Discover your talents

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Questions That’ll Help You Discover Your Unique Talent
Video: 7 Questions That’ll Help You Discover Your Unique Talent


Our perception of ourselves is very complex. Ironically, we are often blind to the things we do best. It can be very difficult to determine what our greatest talents are and we often find them in the places where we least expect them. In fact, we can be very good at things that we usually think of as being bad at. There are many good reasons to want to explore your talents, but it will take some work.

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Part 1 of 2: Self-reflection

  1. Open your thoughts to all possible paths. Since you are likely blind to certain talents that you really have, opening your mind to the possibilities is a good way to start evaluating your talents. Don't forget that talent is more than just playing the guitar or dancing like a pro. Talents come in all shapes and sizes and can be found in all areas of life.
    • For example, being able to read people's emotions is a very useful talent.
  2. Look back to your past. As you reflect on yourself in your quest for your talent, start by looking at your past. Look at the things you have done. Things you enjoyed a lot. Look at those moments when you exulted. Ask yourself questions like "What am I most proud of what I did?" Or "When was I so proud that I didn't care what others thought?"
    • A good thing to think about is your childhood. What did you do a lot as a child? What did you enjoy? What were you known for? Sometimes this can reveal our strongest talents and certainly interests that can be further explored. Think about your hobbies because they shape your personality. Those are the things you do regularly and your hidden talent is what you can do better than other things, so focus on your hobbies and how you do them step by step.
    • Another thing you can think about are those moments in your life when you have been challenged. Think about the difficult situations you have faced. Times of trial can often reveal hidden talents. For example, the time your father had a heart attack, you kept your cool and called 911. Staying alert and calm in an emergency is a very useful talent.
  3. Think about what you enjoy doing. The things that make you happier often also say something about your talents. Think about the things you enjoy doing. Do people ever compliment you on that? Do they ever ask you to help with that? You may not think of it as a talent, but it is.
    • Do you ever lose track of time? You start with something and you don't even notice that time has passed? This can be a hint to your talent. Maybe time passed by itself when you were making a mod for your favorite video game. This could be one of your talents.
    • Listen to the way you speak. Have you ever noticed that you can't stop talking about a particular topic that is very important to you? This can be another clue as to the talent you have.
    • Write down everything you like. This will help you see what things you really enjoy doing and give you a chance to think about why you like these things. For example, you can enjoy playing fantasy football or walking in nature. Doing these things will allow you to use the special knowledge you have on these topics.
  4. Evaluate what you are good at. Now it is a huge difference between what you enjoy doing and what you are good at. Perhaps when you think of talent, you only think of the things that you enjoy doing, but it is important to realize that we often have talent for something that we don't enjoy or think about at all. This is why it is important to take a closer look at what you are really good at.
    • Think about those things that come easily to you. Things you don't have to struggle with. Do you ever find yourself saying to someone, "Don't care, it's easier if I do it" or "Come on, let me help you with that"? Do you find yourself correcting people? This type of behavior is often an indication of something you are good at and know a lot about.
  5. Think about times when you are successful. Look back at your life and think about times when you really felt successful, when you could almost burst with pride in your success. This can indicate a talent you have.
    • For example, maybe you've helped your boss rearrange and organize his office and helped make things at work run much smoother. Being able to organize is a useful talent.
  6. Write your life story. This exercise can reveal not only your talents, but also talent you should consider developing. Write about your childhood, what you used to enjoy doing before and after school, what your favorite topics were. Write about growing up. About where you are in your life now. Then write about the future. Write about where you want to go. Write about what you want people to say at your funeral.
    • This exercise reveals your priorities and what you really think is important about yourself.
    • It can also reveal what you want to get out of life and help focus on talents that you should cultivate if you want to make your dreams come true.
  7. Ask your surroundings. Their perspective can make it easier for other people to see what you are good at. People around you will be happy to tell you what they think are your strengths. Make sure you talk to people who know you well, as well as people who hardly know you. Both view you in different ways and the difference they see can tell you even more about yourself.

