Meditate on the third eye

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Open Third Eye Chakra: Sleep Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing, Calm Sleep Meditation Music
Video: Open Third Eye Chakra: Sleep Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing, Calm Sleep Meditation Music


The third eye, or inner eye, is an energy center located in the center of the forehead and known in biology as the pineal gland.When activated, people believe it is able to see objects and energies. Meditating on the third eye, also known as trataka, is one of the best ways to open the third eye chakra (ajna chakra) or energy point and expose yourself to the possibilities of deeper understanding and feeling.

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Part 1 of 3: Meditate

  1. Pick a place. You must have a quiet place for this where you will not be disturbed. It is also a good idea to have a permanent place to meditate so that your body and mind get used to the place and posture and you can more easily activate your third eye.
  2. Be aware of the time when you meditate. As with place, many meditators benefit from meditating at the same time each day. Think for a moment when the best time is for you to meditate, to relax, and to clear your mind. Do not do this immediately before or after eating. Many people prefer to meditate in the morning, but any time of day can work as long as you stay consistent.
  3. Stretch before you start. By getting the stiffness out of your body you will be able to sit longer and more comfortably while you meditate. Do this each time before you meditate as it will also help you get the proper mental feeling needed for meditation. Try the following exercises for about 30 seconds each:
    • Bend over and try to touch your toes
    • Stretch your arms above your head
    • Lie on your back with your feet in the air - your legs at a ninety degree angle to the rest of your body
  4. Get yourself in position. For most people, the ideal position is to sit calmly cross-legged. If this is uncomfortable or difficult, experiment with other positions that make it easier to focus on your breathing and mediation. Try to get better until you can sit cross-legged on the floor.
    • Keep your chest open and your back straight.
    • Put your hands in your lap or on your knees - choose whatever feels better.
    • Keep your head straight and your eyes slightly closed.
  5. Relax. Let your body relax. Breathe in and out. Become aware of your body and how it feels. If you experience pain in your body, try to relax before starting.
    • Focus on each part of your body one after another as you sit and relax
    • Begin to break away from your worries and get ready to focus your attention on the present
    • Feel your body expand and contract with each breath
  6. Breath. Breathing is the key to any meditation. Be aware of how you breathe in and out. Try to focus your attention fully on your breathing. Take a deep breath (inhale for a count of three, then exhale for a count of three), repeat this two more times, then start.
  7. Clear your mind. At this point you will begin to focus on the third eye, the center of your forehead. Move your eyes, under your lids, in the direction of the third eye. Keep them focused on that throughout the meditation. Begin to count down from one hundred as you concentrate. Don't worry if you don't immediately manage to feel the third eye. It sometimes takes a while to get used to meditation and activating the third eye takes even longer.

Part 2 of 3: Activating the third eye

  1. Open the third eye. By the time you've counted down from a hundred, you should be able to access the third eye. When you concentrate well you will experience everything black except the chakra of the third eye. When your third eye is activated, your brain will be relaxed and function at a different level. Both hemispheres of the brain will work together and you will become aware of the energy around you.
    • You will know that you have access to the third eye when you feel a new kind of energy through and around your body.
    • You may also know that your third eye is activated when you are able to focus strongly on an object or image and when your mind is completely occupied by that object or image.
  2. Experience the third eye. People have different reactions to the activation of the third eye. Some people experience various visual flashes in the mind, such as images of nature, waterfalls, people, trains, and other things you may have seen. Some people describe it as being able to see your thoughts.
  3. Continue to focus on the third eye for 10-15 minutes. It is common to get a headache during the first attempts to activate the third eye. Don't worry - with continued practice the headache will disappear. Keep focusing on a particular image to train yourself to gain more appreciation for the third eye. This could be a number, an object - just try to keep your mind focused on whatever image you have chosen.
  4. Slowly bring yourself back from the meditation. Move your eyes away from the third eye. Stay relaxed, but become more aware of your breathing. Be aware of the way your breath goes in and out. Sometimes counting can help you focus more on your breathing as you get out of your meditation. Open your eyes slowly.

Part 3 of 3: Developing the exercise

  1. Practice every day. It will become easier to activate your third eye as your meditation deepens. Try to work on focusing on different images as you meditate so that your concentration increases and your third eye is activated.
  2. Consider practicing Hatha Yoga. Third eye meditation is part of the overarching Hatha Yoga, which combines physical movement with meditation and energy work. The chakras or energy centers of the body are all interconnected - the ajna chakra or third eye is the chakra that is highest in your body. To activate the other you must use your body instead of just meditation.
  3. Cherish the energy of your meditation. Because the third eye is a chakra, you can work to make your body feel better and to get in touch with your inner, intuitive self. But this is not easy - keep practicing meditation and concentrate more and more in it. You may feel better with your body and with the energy that is in and around you - this is the goal of third-eye meditation.