Getting more likes on Facebook

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular of all social network pages. You can compare it to a kind of virtual New York: If you succeed there, you succeed everywhere! One of the most important ways to measure your popularity on Facebook is the number of times people click “like” or the number of “likes” you get in response to your page, your posts and when you update your status. But getting likes isn't that easy - to attract them, you have to be strategic. Whether you are simply looking to increase the number of likes in response to your personal status or are promoting your business on the internet, this practical guide will help you navigate the complex world of Facebook likes.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Personal publications

  1. Post regularly, but not too often. Posting regularly makes you more visible on your friends' timelines, reducing the chances of them not seeing or reading over your post. If you can get people to know you a little bit for your interesting and funny statuses, photos and videos, they are more likely to stop and take a good look when your name shows up in their news feed. The more people actually look at what you post, the more people will tend to like your posts.
    • A warning is in order here. If you post too often, your friends' feeds will get clogged and fed up with your posts, making them more likely to want to hide you on their timeline or maybe even unfriend you - and that's the last thing you want, of course!
    • A good guideline to stick to is posting once or twice a day, and that every day. A study conducted by KissMetrics has shown that 1 or 2 posts per day increases the interest of other Facebook users by 40%.
  2. Publish more photos and videos. People are very visual, so photos and videos attract attention more quickly than text. It only takes people half a second to take in a photo, so it takes very little effort, and they can respond immediately. Interesting or funny photos are also a great way to get more likes, but add a comment that encourages people to actually watch the video, something mysterious and intriguing like "This video is so funny that the milk flows through me." n nose came out "or" I can't believe this recording is real ... you just won't believe this if you haven't seen it yourself! "
    • Labeling or “tagging” friends or acquaintances in photos is not only a good way to get more likes, but also to make new friends. People are narcissistic and like to see photos of themselves (if they look good!), So tag it and let those likes flow in.
    • Thanks to the advent of phones with a built-in camera and apps such as Vine and Instagram, you can nowadays put quality home-made recordings of you and your friends online without much effort. As mentioned, people are more interested in things they play a part in themselves, so a video of your friends performing Katy Perry's new video clip will probably get more likes than Katy Perry's video clip herself.
  3. Keep it short and fun. People are lazy. And impatient. They want to be entertained now. Long updates with a lot of text are therefore usually only viewed briefly, and then most people scroll further quickly. Facebook is not a blog - people aren't interested in a summary of your day, a description of your breakfast, or your comprehensive opinion on the latest episode of Breaking Bad. They want short, funny anecdotes or short messages about fun, interesting things you have seen or done. So give the people what they want.
    • You're not like Twitter technical bound to a maximum number of 160 letters, but it is a good idea to impose that rule on yourself!
    • Of course, if you have a blog, you can share a link on your Facebook page to the profound musings on your blog. Once you've built a reputation for posting interesting and unique status updates, people are more likely to click through to your blog.
  4. Ask interactive questions. Another great way to get more likes is by interacting with your Facebook friends, asking questions that make people feel engaged, and asking people for their opinion. You can also ask others for help or advice - people like to give the best or most original answer. Below are a few examples:
    • "Cries for help to all the techies! I can't get the latest version of iTunes on my computer ... does anyone know about this?" or "Has anyone tried that new pizzeria in town yet? I'm really craving cheese and carbs!" Just make sure you answer anyone who responds quickly so they'll want to help you again later.
    • But don't use the question system too often. Do not ask questions that are too personal or questions that are difficult for other users to answer. For example, it is better not to ask if you "look fat" in a certain photo, and ask someone to explain how to put together a PowerPoint presentation is just lazy. You can simply look it up on Google.
  5. Also give likes to the posts of others. Sometimes you just need to build a mutual "like" relationship with someone, especially if you don't know each other very well in real life. Even if people like or look at your posts, sometimes they don't click “like” because you don't know each other very well and are afraid it might look strange. You can then break the ice by first posting the other person with one like to reward. That way, the other person will have fewer problems, or perhaps even feel obliged to like one of your posts as well. An absolute win-win situation!
