Meet girls on Omegle and chat with them

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Do you want to try to chat with girls on Omegle? Due to Omegle's anonymous nature, finding girls to chat with can be difficult. When you find one, make sure you keep her attention! If you know how to break the ice and stay relaxed, you'll be able to chat to your heart's content in no time.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Find and chat with girls

  1. Enter interests that girls can identify with. Omegle allows you to search for other chatters with similar interests to you. To increase the chances of you being matched up with a woman, you can enter a few interests that appeal to girls.
    • Examples are popular artists and singers, female hobbies, and television programs and films that mainly women watch.
  2. Start with an icebreaker. It can be quite difficult to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Therefore, make sure you know a few sentences that you can start a conversation with. Ask her how her day went, if she saw so-and-so tape / movie / series, if she likes to travel, etc.
    • Read this English wikiHow for more details and tips on breaking the ice in conversations.
  3. Do not ask if your chat partner is female. If you start the conversation right away with the question of whether the other person is a woman, chances are that you will scare her off. Let the conversation go on for a bit and you will probably soon find out the truth for yourself.
    • If you have started a video chat, you need to make sure that the other person really exists. It's pretty easy to pretend. For example, you could use a video recording instead of actually sitting behind the webcam. It is therefore important to make sure that the person is actually talking to you live.
  4. Keep the conversation light. When you first start chatting with someone, keep the topic of conversation light and light. Ask her where she lives, what she likes, what she studies, what her hobbies are, etc.
  5. Look for common interests. You'll be able to hold her attention for a lot longer if you have something in common. Let her know if she brings up anything that interests you too!
  6. Stay humble. When you're chatting online, it can be tempting to show off and push the truth. However, you will achieve a lot more if you stay humble. Avoid boasting and try not to talk too much about yourself.
  7. Tell some jokes. Humor is a great way to break the ice, but you should be careful. It can be quite difficult to clarify subtlety and nuances when you can only type. This can cause a joke to fail or the "joke" to get lost. In any case, you should avoid offensive jokes.
    • Try to tell a funny story about something that happened to you. Not only do you give the impression that you are modest and can laugh at yourself, but it can also break the ice like no other. Maybe she has a similar story!
  8. Keep it classy. Avoid appearing rude or rude. There is nothing that can end a conversation faster than bawdy or inappropriate comments. Always remain a true gentleman and gauge the conversation to see what you can and cannot say.
    • Don't get mad if she doesn't want to continue the conversation. Get back up and find a new chat partner. Don't take your frustrations out on her.
  9. Continue the chat elsewhere. If the two of you have a click, you can choose to exchange contact information for a better chat program. This ensures that you can chat with each other at your leisure. Popular chat programs are Skype and Snapchat. Do not use services that use your real name, such as Facebook. At least not until you've gotten to know each other better.

Method 2 of 2: Stay safe

  1. Do not share personal information. Omegle is chatting with an unknown person. Even if you feel like you know the other, the other is still completely unknown to you. There is also a good chance that the other person is not telling the truth about who he / she is. It is extremely important to stay safe online, especially when connecting with strangers.
  2. Do not meet in person. Do not make agreements in real life unless you have been in contact with the other person in a different way for a while. Even then, you should make sure that the location is safe and that both of you are comfortable with it.
  3. Don't do anything criminal. You can get in a lot of trouble if you're chatting with someone underage, especially if the conversation turns sexual. Anyone over thirteen can use Omegle. Therefore, make sure you handle Omegle carefully and sensibly.
  4. Don't bully the other person. Cyberbullying is serious business, and the temptation to be mean can be very strong if you are anonymous anyway. However, remember that your chat partner is also human, and he / she has feelings just like you. Bullying can cause significant emotional damage and should be avoided at all times. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.


  • Don't continue the conversation if she doesn't respond to your messages for a while. Send a maximum of three messages.
  • Be aware that there are many fake people on the site who will try to convince you to visit their site. Visiting these sites could potentially get you a virus. Only click on the links if you know that the other person is sincere. (Not sure? Ask if he / she can give you the answer to the sum 2 + 2. If not, you are probably chatting with a robot.)
  • Try not to appear desperate, even if there is a click.
  • Compliment her when you talk for a while. This way you ensure that she becomes extra interested.
  • Don't be boring. Ask questions and talk about things you have in common (bands, sports, television shows, movies, hobbies, etc.)


  • Meeting strangers can be dangerous, even if you've already seen them on webcam!
  • Be aware of and respect the fact that not every girl likes to be harassed online for dates and chat usernames.
  • Always meet in a public place if you decide to meet. For example, consider meeting at a mall (so you can buy her a small gift, or treat her to lunch, etc.)
  • Block or report your chat partner if at any time you begin to doubt whether the chat partner is real or if you suspect otherwise.