Flirt with a girl via text message

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to flirt over text with Examples
Video: How to flirt over text with Examples


Tired of sending awkward text messages to that special girl in your life? The steps below will help you become a flirting expert and teach you how to impress a date!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Techniques for flirting via text message

  1. Don't be boring and predictable. The worst texting crime is to be boring and predictable. Your text messages should be fun and interesting. If you can't think of anything fun or interesting, then it's probably better not to text her at all.
    • Don't start your texting conversation in a boring way. Don't just say "Hey :)" or "How are you?" Zzzz. She probably gets these messages from every boy she meets. So do your best to distinguish yourself.
    • Try something unique. Something that gives her reason to respond. For example, think of something like "Bet you can't stop thinking about me?" or "You cheated with table football yesterday! I demand a second chance."
  2. Get personal. Text messages can sometimes seem rather impersonal. So do your best to make your messages as personal as possible. This will create a better bond between you.
    • Use her name in your message - girls love to read their name in text messages. It's just a lot more intimate that way.
    • You can also use a special nickname that you have made up. This will make her feel like you're sharing an inside joke.
    • Use the terms "us" and "we" in your messages — this creates a sense of "you and me against the world." Girls love this.
  3. Compliment her. It's pretty simple - girls love to get compliments. It makes them feel special and appreciated. So if you can add some compliments to your messages, don't hesitate to do so.
    • Try a classic (yet effective) compliment like "keep thinking about you in that dress." Or go for something less common like "you have a strange sense of humor - but I love it."
    • Make sure the compliment is genuine - don't say anything you don't mean. Girls can see this coming from miles away.
  4. Be mysterious. It doesn't hurt to seem a little mysterious in your messages - you want to make her feel like she's chasing you, not the other way around. So be a little vague or a little distant every now and then.
    • If she asks you how your day was, for example, don't send her a long report with all the boring details (see Step 1). Try something like "It was pretty bizarre, I'll tell you. People never cease to amaze me." Hopefully she will be interested, and will ask you for more details in her next post.
    • Or if she asks you about your plans for the weekend, don't be too direct (unless you have really exciting plans). Telling her that you have to learn for an exam is not really exciting. Tell her you're going to kill a dragon or something weird like that - it doesn't have to be true, as long as it's interesting.
  5. Tease her a little. Teasing is an excellent method of flirting - it creates a kind of intimacy without getting too serious.
    • As mentioned above, giving her a cute nickname (which only you use) is a great way to tease her without offending her. Names like "freckle" or "little miss perfect" are good examples.
    • Tease her about something she said or did recently when you were meeting. If she's going to grab a coke, tell her to pour it into her mouth this time. In the comedy world, they call this "callback humor". It draws attention to the time you have done something fun together. This will make her think positively about your relationship.
    • Don't cross the line. Don't be mean or insult her. If you do this, your texting relationship will soon be over.
  6. Be suggestive. No SMS flirting relationship is complete without a little suggestive vice. This keeps things interesting.
    • You can take the classic route by asking her what she's wearing. Or you can say something like "I really liked your dress, but I think I like what's underneath it much better."
    • Another good technique is to knowingly misinterpret an innocent comment made by her as something sexual. For example, if she says something like "I can't believe how long it was" (about an exam or something), say "She said that too."
    • If you're a little nervous about this, you can casually inform her that you just got out of the shower. This puts your ball at her. If she responds in a sexually flirty way (like, "damn, I'd like to see that") then you know she's open to it.

Part 2 of 2: SMS etiquette

  1. Keep your messages short and sweet. Long text messages are boring and make you seem too eager.
    • Always keep your messages short and sweet - no longer than two or three sentences.
    • Try to make every text funny, witty, or sweet - flirting shouldn't be about the weather.
  2. Send each other as many text messages. In any texting relationship, there should be a certain equality - one person shouldn't be sending many more messages than another.
    • Texting too many will make you seem overexcited. And a bit too available. She'll feel like you're putting it on too much - this will scare her or make her lose interest.
    • Not sending enough text messages, on the other hand, makes you appear uninterested. It might make her think you're texting several girls at once. If so, she can give up the hunt.
    • Find a balance by sending roughly the same number of texts - it's even better if she sends a little more messages than you.
    • Also pay attention to who starts the conversations and who ends them - you also want to vary between them as much as possible.
  3. Be careful with your spelling and grammar. You want to give her the impression that you are witty and intelligent through your text messages. This gets tricky if you use SMS language. Teens can afford a little more, but anyone over 18 should pay a little more attention to spelling and grammar.
    • You don't have to go through the dictionary to appear intelligent. Just check your text message quickly before sending it. This way you avoid making obvious typing or spelling mistakes.
    • Punctuation can have a huge impact on how your text message is interpreted. If your girl sends you a picture of her wearing a new outfit, it will sound "wow!" a lot more enthusiastic than "wow". "I like ..." is a lot more flirty and suggestive than "I like".
    • Don't overdo it with exclamation points, question marks, smileys, emoticons, etc. - while they can be very effective in the right context, when used excessively they give the impression that you are childish.
  4. Don't continue the conversation. One of the most important texting skills is knowing when to end a bleeding-death conversation.
    • If you let your SMS sessions go on for too long, you will run out of interesting conversation material. The conversation will quickly become uncomfortable and boring.
    • The trick is to keep the conversation going in front of to end that moment. That way you make her long for more.
    • Try to end in a fun, flirty way. Think "I gotta go, joke. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Don't do things I wouldn't do!" or "Bedtime - I need to do my beauty sleep. See you in my dreams!"
  5. Don't use text flirting as a substitute for real flirting. Texting should only be used to bridge the time between in-person encounters.
    • While texting is all well and good (and you can sometimes say things in it that could make you feel ashamed in real life), nothing is more effective than flirting in person.
    • Use your texting sessions to set up a date or plan your next meeting.
    • Remember, things like extended eye contact, a dazzling smile, and a well-timed stroke of the arm are worth 1000 times more than words on a screen.


  • Make fun of her; girls love humor.

  • Don't be afraid to text back. If you don't text her back, she'll think you don't like her, and she'll look further.
  • Be yourself!

  • If she's not responding to your texts, or isn't responding to you flirtatiously, then it probably wouldn't be wise to keep flirting with her. If she sends back one- or two-word text messages, it's probably a good idea to casually end the conversation.