Impress your girlfriend

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When You Try to Impress your Girlfriend...
Video: When You Try to Impress your Girlfriend...


Does your girlfriend seem unimpressed by your attempts to charm her? In this article, you'll find tips, tricks, techniques, and suggestions you can use to show her how great you really are. Just make sure you don't show her this article - you won't come across as very creative if you do.

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Part 1 of 3: What you can do

  1. Clean more often. If you're not the prettiest in the relationship, you can impress your girlfriend by doing your best in the house. Start by moulting after your own butt: clear your plate, pick up the laundry from the floor, and so on. Then tackle more general chores, such as vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom every week. Any reasonable kid already does this.
    • If you want to chase her ass all the time you have to know for yourself.If you're a bit of a sloth it's a good way to impress her. You will take work off her hands.
    • By cleaning more often, you surprise your girlfriend by showing her your responsible side. Hopefully you already know you have it.
    • This also applies if you do not live together. You are no doubt spending time together in the house. Taking responsibility - especially in a home that isn't yours - is sure to impress her.
  2. Take her on a great date. Go a little further than that boring cinema for once. Show her that you are creative and that you really care. Go somewhere you've never been, or try a cuisine you've never tried. Remember that something doesn't necessarily have to be expensive to be good. A picnic under the stars with homemade soup and sandwiches will cost you next to nothing, but it is super romantic.
    • Try geocaching. This is an outdoor sport that uses a GPS receiver or telephone to find a hidden "cache".
    • See if there is an Ethiopian restaurant nearby. Ethiopian food is very different from Western cuisine, but it does have a few things in common. This makes it an excellent opportunity to try something new, while still ensuring that you can eat your tummy round.
  3. Experience and learn where her interests lie. If you really take an interest in the things she cares about, you will see how happy she is. Educate yourself about her favorite hobbies, music, movies, or charities. Use the Internet as a resource, then tap into real life. Ask her if you can join her, maybe you can make it a date?
    • If you don't know what interests her, then there is your problem! Worst case, you can just ask her. That's better than nothing! Talk to her best friend, her mother, brothers, sisters - anyone - to find out what her interests and hobbies are, and what her passions were when she was younger. Maybe she wanted a rocking horse as a little girl ... In that case you can take her on a date to a toy museum, or buy a poster of a rocking horse, or go pony riding! Finding out about these little details and then coming up with thoughtful gifts or activities is guaranteed to impress her.
  4. Show your ambition. Women find men who pursue their dreams and demand more from life very attractive. Because of this, they will not worry that you are a loser for whom they have to take care of. If you're a little complacent about life, try taking a different tack. Try to pursue something that sparks your passion for life.
    • Consider a new career or go back to college.
  5. Ask her for advice and follow it. Women often think that no one is waiting for their opinion, and that no one takes that opinion to heart. When you ask her for advice, subtly let her know that you think she is wise and competent. Actually putting that advice into practice shows her that you respect her.
    • If a buddy of yours is having issues with their girlfriend and has asked you for advice, ask your girlfriend to share her opinion.
    • If you have problems with your boss, ask your girlfriend if she can advise you.
  6. Improve your skills in the bedroom. Everyone likes to think of themselves as a tiger between the sheets (and sometimes it is). However, it doesn't hurt to do a bit of research and try to hone your skills. Maybe you will learn a technique she finds irresistible. Putting her pleasure first, it is guaranteed to impress her.

Part 2 of 3: How to behave

  1. Focus on her. When you're with her, make sure she has 110% of your attention. Do not take phone calls, respond to text messages (especially from other women), etc. Do not flirt with other women, or dress to attract other women than her. Look her in the eye when she talks, and actively listen to her (respond to what she has to say and ask questions).
  2. Be courteous. True courtesy is when you show her true respect. Keep the door open for her, because that's fun. Defend her, because she doesn't have to defend herself from others. Take her side if your friends are acting like jerks. And do all of this without putting pressure on her or having any expectations. A good guy does these things because he should - not because he expects sex in return.
    • Women assume that men expect physical rewards for their good behavior. Prove she's wrong. This will surprise her and make her happy.
  3. Don't blame other people. Don't be rude to other people or insult them behind their backs. If you do, she may get the impression that you are doing the same to her. She will be especially impressed if you act like the adult; if you don't stoop to the level of others when they are mean to you, or if your friends are very immature.
  4. Be helpful and respectful of vulnerable people. It shows character to show respect even to the most vulnerable people around us. It's all too easy to be mean, or poke fun at the homeless, mentally challenged, waitresses, waiters, etc., and far too many people do that too. If you really want to make it clear to her that you are a good kid, always be nice to these people and help them out where possible.
    • Always give a reasonable tip. In the Netherlands, the amounts are usually rounded up, and the tip percentage is usually 5 and 10%.
  5. Be good with children. Most of the time, men are expected to be not that good with children. So if you get along great with kids (even if you're not that big of a childhood friend), she'll be impressed. Learn to play with children, but remember, often they just want to play the same "pretend" games you used to do. So bring out your inner pirate, and you'll have the time of your life with them in no time.