    • If you really don't know the other person well, you better be more cautious before clicking “like” on one of his or her publications. For example, don't do that if someone writes something like "Just broke up with my boyfriend after six months - nice and single again!" If you only know this person superficially, or if you happen to be friends with that friend, it will certainly seem strange if you like that post.
    • Also, don't click on like if someone is clearly upset or frustrated about something. For example, don't just like a post like "Our 15-year-old dog just passed away. Fido, you were my childhood best friend and we will miss you terribly. :(" That would only come across as bluntly.
  6. Be funny. This can be tricky, especially if humor isn't your forte. But then again, people want to be entertained on Facebook, so if you can make someone smile or laugh yourself with your publication, you can count on tons of likes.
    • Write about something funny or strange that you have experienced. Or, more daringly, describe a very embarrassing situation you found yourself in, like the time you accidentally called your Spanish teacher "Mama", or how you knocked over a cart full of oranges in the supermarket.
    • If it you fails to be funny you can also use someone else's humor. Find a fun joke on the Internet and post it on your wall, or share an original version of a popular Internet meme. You may not have come up with it yourself, but you will still be rewarded for posting.
  7. Don't publish posts that give the impression that you are looking for attention or pity. People generally don't like Facebook posts that seem just to arouse attention or pity. If you Which kind of updates, you get a disapproving "well" or "tut tut" response and people are more likely to sigh and roll their eyes than reward you with likes. These are, for example, messages in which you congratulate yourself extensively ("OMG, I was selected by a modeling agency / I got the highest grade in the class / that nice guy / that nice girl in Starbucks asked me out!), Posts in which you asked yourself all the way down ("Just eaten a whole pack of cookies - No wonder I'm so fat") and ALL the photos where you stare at the camera gloomily / pouting / winking and you clearly have taken yourself.
    • Also, don't post enigmatic and overly vague posts that are clearly intended to convey a compassionate "is something wrong?" or "what happened?" provoke.Two examples of this are publications like "This was the worst day of my life" or "Some people are not ashamed of anything either".
    • Messages like "I hate my hair so much! I wish it did what I wanted for once!" are just on the border. If you are known for your crazy, flying curls it might be okay. But if you normally look like you're walking out of a Pantene commercial and like you could easily pass for the long-lost sister of Serena van der Woodsen, then the Facebook gods will not favor you on such a post and you will get you probably don't like.
    • If you really can't resist posting this sort of thing, at least do it with a wink by admitting that you're asking for attention. Use a clever hashtag (yes, you can do that on Facebook these days) or put "haha!" to make it clear that you don't mean it so seriously.
  8. Publish at strategic times. Check your own Facebook habits and pay attention to who is online and when. You can then use that information to determine the best times to publish to get the greatest possible number of likes. People usually go on Facebook early in the morning and at the end of the day, when they get out of school or after work. Therefore, always try to publish around those times, because it is then busiest on Facebook.
    • If you post at a time when few people are online, such as in the middle of the night or on a weekday afternoon, you're likely to get far fewer likes than you expected. The low number of likes has nothing to do with the quality of your publication, but is probably a result of the bad timing.
    • Also consider outside influences that can affect people's Facebook usage. In very good weather, for example, people are less inclined to stay indoors behind their computer. And if a major music festival or sporting event is held during the weekend, many people may not sign up on Facebook until Monday. So save your best statuses as much as possible for times when you know that they will be seen.
  9. Cheat. Yes, if you really do anything to get more likes, you can apply some sneaky tricks. One of the most popular tricks is to post a status like "Like this in exchange for a song". Then send everyone who likes your status a random number in a private message. Then add comments under your previously posted status, naming each number and providing a brief description of the person associated with that number.
    • For example, if your status got a like from your friend Jessica and you sent Jessica number 17 in a private message, you could then write something like "17 - One of the craziest people I've ever met - very good company!" That way, only Jessica knows you're talking about her, but no one else!
    • Then you do the same for everyone who has liked your status ... once enough people notice what you are doing, they probably want to participate too! Just be careful and always keep your "opinions" cheerful and complimentary. Nobody likes to be insulted on Facebook, not even anonymously!
