Hang out after a first date

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My 3 EASY TRICKS To Make First Dates Less AWKWARD | Matthew Hussey
Video: My 3 EASY TRICKS To Make First Dates Less AWKWARD | Matthew Hussey


Dating can feel a bit uncomfortable, and it's sometimes hard to know how you feel after a first date. Determining how you will behave means determining how you feel. Think about whether you want to go out again and make it clear to that person. While socializing can be uncomfortable at times in such cases, a little etiquette can get you through the days after a first date without any hassle.

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Method 1 of 3: Think about the event

  1. Do not forget that it is only one date. People tend to judge after a first date. When making a decision about your feelings, put it in perspective. It's only one date. Whether you felt poor or had a really good time, it is only one meeting and you do not have to make any major decisions.
    • If there wasn't a spark, don't think it's not worth it. Unless there were very obvious warning signs, consider giving the person a second chance if it was fun.
    • If it went well, remember that it was just one date and the other person doesn't have to think the same way about it. It's not a relationship yet, so try to look at things from day to day before jumping to conclusions about where the relationship is headed.
  2. Don't try to overly analyze. It's important to understand your feelings about the person after a date, but overthinking it can do more harm than good. Don't obsess over the meaning of every touch, hug, or other gesture. While small things can sometimes indicate a trait, they can also be meaningless.
    • For example, if your date was checking text messages at dinner, you may wonder if this means the other person is a rude person. If this happened only once during the date, the other person might be looking to know what time it was to check for an important call. First, try not to think too much about the text message incident.
  3. Decide if you want a second date. Sometimes you know for sure that you want to go out with them again, but it can also be very confusing. There's no pressure to go out again if you don't want to, but it's worth giving someone the chance if you've had a good time. However, if you were completely uncomfortable or had no fun, find someone else.
  4. Be aware of potential warning signs. Sometimes red flags are quickly apparent. If your date is acting rude or inappropriate several times, it could be a sign that this person isn't worth your time.
    • For example, maybe the other person rolled their eyes or laughed at a serious comment you made. Maybe the other person clearly didn't feel like talking to you. Maybe the other person just made you feel uncomfortable on the date.
    • Trust your instincts. Don't date the other person again if it makes you feel bad.
  5. Think about attraction. If you're not attracted to the other person at all, a second date may not be worth it. However, keep in mind that you don't have to feel very attracted to the person at first, especially if you are nervous. If you thought the person looked nice, even though you weren't madly in love right away, a second date might be worthwhile to see if you're going to find the other person attractive.

Method 2 of 3: Communicate with each other after the date

  1. Send a casual text message that you had a good time. This is usually best if you are interested in dating again. Don't overdo how great it was, just send something simple. For example, "I loved it together yesterday. Hope we can repeat it soon! "
    • There is no need to wait the usual three days as this is no longer considered a dating rule. You can send the text message when you get home from the date, or the next day.
    • You can also text your date to ask if she got home safely. This will show your concern for your date's well-being and can encourage further conversations.
    • If the date went well, consider sending a text message within the first 24 hours of the date. It's okay if you are the one doing this and opening up the possibilities for further conversations. Say something like, "I had a great time last night." I hope you have a good day today. If you have time, we will go out for coffee somewhere on Tuesday. "
  2. Keep the online contact casual. You should only do this if the two of you are already following each other on social media. Reply to tweets or comment a little more on her Facebook if you're interested. This allows you to indicate that you are interested and would like to go out again.
    • If the two of you aren't already interacting online, then suddenly adding the other to your Facebook might be a bit too much of a good thing.
  3. Ask the other to see each other again if there was a spark. If you want to see the other person again, say so. Don't wait too long, as this may seem like you're playing a game. The goal is to show your interest without coming across as clingy or desperate. Send a text message sometime within 24 hours of the date saying something like, "I really liked it last night. I would like to see you again. When do you have time?'
  4. Respectfully let the other know if there was no click. If you have decided not to proceed with it, then you should tell us this. This is especially important if the other person has expressed interest. After about 24 hours, send a polite text like, "I really enjoyed meeting you, but I just didn't really feel like there was a connection."
    • If you didn't feel the click, the other person is unlikely to feel anything. However, if you are unsure whether or not the person is interested in you, try asking respectfully towards the end of the evening. For example, you could say something like, "It was great to meet you, but I don't really feel like a click. And you?'
  5. Accept rejection. Unfortunately, sometimes the other person doesn't have the same feelings. If someone turns you down for a second date, try to accept it with style. Text the other person to thank them for letting them know there was no connection and wish them all the best.
    • For example, say something like, "I appreciate you letting me know how you feel. Good luck in the future.'

Method 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes

  1. Try not to send the other person excessive text messages. If someone doesn't immediately respond to your messages and gives short replies, then you're posting too much. It's okay to text too much after a first date if the other person is encouraging it, but if the other line stays silent then you better dim down. You don't want to appear too eager, as this could scare the other person off.
  2. Avoid phone calls. Most people stop using the phone, especially in the nightlife game. Text messages are generally the preferred method of communication, so stick with messages rather than calling the other person.
    • However, if you are older and not using a smartphone, calling may still be appropriate. If your date has previously indicated that they prefer phone calls, calling might be a better route in this case.
  3. Stay away from their social media. Again, it's okay to communicate on social media if you already did, and it can be a great way to get to know the other person better. If not, however, do not add the other to sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You should also avoid looking at their profiles, as it can lead to too much searching and drawing unfair conclusions. It is much better to talk directly to the other to get to know each other better.
    • Make sure you are tactful about anything you post on social media, or don't post at all. Your first date with someone should be between you and the other person, so you better not post the date on social media at all.
  4. Stay in touch with other people who might be a good fit for you. Even if things went well, a date doesn't mean you're in a relationship. If you talk to other people you find interesting, stay in touch with them. This relationship may not work out in the end, so it is good to keep looking in case things go wrong.


  • When meeting someone for the first time, choose a date activity that gives you plenty of time to talk. For example, a visit to a museum is a better idea for a first date than going to the cinema together for an evening.