Satisfying your boyfriend sexually and emotionally

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Men Consider Great Sex - 4 Secrets!
Video: What Men Consider Great Sex - 4 Secrets!


It's not always easy to make your friend emotional and sexually satisfying. If you want to make your friend happy emotionally, you need to meet his needs and know when to give him space. Making your boyfriend sexually happy requires that you try new things, dare to do things and be adventurous. But the most important thing is that you you feel happy while trying to please your partner. If you want to know how to please your husband emotionally and sexually in a relationship, simply follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Satisfying your friend emotionally

  1. Get to know your friend's moods. Men can have their moods just like women. If you want to make your friend emotionally happy, you need to get to know his moods and know what to do depending on how he feels. The more time you spend with your husband, the better you will get to know his moods, and the sooner you will know how to best deal with them. Here are some things to keep in mind as you get to know your partner's moods:
    • Try to sense when he's worrying and wants to be left alone, or when he's angry or tense and needs you to comfort him and talk to him about it - if you're confusing these two moods, then you make sure that you oppress him or, on the contrary, alienate him from him.
    • If he's irritated, after a ride in heavy traffic, or after a sports game that didn't go well, take it easy. It is then not the moment when you start cuddling with him or gossiping about your friends.
    • If you want to have a serious conversation with your boyfriend, wait until he's in the mood. Because if you try to talk about a serious topic of conversation when he's stressed and worried enough already, you won't get the desired result.
  2. Support and stimulate him. Satisfying your husband emotionally requires that you know how to support him - and that you mean it. You can support him by letting him know how amazing, talented, or funny he is, and you can help him achieve his dreams and goals. Don't compliment him if you don't really mean it - it's important that you're sincere when you're helping him move forward in his life.
    • For example, if an important sports game is coming up, bake him cookies or give him a call the night before the game so he knows you care.
    • When he has an important test or an important event coming up, compliment him and let him know how special he is so that he feels good about himself.
  3. Let him know how much you like him - without going overboard. If you want to make a man happy emotionally, it's important that he knows how you feel about him - whether you love him or just really like him. When you say goodbye to your boyfriend, let him know that you love or like him, and try to at least compliment him every time you see each other. You can easily let him know how much he means to you, without immediately oppressing him or exaggerating too much.
    • You don't have to send 20 messages a day letting him know how cool you think he is, or how much you long to see him - because that seems too much to him.
    • Make sure the attention is mutual. If you always let him know how much you love him and you don't get a reciprocal response, you might have a problem.
  4. Don't be too clingy. If you want to satisfy your husband emotionally, know how to be there for him when he needs it, and when to leave him alone, and give him space when he needs it. If you're too clingy, then you want to be with him 24/7, you don't want him spending time with his friends, and then you get in touch with him every fifteen seconds you're away from him. But nobody wants that, right? Indeed, no one.
    • No matter how serious your relationship is, you don't have to be together every night. Enjoy an evening with your friends, and let him go out with his friends without making a problem of it.
    • If you're not together for a day, you can get in touch with him once or twice, but don't call him every hour, especially if you know he's with his friends, as that can be irritating.
    • If you really want to stop being clingy, develop your own interests, have a passion, and live your own life independently. You can enjoy being with your boyfriend, but your life shouldn't revolve around him.
  5. Learn how to compromise. If you want to make your partner emotionally happy, you need to be able to compromise if you disagree with them. Keep in mind that both of you can get your way, or you can come out somewhere in the middle so that you can both accomplish something that makes each of you happy. Learning to compromise means knowing how to take your own wishes and those of your friend into account when making a decision.
    • You can also take turns giving each other the sentence - for example, you can choose the restaurant for your night out, and he can do the movie.
    • Don't be the girl who always gets her way because her boyfriend finds it easier to have her way than to compete with her.
    • In a good relationship, both partners are willing to compromise.
    • Learn how to have a quiet conversation, instead of shouting when you disagree.
  6. Don't argue with each other. Men hate it when you argue with them for no reason, whine, or blame them. If there is something important that you want to discuss with him, do it at a reasonable time and place where you can have a quiet conversation; don't yell at him in public, or expect him to respond. Learn not to raise your voice if you don't agree with him, instead of talking way too loud.
    • If you find yourself wanting to argue, ask yourself why you want to argue, and what makes you so angry about it. Find a way in which you can discuss the topic with him in an adult way.
  7. Don't ask if he's angry if he's just in a bad mood. This is a common mistake women make. If your friend is obviously in a bad mood and you don't quite know why - or even if you do know why - and you know you can't change it, you may be tempted to ask, "Are you? mad at me? Did I say something wrong? " If he has no reason to be angry with you and he is already in a bad mood, this will only make him feel worse.
    • Know that sometimes there are situations that you just can't control. If he's having a bad day, he's just having a bad day - his life isn't about you.
  8. Don't forget to have fun together. Some women are so busy trying to have the perfect relationship that they completely forget to relax with their loved one, get crazy, and just have fun with their partner. While a relationship means building a strong bond together and nurturing both of you through the relationship, a relationship also means that you can laugh, act silly, and have a good time together without trying too hard. must do for. If you and your boyfriend don't laugh a lot together, then he can't be really satisfied emotionally.
    • Don't worry about planning a perfect night out or the perfect romantic activity for the two of you. You can have the most fun renting a corny movie together, going to a mall together, or taking an unexpected ride to the beach.

