Defrost chicken

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Thaw Chicken Safely | 3 Easy Methods
Video: How to Thaw Chicken Safely | 3 Easy Methods


Chicken is delicious with any meal and is one of the healthiest forms of protein available. Thawing chicken is easy, but it has to be done the right way. Here are some safe methods for thawing chicken.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Defrost chicken in the refrigerator

  1. Remove the frozen chicken from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. This is the safest way to defrost chicken, but it takes more time than other methods.
    • Place the chicken on the front part of the lower glass plate during defrosting. This will prevent the excess meat juices from ending up on other foods in the refrigerator. If the chicken is already out of the package, place it in a pan or bowl so that the meat juice does not leak.
  2. Keep an eye on the time. According to the standard rule, it takes 5 hours to defrost about 450 grams of chicken in a refrigerator.
    • Keep in mind that it can take more than 24 hours to thaw an entire chicken in the refrigerator. Adjust your schedule accordingly.
  3. Remove the chicken from the refrigerator when it is thawed. The chicken will no longer be covered with ice and feel spongy.
    • Check that the entire chicken has thawed by putting your hand into the largest cavity in the chicken. If there are ice crystals inside the chicken, the chicken needs to be thawed even longer.
  4. Keep the thawed chicken in the refrigerator. A thawed chicken can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days. A thawed chicken must not be re-frozen.
    • Store the thawed chicken in the coldest part of the refrigerator. This way your chicken stays bacteria-free longer.

Method 2 of 3: Thawing chicken in the sink

  1. Place your chicken in a resealable freezer bag if it is not already packaged. The freezer bag prevents bacteria from contaminating the chicken during defrosting. It also prevents bacteria from contaminating the sink.
  2. Find a bowl that will hold the whole chicken. Make sure the bowl is large enough to cover the chicken completely with water.
  3. Place the chicken wrapped in the freezer bag in the bowl and fill the bowl with cold water. Make sure the surface of the chicken is covered with water.
    • Do not use hot water. Hot water promotes bacterial growth.
  4. Change the water every half hour. With this method you can defrost 450 grams of chicken in about an hour.
    • If you are defrosting a whole chicken, prepare for the defrosting to take a little longer. If your chicken weighs 1.3 pounds, it should defrost for 3 hours or more.
  5. Cook the entire chicken before returning it to the refrigerator. A raw chicken thawed with this method cannot be re-refrigerated while it is still raw.

Method 3 of 3: Defrost chicken in the microwave

  1. Remove the chicken from the packaging. Place the chicken in a microwave dish so that the meat juice does not leak during defrosting.
  2. Keep in mind that microwave heating can put your chicken in the so-called danger zone. This means that the chicken will become warm if it is defrosted for too long. There is a greater chance that bacteria will develop.
    • In general, you should avoid microwaving a whole chicken. With a whole chicken, the chance is greater that it will enter the so-called danger zone. Microwaving a whole chicken will also lose some of the chicken's nutrients and flavor.
  3. Place the bowl in the microwave. Set the microwave to defrost. If you don't know how long to thaw the amount of chicken you have, let the meat thaw for 2 minutes. Let it stand for 1 minute and then check how far the chicken has already thawed.
    • Make sure the chicken does not start to cook.
  4. Cook the chicken immediately. You should cook any chicken you thawed using this method before returning it to the refrigerator.


  • The lower the temperature at which the chicken defrosts, the less likely it is that dangerous bacteria will form in the chicken.


  • Whole chickens do not thaw properly in the microwave. You can still use this method on a whole chicken, but the risk of bacteria growth is higher.
  • Do not thaw the chicken on your counter at room temperature. If you leave the chicken at room temperature for too long, the risk of bacteria developing is very high.
  • Make sure to wash your hands before and after working with raw chicken.
  • Make sure to cook the chicken before eating the meat to kill harmful bacteria.
  • Keep the kitchen clean and hygienic so you don't contaminate the chicken.
  • Make sure to rinse the chicken with warm water before cooking it.