Learn to dance

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Basic Dance Steps for Everyone | 3 Simple Moves | Practice Everyday | Deepak Tulsyan | Part 8
Video: Basic Dance Steps for Everyone | 3 Simple Moves | Practice Everyday | Deepak Tulsyan | Part 8


Although even children can learn to dance, not everyone can dance well. If you want to learn to dance, you will first have to choose a style. Then you can start to teach yourself. You can also take dance lessons to get better. If you want to dance the stars from the sky, don't forget to think about your body as well by eating right and exercising.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Decide what you like

  1. Discover which styles are available. Every style feels different. The fast rhythms of tap dancing, for example, are very different from the long, graceful movements of classical ballet or the bouncy movements of hip-hop. You can also go ballroom dancing with a partner or even an Irish dance.
  2. Watch online dance videos. Watch different videos to get to know the basics of the different dance styles. Maybe your knees are not strong enough for tap dancing. You may not like how your feet have to bend while ballet dancing. Find out what attracts you.
  3. Read magazines and books about dancing. These describe the basic techniques and can therefore give you an idea of ​​what to expect.
    • Look in the library for books and magazines. That's a free way to explore your options.
    • Read about the history of dance. It can inspire you to choose one.
  4. Look at the professionals. Go see a performance in the theater. This does not have to be expensive at all. Maybe there is a dance school nearby. Being there to watch is a completely different experience than watching a video. It drags you into the performance.
    • If you see someone else dance you will get a better feel for dancing. You see beautiful movements and get ideas by studying from a professional. If you don't have the money to go to a performance, watch dance movies, such as musicals. Watch the dancers carefully to see what they are doing. Are they concentrated? How is their technique? Do the emotions they show fit the music? Knowing what inspires you about their movements can help you decide what to do yourself.
  5. Take dance lessons. Often you can take an introductory lesson or course so that you get to know different dance forms at the same time. Check your municipal guide for addresses or search the library for information.
    • If there are no dance classes in your area, try another place.
  6. Know your limitations. If you have good build and can stretch your legs and toes, try classical ballet and not hip hop. When researching the different dance forms, make sure you know which movements should be able to be made. Find out which ones you can and cannot do easily. Never forget that you are still learning. You can and will eventually become more flexible.
  7. Choose your favorite dance form. Although you can always learn other dances at a later stage, it is better to start with one type of dance first. Concentrate on learning that dance form before moving on to anything else.

Part 2 of 4: Dancing to your own music

  1. Find an open area to practice. You need the space to practice. Choose an environment with a solid floor where you can make some noise.
  2. Use music with a clear rhythm. Many songs have a dance remix, but you can dance to almost anything with a constant rhythm.
  3. Learn to listen to the rhythm. Some people have trouble following a rhythm. Do you also suffer from this, then listen carefully to the music at the beginning of a song. Ask someone more musical to help you count the beat by tapping your foot. Once you've got the hang of it, you can start trying it independently.
  4. Dare to move. Once you feel the rhythm, try to move with your body. Don't worry about technique at first. At this point it is only important to learn to move your body to the beat of the music.
    • Start with just your arms and then move your legs (or vice versa). It's easier to focus on a part first. Listen carefully to the rhythm so that you don't fall behind with your movements.
  5. Dance at your own pace. Of course you want to be able to dance great right away. But it takes time to learn to dance. If you try to do too much at the same time, you can hurt yourself.
  6. Learn the basic techniques first. You can avoid frustration by starting at the beginning. It will improve your technique, allowing you to make more complicated movements easier. Use online tutorials or books to aid in learning the basics.
    • Learn the basic postures of ballet dancing. For example, start with the starting position. Here your heels are together with the feet at an angle of 45 degrees outwards. It may take some practice to get this done, but try to use your hips to be able to stand in this position. Your arms are in a bent position from the shoulder outward.
  7. Dance in a club. Dance halls are great places to try different types of dance, such as hip hop, country or swing dancing.

