Giving your boyfriend a hug

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Tell Your Partner You Really Need A Hug
Video: Tell Your Partner You Really Need A Hug


A good hug is a great way to let someone know that you like the fact that you are more than friends, or that you would like to see more than friends. Hugs can speak louder than words, and by hugging your boyfriend you can not only let him know how much he means to you, but also strengthen your relationship. In addition, hugs have proven psychological benefits.

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Method 1 of 2: Hugging your boyfriend the right way

  1. Make sure you smell good and look good. Wear clean clothes, use deodorant, and apply perfume if desired. If you decide to wear perfume, make sure you don't go too far with it.
  2. Step forward and put your left arm between his right arm and his side. Place your hand gently on his lower back, just above his butt.
  3. Lift your right arm and place it on the back of his neck. Place your thumb along the side of his neck and bring your head towards his right shoulder. Rest your head on his right shoulder.
  4. Gently squeeze him and press your body against his. Remember not to press too hard, just tight enough to make the hug more intimate.
  5. Hold the hug for a few seconds. Cuddle up longer if you haven't seen your boyfriend for a long time, need your boyfriend's comfort, or if you just feel like a longer hug.
  6. Hug your boyfriend in a different way than how you would hug your platonic friend. Follow the same steps mentioned above, but instead do the following:
    • Put your hand higher on his or her back.
    • Squeeze lightly, but don't press your body so close to him or her.
    • Pat his or her back to make the hug more casual.
    • Hold the hug as long as it feels comfortable for both of you.
  7. Understand what makes a hug great. Regardless of who you are hugging, there are important things to keep in mind, such as:
    • Always hug with both arms.
    • Adjust for height differences. This could mean, for example, resting your head on his chest, getting down on your knees, or standing on your toes.
    • Hug for as long as you both find it comfortable. Pay attention to body language and end the hug if your boyfriend starts to feel nervous or uncomfortable.
    • Just enjoy being with the other.

Method 2 of 2: Understand the physical and psychological benefits of hugging

  1. Understand the importance of physical contact. According to a famous group of studies, the Harlow Studies, monkeys preferred a cloth doll with no food to a metal doll with food, emphasizing that mammals need physical contact. Much research has shown that babies who are held more often are less stressed when they grow up.
  2. Realize that hugging produces oxytocin. When you hug a loved one or even a stranger, a powerful hormone is released that affects the body's limbic system. When oxytocin is released, feelings of contentment and togetherness are increased, while blood pressure and heart rate are lowered.
  3. Learn about the benefits of hugging. Giving and receiving hugs has a number of psychological and physical benefits, such as:
    • Lower blood pressure.
    • Stress reduction.
    • Feelings of togetherness and joy.
    • Increase in dopamine; a hormone that stabilizes mood.
    • Improved immune system.
    • Sense of security.