. Don't stop vomiting. If your stomach pain doesn't go away and the urge to vomit grows, don't stop it. Your body wants to eliminate the cause of your nausea, so let it happen. Vomiting is no fun at all, but it does help you get better. You probably feel a lot better after that.

Method 2 of 3: Food that counteracts nausea

  1. Have some ginger. Ginger is known to have a tonic effect on illness. Take a piece of dried or fresh ginger. If you can handle the taste of fresh ginger, eat it raw. Otherwise, take a piece of sugared ginger or grate some in a cup of hot water to make tea.
  2. Eat some crackers. If nothing else helps, dry crackers can be the solution for nausea. Their taste is mild and they are easy to digest, making them the perfect food for sickness. If the crackers are good, you can also try pretzels, which have a bit more nutritional value.
  3. Try watermelon. While not everyone should think about it when they are sick, watermelon can really help with nausea. Because it contains a lot of water and has a mild taste, it can soothe the stomach and bring some moisture into your system. If you also have a fever, you can try cold watermelon for cooling.
  4. Eat dry rice. White rice without sauce is not the tastiest dish, but it is good for nausea. It is easy to digest and these carbohydrates will give you some energy, while the smooth taste will not irritate your stomach.
  5. Have a banana. A banana that is just ripe (rather on the green side, without brown spots) is good for several reasons. Its soft texture and mild flavor make it easy to digest, and it is high in potassium, which is good for your immune system. Kill two birds with one stone and mash your banana through a bowl of white rice.
  6. Eat some yogurt. You should not eat most dairy products if you are nauseous. However, yogurt helps by giving your stomach the right bacteria to fight off the bad bacteria. Look for plain yogurt that says it contains probiotics and your stomach will be back to normal in no time.
  7. Try dry toast. No butter, no jam, nothing. Toasted bread has the same properties as crackers. It is easy to digest and has a mild taste, so your stomach will not be so likely to protest against it. Try a slice first to see how it falls before taking another.
  8. Avoid foods that upset your stomach. It's best to stick to the things we've mentioned above, but if you still want to eat other things, use common sense. Don't eat things that are very fatty, fried, spicy, or too sweet. This will only upset your stomach and make you throw up.

Method 3 of 3: Fight nausea with different drinks

  1. Drink lots of water. Water helps flush toxins from your system and keep your body hydrated so that it can properly fight the things that make it sick. Although it is normally important to drink plenty of water, this is even more the case when you are sick. Make sure you always have a glass of water on hand, and that you drink a glass at least every hour.
  2. Try a sports drink. If you are nauseous and vomit, you will lose a lot of fluid and it will be difficult to retain fluids. Sports drinks are enriched with electrolytes, which your body needs to recover. Take your favorite brand and drink it if you have vomited to make up for your salt and sugar deficiencies.
  3. Drink some cranberry juice. While many juices are loaded with sugars or flavors that can upset your stomach, cranberry juice provides good nutrients without the sugar kick. Drink some cranberry juice if you are sick, especially if you are unable to eat anything.
  4. Mix some lemon juice with honey. This combination of sweet and sour quickly calms the stomach. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of warm honey. Take small sips. You can take this several times a day if your nausea is not over yet.
  5. Drink cinnamon tea. Cinnamon has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon with a cup of hot water and let it steep. Drink the tea slowly several times a day until your stomach is healthy again.
  6. Try clove tea. With an autumnal flavor like cinnamon, cloves can also help soothe your stomach. Put a teaspoon of ground cloves in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for a few minutes and strain out the larger pieces.
  7. Make a cup of cumin tea. Although cumin is more likely to make you think of cooking, it can also help with nausea. Mix a teaspoon of cumin seeds with a cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes before removing the seeds and drinking the tea slowly. You can add some honey if you want.
  8. Have some mint tea. Peppermint is the best natural way to combat nausea along with ginger. Place a teaspoon of crushed, dried mint leaves or a sprig of fresh mint in a cup of hot water. This can be drunk hot or cold as often as you like.
  9. Try ginger ale. If eating ginger isn't enough, have a glass of ginger ale. Check the ingredients to see if it is made with real ginger, and not just flavorings. Ginger ale can soothe the stomach and keep you from vomiting.
  10. Drink some cola syrup. This is different from regular cola, it is a thick liquid and can help to fight your nausea. Pour a few tablespoons over some ice chips and take a small sip each time.
  11. Drink everything you drink very slowly. Whatever you choose to drink, it's important that you don't slug it in too quickly or take too long sips. Your stomach is already upset, so drink in small, slow sips.


  • After vomiting, rinse your mouth with a mixture of 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 cup water. This will get rid of the bad taste and remove residual stomach acid, which can be harmful to your throat and teeth.
  • Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating, as toothpaste can also irritate your stomach.


  • If the nausea persists and you can't think of a cause, see your doctor.
  • If you are pregnant or have any other medical condition that may make you feel nauseous, ignore all of the above steps and follow your doctor's advice.
  • If the nausea is accompanied by dizziness, headache, blurred vision, etc., sit down and have someone call the doctor. If these are normal symptoms of an underlying medical condition you know you have, take the steps you usually take to treat it.