Part 3 of 4: Getting to a higher dance level

  1. Take dance lessons. You may have already taken dance lessons to choose a particular dance form, but now you will have to take lessons focusing on the dance form (or forms) you love. Again, look in your area where you can get lessons, privately or in groups. Choose a class for beginners, because you are still learning.
  2. Watch the professionals dance. This can help you visualize the movements in your brain. You can do the moves yourself better if you've already gone through them in your mind.
    • Look at a run, as indicated earlier. Also pay close attention to your teacher when he demonstrates the movements.
  3. Practice with friends. If you can get some friends to take a dance class together, you can practice with each other outside of class. That way you can also comment on each other and get better at dancing together.
  4. Make time to exercise. The only way to train your body is to exercise regularly. This develops muscle memory so you can dance without having to think about the movements.
  5. Study yourself. Make a video of yourself and watch you move. You can also post it on dance sites to get tips from other dancers.
  6. Practice in front of the mirror. By practicing in front of the mirror you immediately see what you are doing wrong, so that you do not remember wrong movements.
  7. Search your area. Check out theater groups or maybe there is a local dance group you can join.
    • One way to find these groups is to check the local newspaper's event calendar. Then you can see what performances are there to find local dance groups.

Part 4 of 4: Shaping your body for dancing

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables. These foods are packed with nutrients. Your body needs those vitamins and minerals to function, so eat your vegetables every day.
  2. Know your proportions. If you are constantly dancing, you should get about half of your calories from carbohydrates. The other 50 percent is divided into 35 percent fat and 15 percent protein.
    • The carbohydrates provide fuel for the muscles to dance and provide energy.
    • Protein aids in muscle recovery. During intensive dance sessions, your muscles are heavily loaded and the muscle fibers break. Protein helps to restore that.
  3. Avoid simple carbohydrates. Do not eat white sugar, white bread, and white rice. Instead, choose wholemeal breads and fruits as suppliers of carbohydrates.
  4. Hydrate your body. You will have to replenish any fluids that your body loses. In addition, a shortage of moisture can slow you down.
    • Drink 8 glasses of 200 ml water every day.
    • During an intensive dance session you should drink 4 glasses of water per hour to make up for the loss of moisture.
  5. Choose lean proteins. Eat fish or chicken as protein suppliers, because they contain less saturated fat than red meat. You can also take advantage of the proteins in plants, such as nuts and beans.
  6. Take advantage of cross-training. To develop your body you can also do other exercises for more muscle strength and endurance.
    • Swimming is an example of a great total-body workout that also makes you more flexible. In addition, the joints are not very much under pressure. The backstroke is an especially good exercise for loosening up the upper body.
    • You can go cycling to train the leg muscles. This is also great for improving your overall stamina. Make sure you sit upright while cycling, otherwise the muscles around your hips may shorten.
    • You can also do yoga for more flexibility and strength. Yoga can help lengthen muscles and strengthen your core.
  7. Work with weights. Lifting weights helps develop your muscles. You will be able to stay in certain dance positions longer, or move in ways you never thought you could. You can do standard exercises such as bicep curls or squats, but only do sets of three with six or eight reps, and then at a slightly heavier weight than you would normally use. More weight (but not as many reps) will help make your body stronger without adding too much muscle to your body.
    • Hold a dumbbell in each hand for the bicep curls. Your palms face inward. Lift both weights and turn your hands so that the palms are facing up. You can also take turns bringing the weights to the shoulder.
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for the squats. Hold the dumbbells in front of your body. Bend your knees and lower yourself. Then return to the standing position. Repeat the exercise.


  • If you're really tight, search online for a video or routine. It's fast and free and you can still learn different moves with it.


  • Clear the space around you so that you don't bump into anything while dancing.
  • Don't try movements that you are not ready for or that are dangerous. Until you really master those movements, they can easily cause injuries.
  • It is best to learn it from a professional.