Baking cookies on the dashboard of your car

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Bake Cookies on Your Car’s Dashboard
Video: How to Bake Cookies on Your Car’s Dashboard


You feel like home-baked cookies, but on a hot day you don't want to turn on the oven. Then make smart use of the heat and bake cookies in your car! This article will show you how to bake cookies on the dashboard of your car or truck.


  • Prepared cookie dough, from the supermarket or homemade

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing the car

  1. Make sure the outside temperature is at least 40 ° C before trying this out. For best results, keep your car in a sunny spot.
  2. Get all the stuff you need out of your car. While baking you have to keep the doors and windows of your car closed. Also make sure your car is in a clean place, far from the exhaust fumes of other cars.
    • Remove the air freshener from your car. It can affect the cookies, and after baking your whole car smells like cookies and you don't need any more.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing the cookies

  1. Place baking paper on an oven tray.
    • You can also use a sprayed oven tray, but this can cause your cookies to spread a little more on the tray.
  2. Prepare the cookie dough, if necessary. Do one of the following:
    • Make a sausage from prepared cookie dough and cut it into even rounds. Place the rounds on the baking sheet, leaving about 4 inches of space between the cookies.
    • If you haven't bought cookie dough, make it yourself using a recipe from the internet or your own recipe (preferably no egg to avoid problems with unbaked cookies). Place the cookies on the baking tray, with dollops about a tablespoon size and with enough room for the cookies to expand.
  3. Place the dollops of unbaked cookie dough on the baking sheet, leaving about 4 inches between the cookies.
    • If necessary, use a spatula or fork to flatten the cookies.
    • If you're not going to bake the cookies right away, cover them with plastic wrap and keep them in the fridge. But don't wait too long to bake. It is best to use the dough within a few hours.

Part 3 of 3: Baking the cookies on the dashboard

  1. Place the baking tray with cookies in the car. Gently push it into place on the dashboard.
    • Place a thermometer next to the baking tray on the dashboard. The temperature in the car must be at least 70 ° C to deal with possible germs from the ingredients of your dough.
  2. Close the door and let the sun do the hard work. Your cookies should start baking right now, but it's a good idea to stay close and keep an eye out as this is a much more experimental process than normal baking.
  3. Keep an eye on the cookies by regularly looking through the windshield. The baking time depends on the temperature in your car. Your cookies will rise, but they won't brown much more. The temperature in the car is not high enough to caramelise the sugar in the cookies.
  4. Check regularly. Open the door to view your cookies if they start to look good. Feel the edge and center of the cookies. The edges should be firm, and the center soft but not tacky.
    • Try to take a cookie off the paper. When the cookies are ready, they should be easy to remove from the paper. If they are not ready yet, they will stick.
    • Close the door if the cookies are not ready yet. Keep checking the cookies every 15 to 30 minutes until they are done.
  5. Remove the griddle from your car. Remove the cookies from the tray with a spatula, and put them somewhere to cool (they won't be as hot as they were after baking in the oven).
  6. Ready to eat!


  • Take cookie dough with you in a fridge or cooler for camping. You can then bake cookies in the dashboard of your car while you go swimming or do something else fun.


  • Do not sit in the car while the cookies are baking. The temperature in a car on a really hot day can reach 90 ° C.


  • Baking tray
  • Baking paper
  • Knife for cutting cookie dough
  • A car or other enclosed vehicle
  • Kitchen paper
  • Thermometer
  • Spatula