    • A similar way is to post a status like "Like this in exchange for an E.M" (or simply em). E.M. stands for "honest opinion", so if someone likes your status, send them a private message expressing your "honest" opinion about that person (keep in mind the advice above). Always be nice - after all, you're trying to make friends, not scare them away.

Method 2 of 2: Business Pages

  1. Get help from friends and family. If you're trying to get a new page off the ground, start by sending all your current Facebook friends an invitation asking them to like your page. Via Facebook you as an administrator have the option to do this directly from your page.
    • Always include a short text asking politely if people would like to support your new venture by liking the page - people are more likely to respond positively if you are nice too.
    • If you want, you can also encourage your friends to ask their friends to like your Page - even if there are only a few people who do, it will significantly increase the visibility of your page.
  2. Provide engaging and interactive content. One of the most important ways to bring in new fans and keep your current fans following you is through constant, engaging, informative and interactive publishing. Make sure people want to share your publications with their friends and publish as many photos, videos, competitions and relevant articles as possible.
    • Remember that if even one of your current fans shares your post with a few hundred friends on his or her wall, the visibility of your page will suddenly increase dramatically.
    • Ask lots of questions and invite people to comment on your posts, then send each fan a personalized response - this will encourage people to keep responding and ensure people trust and stay true to your brand.
    • You can also allow Facebook users to post their own photos on your Fan page. People enjoy being involved in something.
  3. Offer something as a reward. Encourage people to like your page by offering a special offer, coupon, or creative promotion as compensation. The offer must be accessible only to fans of your Page, so people must like your Page before they are entitled to the reward. This is often very effective and if the reward is interesting, chances are people will share the offer with their own friends and family.
    • For example, if you have an online clothing store, you can hold a promotion and give the fans of your page a special discount code that will give them a 10% discount on their next purchase.
    • Or if you run a dog grooming salon, you can post a flyer that your fans can print out that entitles them to a free wash for their dog. People love getting something for free, and once you do it once they will keep visiting your page to see if there might be more offers on it.
  4. Contact the administrators of related Facebook groups. Facebook groups can be very influential and can share your page with a large number of Facebook users. Groups have the option to send their followers important information by email, while fan pages can only send messages via Facebook.
    • Try to get the group admin to share your page by posting engaging and relevant quality posts and offer to promote the group in question on your page in return. Facebook groups only want to send their followers relevant information and not spam, so make sure that the theme of your page is related to that of the group in question and that both parties will benefit from the relationship.
    • As the owner of an ice cream shop that gets a lot of customers from a nearby restaurant, for example, you can ask that restaurant to promote your ice cream shop as a good option for dessert, or you can ask if they can put your ice cream on the menu between their own desserts. . In return, you can hand out flyers from the restaurant to your customers and hand out the menu or hang it up in your ice cream shop.
    • Rewards in the form of discount codes and coupons will also encourage the followers of a group to like your Facebook page.
  5. Steal fans from related pages. This may not be entirely fair when it comes to your competitors' pages, but in the tough business world, such a thing is perfectly acceptable. For example, you could say that you notice that a major brand's or company's page is getting questions and comments from fans who need help or advice about the products all the time, but they never get a response. If you run a similar business, you can take advantage of this in a smart way by answering some of those questions and then adding a link to your own page encouraging fans to join you next time. to knock. You can also offer a higher discount on one of your products as long as they become a fan of your page.
    • For example, if you have a barbershop and you see that the fans of another salon in the area on the relevant page always ask for advice on a particular hairstyle or about which hair care products they should use, but never get an answer, take the reins yourself and answer the questions of those customers. You can even advise them to like your page, because you always give useful advice. In exchange for liking your page, you can offer them a discount. Consumers love discounts.
    • Just keep in mind that this is quite cheeky and can create tension in your relationship with that other barber shop if the owner finds out what you've been up to. On the other hand, it can be a good lesson for the other person. It's just a fact that you should never ignore your customers - especially in the fickle world called Facebook. If you prefer to do it in a different way, you can look for potential customers on the like pages of products and services.