Part 2 of 2: Experiencing life

  1. Take time for new things. Your life needs time to discover your talents! Spending the rest of your day on the couch after school or work or partying all weekend will leave little time to discover yourself. Your talent often lies in activities that you have not tried yet, and if you don't make time for them, you will never grow above the person you are now.
    • Think about how what you are doing right now. Weigh your priorities and find things to leave out so that you have more time for new experiences.
  2. Make time for yourself. While other people can help you discover your talents, it is also important to take time only for yourself. Discovering yourself also requires a lot of self-reflection, but if you spend all of your time watching movies with your friends, you probably won't need enough time to really understand yourself. Take a few days of rest just for yourself and spend them on new activities.
  3. Build on your existing skills. You probably already have a number of other skills. Any skill you possess can be turned into a real talent, but you will need to take time to really develop it and really work on experiencing all the different activities associated with a particular talent. You may have only experienced a small aspect of a potential talent and you will need to gain a lot more experience to really cultivate it.
    • For example, say you are pretty good at interior design. In any case, your room will look nice. Well, try to turn that skill into a full-blown talent. Learn about interior design, try out some software and set up an amazingly beautiful Pinterest. By investing in this skill and exploring it further, you can develop a common skill into a talent.
  4. Try to do things you have never tried before. Sometimes we make ourselves believe that we cannot do certain things. Maybe we think we are not good enough or not smart enough. Usually we don't see ourselves as "such a person".But the problem is, you don't know if you are that person until you have started to be that person. You have to give life a chance to surprise you. You are much more amazing and interesting than you estimate yourself. Dare to try something completely different from anything you've ever tried.
    • For example, go rock climbing. Or snorkeling. Write a book. Start your own business. Things like this work, but for a lot of people it is the very essence of who they are.
    • It is a good idea to also bring along things that you know you can already do well. You may enjoy coming up with activities for children. That could mean that you are likely to be relaxed and calm by nature. This could be an indication that you may excel at working with animals, which requires similar skills.
  5. Take a course on topics you are interested in. If there is a topic that interests you and you are considering developing it further into a talent, think about taking classes. By gathering more information about it and discovering what that experience really is like, you can find out if you have the talent for it. It also helps you gain the basic skills to start developing your talent, if you decide it is something you want to do.
    • You can take classes online for free through websites like Coursera, EdX, and University of the People, if you don't have access to education. If you do have the money and the time to spend on education, try evening classes, a correspondence course or go back to school.

    Travel to gain experience. Traveling is one of the most impressive experiences you can have. It will challenge you and teach you more about yourself than you ever thought possible. But don't just take the easy route of a cruise or group tour. Go alone. Go somewhere you've never been before. Immerse yourself in the experience. Try new things. You will notice how you will struggle with certain things, but there are also other activities that you will do with ease or that will make you happier.

    • Traveling seems expensive but it depends on where you are going, when and what you are going to do. It does not have to be a very expensive undertaking. You can also stay closer to home without sacrificing the benefits of traveling. For example, go to Germany or France, or travel backpacking through Scandinavia.
  6. Take on challenges. When we have to struggle, when we have been removed from our usual comfortable environment, that is when we learn the most about ourselves. When you don't take on challenges by holding on to a quiet life where you almost never get out of the house, or even retreat when the going gets tough or running away from your troubles, you're depriving yourself of the chance to shine. Allow yourself to be surprised by challenges, try to overcome your problems, and get out to enjoy your life a little more so that you have a chance to face challenges that you will encounter.
    • For example: your grandmother has become ill and needs help. Try to help her. You may find that you are very good at connecting with and helping the elderly.
  7. Volunteer to shift your perspective. If you stay within your own world it can be difficult to see other possibilities: The possibilities of who you are and could be. When you help others in a significant way that has an impact, you can start to see yourself in a whole new light. Your priorities will shift. You may even get the chance to star in a talent you didn't know you had, or you may develop new talents through the work you do.
    • For example: Parks often need people to weed or create playgrounds. You can volunteer and discover that you are good at recognizing plants, woodworking, reading building plans or organizing and motivating people.


  • And above all, be yourself; Don't worry about what people will think of you.
  • You are who you are and that's all you have to be. Don't show off your talents.
  • Talk to your friends and ask them what they think is good qualities about you.
  • Help a friend find his / her talent. Who knows, you might also find your own talent!


  • Whatever you do does not harm others.