Part 3 of 3: Romantic gestures

  1. Become the king of compliments. Say goodbye to the so-called "backhanded compliments" and compliments that irritate her: you will be the king of compliments. Always focus on giving sincere compliments. Avoid compliments you could give any girl and other standard compliments ("you have beautiful eyes," for example). Try to be specific and focus on the values ​​she can value herself. Also, try to compliment only things she has control over.
    • If you compliment her on her body (which she has limited control over, and could one day lose), she will become neurotic. She's going to worry about what you'll think of her if she put some weight on. She will start to think that her body is the only thing you appreciate about her.
    • Rather, compliment her on her intelligence, her wit, her kindness, or her determination.
  2. Make her something. Make a present for your girlfriend yourself. You can find lots of great ideas here on wikiHow. If you can't find anything you like, you can also check it out on Pinterest. Homemade gifts show your creativity and your deep feelings for her.
    • If you want to try to make something, it doesn't have to be difficult. You can make her a keepsake box containing receipts, photos, and movie tickets. This is guaranteed to move her.
  3. Make a compilation CD. If you have two left hands, you can also make a compilation CD for her. The mix tapes from a bygone era are unfortunately no longer, but CDs and MP3 of course still are. Create a playlist that tells the story of your feelings for her. Start with your first meeting, and end with the present (or the future).
    • Good songs include Billy Joel's "For the Longest Time", Frankie Valli's "You're Just Too Good to Be True," and the Beach Boys "God Only Knows.
  4. Send her a bunch of flowers. Send her a bunch of flowers that she will receive at work or at school. With this you show your affection in front of a lot of other people. It will certainly impress her.
    • Leave the roses alone and opt for a less standard flower that reminds you of her.
  5. Treat her to a beauty treatment. Grab warm massage oil, candles, good music, and give her a full body massage. She will be like wax in your hands and impressed with your dedication.
  6. Make her breakfast. Or any meal, actually. Preparing a nice meal, especially if you don't normally cook, will not only take pressure off her shoulders, but also bring a great surprise. Here on wikiHow you can find a lot of recipes. And everyone is impressed with breakfast in bed.
    • For example, bake a chicken fillet from the oven, or make a delicious fruit salad.
  7. Put love notes everywhere. Grab a block of Post-Its and write little love notes on each sheet. Put the notes everywhere and nowhere! Hide some, leave others clearly visible. You can put them in the kitchen cupboards, in the box of muesli, on the mirror in the bathroom, in her purse, in the book on her nightstand - anywhere!
    • Write things like "With you my life is better" and "My heart breaks a little every day as we say goodbye."
  8. Go camping at home. Organize a romantic date at home! Set up a tent in the middle of the living room. Light the fireplace and bake marshmallows and hot dogs. Turn off the lights, open all the windows so that it gets really cold, and cuddle up under a rug. Pure romance, without all the fuss of real camping.


  • Stop smoking. It's really bad for you, and a huge turnoff.
  • Be there for her for better or for worse. She will reflect that same care and appreciation on you.
  • Share special moments you shared ... This will make her feel appreciated.
  • Dress well. Adjust your clothes to the situation. Try not to be too sloppy about it. Smelling good is also a plus!
  • Whatever you do, be honest.
  • Find out about her family. This will impress both her and her parents when you first meet them.
  • If the girl in question cares about your grades, do your homework, and learn for your tests!
  • Give her nice compliments. Why not more often?
  • Ask her what she likes about you.


  • Don't be a typical guy. Do your best to do special things for her, but don't become that scary guy who calls her every ten minutes and ruins her life.
  • Don't try to dominate her.