Talk to a girl you'd like to date

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Timbaland - The Way I Are (Official Music Video) ft. Keri Hilson, D.O.E., Sebastian
Video: Timbaland - The Way I Are (Official Music Video) ft. Keri Hilson, D.O.E., Sebastian


Talking to girls, especially one you really like and would love to go out with, can be pretty scary no matter how good you feel. What is important is to start a conversation. Speaking daily is a great way to bond, get to know her better, and learn about the things she likes to do.

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Method 1 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. Let go of your fear. Letting go of your fear of talking to her is the hardest part, but don't forget:
    • We are all equal, we all get nervous and we are all human.
    • Most girls aren't mean or rude, so if she doesn't want to talk to you, she won't try to hurt you.
    • Better to approach her and know what the outcome is than never to do this and spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been.
  2. Talk to her. Find a natural reason to introduce yourself. A good conversation starter is simply to get to know her, if not already. If she's talking to a friend, just listen to their conversation a bit (but don't stalk her!), Then jump in with a witty comment, `` Hey, so you like Harry Potter too! '' If the girl isn't with someone is talking, then comment on her outfit, the book she is holding, or the class she is taking. Then start talking to her!
    • If you've spoken to her before and she knows who you are, this shouldn't be too difficult. If not, all you have to do is introduce yourself and start a conversation.
  3. Talk about everyday things! Talking about things is a great way to get a sense of whether or not a girl likes you. This can be as simple as talking about the weather, doing a homework assignment, or commenting on a school event. Judging from her response and the length of her response, you can get a pretty good idea if she's interested in you.
    • For example, if your school's soccer team won a title, you could say something like, "Hey, did you go to the game last night?" This can be a great opening for a great conversation. If the girl indicates she wasn't there, don't bother her with details of what the match was like and a comprehensive minute-by-minute report. Instead, focus the conversation on her and ask her what sports she's into.
  4. If she's sitting next to you or right in class, try to get her attention with audible, yet calm, comical comments. For example, if your teacher gives out a writing assignment, say something funny like, "Gosh, it would scare you. This looks like a lot of writing. "Make it loud enough for her to hear." If they are talking to you about your comment, that's great news! It means she was actually listening to you. If she doesn't respond, it could mean that you spoke too softly and she didn't hear you, or that she didn't realize you were talking to her. However, keep trying, and sooner or later she will respond.

Method 2 of 3: Make friends

  1. Start conversations. Casually talk to her about things she likes or dislikes. Start regular conversations with her. Ask her about her siblings or other little things. For example, "How's your brother?" Or "That blue shirt goes well with your eyes." Girls like it when you remember little things.
    • Find out what things you have in common, such as a favorite band or sport. That gives you a common topic to talk about.
    • If you're in the same school, walk up to her in the hall to say hello after talking to each other a few times in class. If you do friendly things like hold the door open for her or lace her shoe when you notice that her laces have come loose, you will make a good impression.
    • By the way, don't show yourself off with such things. She will consider this strange rather than fun.
  2. Make friends with her. A lot of guys like to get straight to the point, but if she's worth asking out, then it's worth getting to know her better too. If you ask her out without getting to know her better, she may turn you down because she just doesn't know you well enough to say yes.
  3. Text her. Text or chat with her first for a longer period of time. Girls love it when this happens. After you correspond for a while and feel like you know each other well enough, ask her who she likes. Make sure she asks you this too, otherwise it will probably end up being about another guy. Make sure to ask later in the evening - that makes it extra fun!
  4. Make sure you match. Do you have common interests? Are you about the same age? If you want to date a girl, make sure she's someone you actually want to spend a lot of time with. It is easy to imagine unrealistic fantasies, but it is not always easy to determine if you are really happy with someone. Talk to her about what she likes; by doing this you create a bond between the two of you.
  5. Find out if she wants to meet up with a group. Ask her and some of your other friends to go to the grocery store or to a movie. When you eventually get to know each other better, you can ask her to hang out at your house with a group of people. A group of people will make it a less strange question.
    • Don't specifically ask her out and then make it bigger than it is. Instead, arrange something with a group of friends and tell them to come too. That way, if she can't make it, there's nothing to worry about, and you can recover from the rejection without any hassle.
    • When you invite her, it should be something fun that she can participate in without too much trouble. You want to avoid staring at your hands / feet and mumbling about what she's going to do this weekend.
  6. Make sure she's not already dating or interested in someone else. If she's already dating, that's her business and you should respect that. If she's clearly interested in someone else, it might be worth it to win her over - but don't bet all your cards on that.
  7. Treat it lightly, but don't make her feel like you're not interested. When you spend a lot of time with each other, people will start talking and wondering if the two of you are dating or "having something together." When people ask you about it, just say something like, `` We enjoy hanging out with each other '' or `` We have a lot of fun together. '' Never say, `` We're just friends. '' This gives her the wrong impression.
  8. Ask her somewhere. Ask her if she wants to do something with you, but don't make it sound like a date. As you spend more time with her, you invite fewer and fewer people, so that in the end you can just say, "Shall we do something this weekend?" If she responds negatively, don't drop the topic. She probably isn't comfortable with you yet, but she might change her mind if you keep talking to her. You can explain that it is not a date, but just to go see a movie as friends, or go for a swim somewhere together.