Method 2 of 3: Satisfying your boyfriend sexually

  1. Know how to touch him. If you want to be able to sexually satisfy your boyfriend, then you need to know how to turn him on with your touch. Every man is different, but there are many places where most men would like to be touched to get in the right mood. Here are some places to try:
    • Touch him behind his ear, or whisper in his ear, letting your lips go along the inside of his ear.
    • Kiss his neck and neck, and bite him very gently there.
    • Give him a sensual shoulder massage and see if that leads to more.
    • Caress the back of his head gently while kissing.
    • Put your hand on his lower back when you talk.
    • Place your hand firmly on his chest.
  2. Try out new positions. If you want your husband to feel sexually satisfied, you can't keep doing the same thing over and over. It's important that you experiment and try new positions - as long as you feel good about them, of course. If you always kiss in the same position, that is, that he is on top of you, try doing it the other way around so that you are the one on top of him - and that includes making love.
    • Keep in mind that not everything you try will be great - just be open to new things. You can fall back on the positions you know and try new things in between.
    • Put him in charge. He might know what he wants to do with you. If not, you can be the first to try something new.
  3. Try out new places in the house together. If you want to satisfy your husband sexually, don't always go to the same place in bed. Try out various places in your house or apartment, and explore every nook and cranny with your bodies. Do not hesitate to make love outdoors, whether in a nearby hotel or on a romantic vacation together.
    • Don't underestimate the cliché of kissing in the cinema. Kissing in the car is also a classic place that works well.
    • Be playful when you are in public with each other. Find a deserted and romantic place and have fun with your friend.
  4. Be adventurous. If you want to please your boyfriend sexually, then you have to be a little adventurous. This means that you dare to discover new places and that you want to try new things if you are in the right mood. If you're feeling adventurous, you'll want to try out new things together, such as nude swimming, kissing on the beach, and even making out all night during your weekend mountain hiking.
    • Don't think about the reasons why you shouldn't try something new - instead, try to think about why it might be fun.
    • Unexpectedly go away for a weekend together. Pick a spot on the map and drive to that spot. Have fun together as you explore that new place - and each other's bodies.
  5. Take the plunge. Taking the plunge is also a way of sexually pleasing your man. If you want to be bold, you need to let your partner know what you want when you want it. Take charge for an evening and drag him into the bedroom, telling him very clearly what to do. Or wind him up in the middle of a party or at a busy cafe by whispering "I want you," and telling him it's time to go home and have sex.
    • Your partner will appreciate your boldness and honesty, and that will only turn him on more.
    • If you're in the right mood, go for it. When you get that wonderful feeling of wanting to be together when your loved one is taking a shower, just slip into the bathroom and enjoy soap, foam, and each other.
  6. Dare to be sexy too. Your boyfriend will love it if you dare to be sexy every now and then. If you are sexy, then you are not afraid to let go sexually. Following are some ways to be sexy:
    • Go to a sex shop and buy some whips, sex toys and sexy clothes, no matter how ridiculous you may think it is.
    • Invest in very sexy see-through lingerie.
    • Have fun talking dirty on the phone or texting so that your friend thinks of you when you're not around. He will love it.