  6. Create a so-called Facebook "Like Box" on your website. Adding a Facebook "Like Box" to your company's home page is very easy and makes it much easier for your website visitors to like your Facebook page without leaving the website. Moreover, it saves them the trouble of having to search for you on Facebook themselves. This is a good move because chances are that if someone visits your website, they probably already know your product or service and are therefore more likely to like your page on Facebook.
    • You can also tell your website visitors that liking you on Facebook will entitle them to exclusive discounts, special offers, and information that they won't get anywhere else, even on the company's website - even if they if they are already a fan of your brand, they will also have to like your Facebook page to be entitled to those special offers.
    • Also consider the option to include a "Like us on Facebook" link in the signature at the bottom of your employees' emails. Most companies send hundreds of emails a day so this is a really easy way to get more likes!
  7. You can also run a "fan only" contest. So this is a competition in which only the people who like your page can participate. The price can range from a special in-depth item to one of your products. The more interesting the prize, the more likely people will like your page and enter the competition. They may even want to share the contest with their friends, encouraging even more people to like your page.
    • You can turn it into an interactive competition by asking the participants to submit their entry in a funny and original way. For example, you can ask people to upload photos of themselves with one of your products. So if you sell cakes you can ask your fans to post a photo of themselves eating one of your cakes.
    • You can also ask people to post their own stories on your Facebook page. The best story wins. If you run a flower shop and offer a free bouquet of roses for Mother's Day as a prize, for example, you can ask people to send in the best childhood memory with their mother, or to explain why his or her mother deserves the prize.
  8. Publish vacancies on your Facebook page. Whenever there is a job opening within your company or company, you can post that information on your Facebook page, with a brief description of the position and information on how people can apply. This will encourage people to share the post with other job seekers and will be a reason for people to revisit your page to see if there might be any new job openings.
  9. Encourage people in real life to like your page. Sometimes just telling the people you meet in real life that your business is on Facebook is enough to get more likes on your page. If your company is participating in an event or organizing an event of its own, it may be a good idea to bring a photographer who will take pictures of those present. Then you let those people know that they can view the photos by liking your company's Facebook page! You can also hand out flyers and business cards where the call "Like us on Facebook!" clearly stand up.
  10. Place an ad on Facebook that is aimed at the right audience. For a certain amount, Facebook promotes your page to all Facebook users, so that you reach a lot more people. Use your knowledge of Facebook to track your followers' behavior to make sure your ads are targeting the right audience. That way you get the most bang for your buck. Also make sure that the image and text of your ad match the current trends within your industry.
    • Ads on Facebook aren't usually cheap, so make sure you keep it within your budget.
    • You can also buy ads on Google. Advertisements on Google ensure that internet traffic is sent to your Facebook page.
  11. Facebook likes are also available for purchase. It has been shown that buying likes on Facebook can increase the number of visitors to your page. It also ensures that your page scores higher within the search engines. It's a good idea to buy likes right in the beginning, if your page is just up and running, as this will attract real, human likes. The well-known herd behavior - people like things that other people like too!
    • Buying likes might be a great way to start up your page and get it running, but to be really successful, you also need to get real people to like your page. To be successful with your Page, you need to stay engaged with your customers by responding to their questions and comments and telling people about your business.
  12. Promote your Facebook page in real life. You can promote your Facebook page "in real" in many different ways. The more people hear or see something about your Facebook page in real life, outside of Facebook, the more likely they are to visit and like your page.
    • Project the content of your Facebook page live on the television in your store; in this way it becomes a kind of Facebook TV (fire wall of
    • Print the address of your Facebook page and hang it up in your store.
    • Print the address of your Facebook page on the receipts or announcements you give to your customers.


  • Giveaways and contests work best, as does placing a "Like Box" on your website.


  • Just make sure your contests don't attract too many people who are only interested in the prize and not what's on your page. You want to use the contest to get them to "Like" your site, but you also want them to remain interested in what you have to say. Contests can get you many "Likes", but they are not always sustainable.