Method 3 of 3: Ask her out

  1. Ask her out to a place where you feel comfortable. Find a place that is quiet, remote, and easily accessible. Most importantly, you choose a location where you can feel relaxed and confident. The better you feel about things, the more relaxed and confident you will be when you finally date her.
    • Make sure she's in a good mood - if she's had a terrible day or is feeling sullen, wait until she's in a better mood.
    • Ask her out personally. This can be trickier and nerve-wracking, but you'll be more likely to succeed and be able to judge her answer right away.
  2. Know that you don't have to make an impressively romantic gesture to ask someone out. Movies and TV have given many people the idea that the only way to get the girl is to have a grand, expressive moment. But that couldn't be further from the truth. You just need to speak to her in person after class or work, on the way out, or sitting side by side on the bus. This is not about what you do, but what you say.
  3. Prepare what to say if you are nervous. Don't over-rehearse the conversation because you can't predict what she's going to say. Practice being short and to the point and saying what you want to say quickly and relaxed. 1-2 sentences should suffice. A few ideas:
    • "I really enjoy doing things together, and would like to ask out."
    • "Would you like to go out with me this weekend?"
    • "Shall we go out for dinner somewhere, just the two of us?"
    • "I love our friendship and would like to try to take the next step."
  4. Have a specific date in mind. At the very least, you should have one or two days planned for her to get along with.Asking her out with specific ideas about the moment itself is a much better way to weigh her answer. If she wants to go out, have a suggestion ready:
    • 'Awesome! How about dinner on Thursday? "Or" There's a great play on Saturday night at 8, do you want to go together? "
    • Have at least a second date in case she's taken or ask her when it suits her if that date doesn't work either.
  5. Go ahead and say it, even if it feels a little uncomfortable. You will eventually have to throw it out. It's not easy, but it's the only way to do it. Keep it short and clear. "I really like you and would like to go out with you," should suffice. Remind yourself why you want to talk to her, and know that no answer is better than sitting down and waiting for an answer.
    • Count to 3 and force yourself to ask her when you get to zero.
    • Don't talk too much in advance. Say hello, ask her how she's doing, then get straight to the point. The longer you wait, the more nervous you will become.
    • Once you know you want to ask her out, you need to take action.
  6. Just be honest. If she turns you down for some first little clumsiness, is she worth dating? Be yourself and dare to take the plunge, even if you're nervous or clumsy, or feel weird and uncomfortable. Do your best to start a conversation.
    • "Saying the following makes me a little nervous, but ..."
    • "I know I seem a bit clumsy, but I want you to know how I feel about you."
  7. Relax and take it easy. Take as much time as you need to build the "courtship" as you did during the friendship relationship. You don't have to collapse in a hurry.


  • Don't wait too long to find out if she likes you or she might lose interest in you.
  • A word of advice: if you ask 100 different women out and only the last of them says yes, all those 99 rejections don't matter anymore. Better to take a chance than to wonder forever what could have been.
  • Don't treat her like one of your friends - show her she's special.
  • Be the best version of yourself. Give her a reason to go out with you.
  • Make her happy before telling her you love her.
  • Be someone she can rely on.
  • Notice if she glances at you often, if she's going to be busy with things you like to spend time on, and if she generally doesn't mind touching or being close to each other. If you get close to her, she may shy away from it or wish you closer. All of the above are great ways to find out if she likes you.
  • Make her laugh. Girls like a man with a sense of humor.
  • Don't be hasty or you will mess her up - especially if you haven't known her that long.


  • Keep in mind that you can be rejected, but don't let this stop you.
  • "Don't judge a book by its cover." Just because someone is beautiful or "hot" doesn't mean they will behave that way. Make sure you know the person before starting a relationship.
  • Don't try to be someone else. If the girl is worth dating, she will like you for who you are. If your interest in her is purely physical, it doesn't matter.