Make cat eyes with eyeliner

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW TO: CAT EYELINER | Hindash


Cat eyes give you a dramatic, glamorous look that is both classic and trendy. When you first make up with cat eyes, it is all too easy to smudge or unevenly apply your eyeliner, but you can quickly master the technique with a bite of your practice. When you're ready, you have two options. You can use a makeup brush to contour each cat's eye, or you can use masking tape as an aid. Liquid eyeliner is best for cat eyes, but you can try applying a coat of pencil eyeliner if that's all you have got.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Create an outline with a makeup brush

  1. Apply neutral or light eyeshadow from your lash line to the crease. Dip your brush in a neutral, flesh-toned, or light eyeshadow, then brush it across your lid from your lashes to the crease. The eyeshadow will prepare your eyelid well and provide a smoother application of the eyeliner. It also gives the eyeliner something to stick to so that it doesn't fade or rub off quickly.
    • Because cat eyes are so dramatic, dark eyeshadow colors can look over the top. Instead, consider using a color that matches your skin tone or is slightly lighter.
    • Do not use cream eyeshadow. The eyeliner does not stick to it and both the eyeliner and the eyeshadow can be easily wiped off.
  2. Hold a brush at an angle from your nose to your outer eyebrow to find your end point. Hold a thin makeup brush to the side of your nose and diagonally to the end of your eyebrow - this is the line that the wing of the made-up eye should follow. You want both wings to be as identical as possible - a difference in length, width and angle will be noticed.
    • If your eyelids have an overlap, make the angle less upward and more horizontal. This will extend your lash line and open your eyes.

    Variant: As another option, treat your wing like an extension of your lower lash line. Follow the angle of your lower lash line, then extend it to the lashes of your cat's eye. This will help you make both eyes symmetrical.

  3. Finish your makeup with mascara or false eyelashes. Apply a few coats on your top lashes and a single coat on your bottom lashes. For a more glamorous, evening wash, curl your lashes or put on some false lashes.


  • The thicker you make the wings, the more retro it will look.
  • Experiment with the length and angle of the wing to find what suits you best.
  • If you haven't style your hair yet, consider pinning it back. This keeps your face free of stray hair. If you've already styled your hair, consider keeping the light back with hair clips.
  • If you're using a pencil, try to get it as sharp as possible. You may also need to layer the pencil to get a darker effect.
  • If you find it difficult to apply liquid eyeliner, felt and gel eyeliners are a good alternative. Felt eyeliners work just like a pen or marker, so they are easy to use and offer a great deal of control. Gel eyeliners are also available in pencils, making them easy to use.
  • If you're having trouble creating a straight line, try using a credit card or business card as a ruler. You can use a spoon for a curved line.


Contouring with a makeup brush

  • Eye shadow
  • Eyeshadow brush
  • Eyeliner (liquid is recommended)
  • Mirror
  • Mascara

With adhesive tape as an aid

  • Eye shadow
  • Eyeshadow brush
  • Clear adhesive tape
  • Eyeliner (liquid is recommended)
  • Mirror
  • Mascara