Method 3 of 3: Make sure he stays satisfied

  1. Keeping your relationship exciting. If you want to satisfy your partner emotionally and sexually, you shouldn't get stuck in the same routine, even if you've been together for years. Make an effort to keep your relationship exciting and fresh or you'll lose interest in each other. Here are some ways you can do that:
    • At least once a month, do something together that you've never done before. That could be mountain climbing, mountain biking or, for example, playing volleyball on the beach.
    • Take a dance class together. By dancing salsa or ballroom dancing you make physical contact with each other in a fluid way, and you explore new ways of being together physically.
    • Make sure to compliment your friend differently every week. You can always think of things you like about him.
    • Play hard to get once in a while, because he shouldn't think he can be with you any time he wants to.
    • Know that he always has to do his best to win you over. He would have to work just as hard to conquer you as he did when he met you.
  2. Don't be jealous. The easiest way to ruin a relationship is to be jealous for no reason. When you're jealous, it just makes your boyfriend frustrated and irritated, and makes him feel like you feel insecure in the relationship, making you suspicious of him and thinking he might be cheating on you. If you can't stand it when your boyfriend talks to another girl, or even just refers to a girl, even if that's innocent, then you need to work on keeping your jealousy in check, and then you need to make your loved one feel like you trust him.
    • If you are always gossiping or saying negative things about other girls in your area, your lover will not be impressed with you.
    • When you're in a healthy relationship, then you know there are a lot of attractive specimens of the opposite sex out there, and then you know you're not going to go after them. If you think your boyfriend can't be in the presence of a beautiful girl without wanting to hook up with her, then you have a problem.
  3. Don't try to change him. If you don't like your boyfriend the way he is - to an extent - why should you actually stick with him? It's okay if you want your boyfriend to put in a little more effort for you, by asking if he isn't late for a date, or by asking if he doesn't take three hours to answer your call, but it's no good to want to change the way your boyfriend looks, or the way he dresses, thinks, and talks, so that he fits your idea of ​​what the 'perfect man' is. It will only irritate your boyfriend, feel like he can't be himself, and think you don't like him the way he is.
    • If your friend is exhibiting behavior that is undesirable, then it is okay to report it. But if you make every little thing a problem, from the way he eats to how he ties his shoes, he'll feel like you're whining about everything.
    • Nobody is perfect. Recognize that there are things about your boyfriend that you may not find ideal - and that it is okay to find them.
  4. Give your friend space. Even if you've been in a relationship for years, it's still important to remember to give your partner space - even if you share a home and bed. You and your husband should also be able to spend time apart so that the relationship is only stronger when you see each other again and so that you can appreciate how important the other person is over and over again.
    • If you let your boyfriend do things he likes to do on the weekend, or go to the pub for Friday drinks with his colleagues without you being there all the time, or take a weekend away so he can go to his family it is a sign of maturity and confidence.
    • If you feel like you need to be with him all the time, or if you can't have fun on your own, then you won't be able to make your partner happy for very long.
  5. Make yourself happy. While it is important that you satisfy your partner emotionally and sexually, it is equally important that you feel emotionally and sexually fulfilled in the relationship. It is not a woman's job to walk on tiptoe to please your loved one and always make sure their needs are met - a strong relationship is characterized by mutual love, appreciation, and acceptance. If you feel like you are always thinking about what your partner wants instead of listening to your own needs, then you have a problem.
    • While it is impossible for your loved one and you to always be emotionally and sexually satisfied, you should feel happy most of the time in the relationship for the relationship to last successfully.


  • Men really want to be heard and taken seriously during an argument, and for that reason sometimes say something very hurtful to you, so that you finally listen to him: so stop talking about how you feel, listen to him and then you will be hurt a lot less!
  • Don't try to spare him too much.
  • Men hate it when you expect them to call or text you all the time. Keep your calls short if you notice he is in a bad mood or irritated by the call. It can really piss off men; so give him more space.
  • Don't see the place where he likes to go without you as a bad thing! Don't you also have a place where you like to go if you want to escape from everyday life? Well, that's exactly what a man needs when you keep whining. In most cases, a man then visits a cafe with his friends.
  • A man can be very turned off by a lack of intelligence or common sense. Women, learn how to turn on a computer or the TV yourself. If you are not sure how to do that, you can still go to the website you are visiting right now!


  • It must be said that men quickly forget about daily recurring irritations. But if he keeps not getting his way, his sex drive may become stronger; after all, he wants to assert himself!